



One of you beeches asked for a soulmate au between Billy and a girl who reads weird comics….lets fucking go. I lost the ask, so like ye. MY BAD BRUH

HELLO FRIENDS, I HAVE HEALED!! Idk why but I might be having a bad reaction to something in my room…so I’m cleaning the everloving FUCK out of it.


Also in one of these scenes it is implied you’re wearing a skirt, but some people hate skirts so feel free to use your imagination to your advantage!


“Whatever you feel, you soulmate feels!” 

You watched with a polite smile as your friend beamed about finding her soulmate one day in the book store. She was on the moon and telling everyone exactly how it felt.

“How romantic!” Bella sighed.

“I hope I meet mine soon.” Cameron swooned, fanning herself.

“What about you, Y/N? Are you excited to meet yours?” Cheryl asked, leaning into her palm. 

“Um…I don’t know.” you shrugged. “I don’t know if I believe in all of that.” you smiled sadly.

“Hey! It happened to me!” she grabbed your hand. “ I guarantee that you will meet him TODAY!”

As much as you wanted to believe her, part of you couldn’t. You nodded anyways. 

“Here comes Prescott and her henchmen.” Bella groaned. You followed the glares of your friends to see Sidney Prescott and her friends all walking through the quad. You didn’t think anything of it…until.

“Ouch!” you suddenly felt a slight pain on your finger. 

“Y/N! You have a papercut!” Cameron grabbed your hand. “How did that happen!”


“SHIT!” Billy threw down the book in annoyance. “Fucking papercut!”

“Be careful!” Sidney sighed. “You hate books so much that they decided to turn against you.” she laughed.

“Very funny.” he seethed. “How can paper be fucking sharp!”

“Someone get Y/N a band-aid! That doesn’t look good!”

The quintet (group of 5 for those of you who didn’t know) watched as Cameron Browne frantically went around asking everyone if they had a bandage. She quickly returned to your side, grabbing your hand and putting the bandaid on for you. “How did that even happen?”

“Y/N you need to be more careful!”

“What’s so great about her? Everyone likes her.” Randy scoffed. “I don’t see the hype!”

“She’s the nicest girl in school! Watch this!” Stu hopped up and jogged over. 

Hey ladies!” he spoke loud enough so everyone could hear. “I’m afraid the vending machine ate my dollar! May I borrow one from one of you beautiful ladies? I’d be so grateful.”

The remaining four watched as you were the first one to hold out a crisp new dollar. “Here! Don’t worry about paying me back.”

“Thanks beautiful.” he winked before skipping back over. “See!” Stu shrugged as he returned to his friends. “She’s probably even be nice to Billy of all people!” he cackled. Billy looked between his hand and you. They all watched as you got up with your trash.

“I like your shirt.” you smiled kindly at Randy. “And your hair.” you spoke as you walked past.

“Really?” Randy dumbly smiled as if he wasn’t just dogging you two seconds ago. “Okay, maybe she is great.” he swooned as you skipped back to your friends. “She’s purdy too.”

“We’ll see about that.” Billy silently promised himself, paying close attention to you.

Later on, you were browsing through the book/video store, beelining for your favorite section.

“Come on, come on, come on!” you grumbled. “YES!” you cheered. “Princess Angel Mouse Saves The World!” you snatched the manga off the shelf. 

“Princess Angel Mouse?” you heard from behind you. Billy Loomis was standing there with a bundle of movies in his arms with a receipt taped to the top. “What’s next? Glitter and tea parties?”

“It’s really good.” you smiled. “It’s about a demon princess whose family was banished by humanity-”

“So she turns into a magical girl?” he laughed.

“No…she takes everything she learned from horror movies and went on a bloody rampage.” you said timidly. “Look.”

Billy looked at the cover. Issue #3 Princess Angel Mouse Saves the World: A Life Lesson From Her Friend Mr.Vorehees.

“As in Jason Vorehees?” Billy looked up at you.

