#ghibli art

I just really love ghibli movies ok….they´re the only thing in the world that gives me happin

I just really love ghibli movies ok….they´re the only thing in the world that gives me happiness so thank you Hayao Miyazaki and here´s a sad ghibli boy that i drew. Pls enjoy my dudes

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Which Studio Ghibli Movie Best Suits You , Based on Your Zodiac Sign?


Howl’s Moving Castle

Green is my favorite colour. Sage green tbh.

Also, Studio Ghibli has a soothing effect .Don’t you agree?!

Seiji Amasawa.

That’s it. That’s the post.

(he’s one of my favorite Studio Ghibli characters )


Do you guys remember when Sophie tells Howl to find her in the future and the first thing Howl says to her is “There you are sweetheart , I’ve been looking for you everywhere”

(I can’t with these two )