“Mhm!!” you nodded excitedly. “In this issue she learns how to teleport!” you beamed. “She can go into media and use her powers to befriend anyone! A-and there’s supposed to be a huge fight scene where she goes on a bloodbath, I haven’t been able to hunt down this issue for weeks. It’s perfect for my collection.”

Billy’s jaw almost dropped. He didn’t expect you to be into horror shit. It was like somehow fate knew Billy would be at that exact store to pick up Special Edition versions of his favorite movies.

“See you around!” you smiled. As you walked off you bumped into a display, banging your leg on the table! “OW! I’m okay!!”

‘Son of a bitch!’ Billy silently cursed, feeling the pain in his knee well up intensely…now he knew. The next question was what was he gonna do about it. (Read more below the cut)

You were sitting in your bedroom, finishing up your homework. You yawned as you threw down the pencil. “Homework done…time for blood.” you snatched your newest issue of Princess Angel Mouse. “Yay!!” you squealed. It was only then you noticed your phone buzzing.

Unknown Number.

“Pass.” you hummed. “I don’t answer unknown numbers, random guy.” you scoffed, throwing your phone back down. A few minutes passed before it rang again. Same unknown number. 

“Who the fuck- Hello?” you annoyedly answered the phone. “Can I help you?”

“Hello Y/N.” an unfamiliar voice answered. “I was wondering when you’d answer the phone and put that book of yours.”

“Who are you and why are you calling me?” you asked boredly.

“Can’t we just talk?”


“Hang up and I’ll kill Cameron Browne.”

Before you could put down the phone, the threat came clear as day.

“What do you want?” you glowered.

“Turn towards the window…”

Billy watched as you stared in horror at the sight of him in his Ghostface costume. He climbs through the window, looking like a straight-up demon.

You nearly dropped the phone, taking a few steps back. You could have ran off, you could have screamed. However, you knew that either of those options could have ended in you or someone you loved dying. You could only step back as Billy stalked up to you.

Billy glared down at you through his mask. It was now or never. The final test. He had to know…He raised his knife above your head and cut your shoulder blade.

“FUCK THAT HURTS!” You both yelped. “Huh?” you repeated again.

“Why would cutting me hurt YOU?!” you snapped. ”YOU FUCKING PSYCHO.” you held held down on your wound with your sleeve to stop the bleeding, luckily he didn’t cut that deep…but it made you wonder why he didn’t kill you. It was only then you noticed it.

He was bleeding too.

It was seeping through his flimsy, obviously store-bought costume.

“You should know the answer to that.” he glowered.

“Oh no…oh no.” you shook your head. “That isn’t real.” you tried to deny backing away.

“Lying to yourself won’t change it…I’ve tried.” Ghostface sighed. “Y/N.”

“You know my name…” you narrowed your eyebrows. “Who are you.”

He suddenly dropped the knife, and kicked it away from you both. “See for yourself.”

“How do I know you aren’t hiding something under your costume?” you glared.

The figure only spread his arms wide as if he was expecting a hug. You used your remaining strength to stand to your feet. You grabbed the edge of his mask and quickly yanked it off before jumping back.

The figure took off his hood and finally revealed himself.

Sidney Prescott’s weird and slightly greasy boyfriend?

“Billy?” you raised an eyebrow. “You’re ghostface?….NO PAUSE YOU’RE GHOSTFACE!” you began freaking out. 

“Okay let’s not get into that right now.” he put his hands up in defense. “Y/N-”

“No!…You killed my lab partner, MY FRIENDS-”

“Would you believe if I told you it was in a desperate attempt to find my soulmate?”


Billy had to hold in his laughter, you were so cute when you were scared. The way your voice slightly cracked. But it was true though. How could he get you to see that?

“You don’t have to believe me…”

“Good, because I don’t…that means you attacked Sidney.” you suddenly remembered back to when she came to school and was surrounded by the news vans and that slimy reporter.


“No!” you gasped. “Y-you can’t be my soulmate. I don’t even believe in that shit”

“Yeah because me with a huge cut in my shoulder identical to yours wasn’t proof enough.” he joked. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be snappy…you don’t have to believe me right now, but think about it.”

You beelined through the school halls, you were almost successful. It was the last hours of school and you had planned to skip the rest of the day. You had been grabbed by the arm and pulled into a classroom. You were wide eyed and surprised to find Billy looming above you. It was completely empty.

“Wait, what?” you breathed as you were pushed against the classroom wall. “Billy what are you-”

Billy ushered a kiss on you, pinning your hands above your head. He pushed his body against yours. 

“Hmm!~” you were taken aback.

“I wanted to know if it felt as good as I pictured in my head.” he breathed as he broke away. “Y/N, you know what it means-”

“You’re a murderer.” you snapped. “Stay away from me.”

“You can’t avoid me. I’ll just keep breaking in.”

“Leave me alone.” you tried to turn around.

“I know you feel it too!…That day when you cut your finger…it was me who got the papercut that day…I felt when you hit your leg at the video store…and I felt when I cut your shoulder.”

You didn’t want to admit it, mostly because it was too much. “You’re my soulmate Y/N…you can’t deny it.”

“Why…did it have to be you?” you shook your head. “You’re just sick-”

“But at least I’m honest about it…” he sighed. “How many people can say that Y/N…you’re thinking about it too.” 

“and just how would you know?”

“Because you haven’t tried to push me away.”

You slowly turned back around to face Billy. God damnit, he was so attractive. “Kiss me.”

“HUH?!” you looked him up and down. 

“Kiss me…and if you don’t feel anything. I’ll leave you alone, as myself and as Ghostface…I’ll forget this whole soulmate thing too…no matter how much it kills me.”

You looked him up and down again, he was completely serious. You grabbed him by the collar and stood on your tip toes. “I’m gonna regret this.” you whispered.

You pulled him down to your height and kissed him. Billy took this as a chance to tighten his arms around you and embrace you in his arms. You didn’t know what you were feeling. A mixture of his passion and your indifference. His want and your hesitance. 

Billy felt it too. He felt your indifference towards him, he didn’t realize that you felt that strongly. It wasn’t just him but the soulmate thing as a whole. To say he was happy to feel your hate towards him morphe into something else, he was happy. The only time in his life he had ever felt truly and irreversibly happy.

You pulled away from him, gasping for air. “Woah!” you touched your lips. 

“..So?…what will it be?” 

 “Tell me something…does Sidney know?”

“Know? That I’m ghostface? Hell no-”

“Not that.” you sighed. 

“Oh…then what?” he raised an eyebrow.

“That’s she’s about to lose her boyfriend.” 

Billy couldn’t help the smirk that rose on his face. How could you be so shy but so cute. He gently pushed you back up against the door, covering your lips with his again.

You almost squealed as he hoisted you up. You had to wrap your legs around his torso to stay vertical. You tightened your arms around his neck in the process of him moving his arms to yank off his jacket.

“We are so screwed if we get caught.” you murmured. You almost gasped, feeling him grind his groin against you. 

Billy invaded your mouth with his tongue. “You might be as crazy as me you know.” he commented, trailing kisses down your neck. “I have to cut you in order to prove you’re my soulmate.” he shook his head. “If it means anything, I thought the shit was fake too.”

“I just didn’t think you of all people.” you tried to get out the words. “I sure as hell didn’t think you’d accept me-”

“And why not?” he gazed into your eyes. “You’re perfect.” he bit his lips. “We don’t have much time. I want to do this right, but I can’t wait…so expect a visit from Ghostface later.”

“As long as you don’t wear the mask while we fuck.”

“Oh come on! Angel Mouse got to do it.” he whined. 

“I’m surprised you actually read it.” you giggled, feeling his mouth cover yours again. “You’re full of surprises, Billy.”

“Just you wait, princess.”
