#ghostface x reader


slashers react to you having strep throat


“so no head?”

Michael Myers


Jason Voorhees


Amanda Young

“aw you poor thing.” she tucks you into bed and makes you a nice bowl of asbestos soup.


“so awesome that you contract a disease that makes you unable to breathe. can I have it?”

Kurt Kunkle

“ok… well I can’t make good content with you sleeping… so can you please get over it?”

Cierra tus puertas.

No especifico ningún usuario/asesino de Ghostface, ¡así que puede ser quien gusten!<3. Esto es muy autocomplaciente basado en algo que me pasó, ah.

Advertencias; Lector con pronombres ellx. Lector de género no especificado. Amenazas de violencia. Mención de asesinos y más. Nada gráfico. Amenazas.

No eras ajenx a la realidad en la que vivías, a veces lo serias a tu entorno, pero sabías lo que en este acechaba. Asesinos, secuestradores, violadores, abusivos y toda clase de personas malvadas, ningún monstruo, solo personas. 

Pero aun así, aun así fuiste descuidx, tu casa no contaba con la seguridad necesaria para que la gente no pudiera entrar a tu patio, mantenias puertas y ventanas abiertas a todas horas, no pensabas que estuvieras en riesgo, al final de todo, sabías cómo responder, ¿verdad? 

Hasta que no sabías que hacer. Había sido una noche como otra, estabas colgando tu ropa recién lavada para que en la mañana estuviera seca y jugarías con tus mascotas. Luego, una luz blanca te alumbró de forma sucesiva y así de rápido cómo llegó, se fue. 

Nuevamente fuiste descuidx, te asomaste por tu pequeña barda buscando al culpable y al no ver a nadie en la oscuridad que rodeaba la loma tras tu casa, seguiste jugando hasta que los ruidos de alguien llamándote te alertaron. Eso junto a los ladridos de tus compañeros no ayudaron en el creciente nerviosismo en tu estómago.

Tomando una decisión sensata por primera vez, decidiste adentrarte en tu casa y cerrar cada posible entrada a desconocidos. Solo que, tal vez ya había entrado. 

Con las luces apagadas y tratando de subir las escaleras a tu habitación, tu andar fue irrumpido por un agresivo empuje al suelo y antes de poder defenderte, fuiste tomadx del cuello y puesto de espaldas contra los escalones. 

Sobre ti se cernía una gran figura, con la cercanía de dicha persona y la luz de tu habitación iluminando un poco las escaleras, podías vislumbrar la tan famosa máscara que atemorizaba a tu pequeña ciudad, Ghostface. La persona tras el disfraz movía la cabeza de un lado a otro cada poco tiempo, como si estuviera analizandote y cuestionandote, podría parecer adorable, si todo él no irradiará burla e intimidación. 

— Cariño, no deberías ser tan tonto.

El modulador de voz no debería sonar tan caliente, pero lo era y más cuando el cuchillo en su otra mano pasaba por todo tu cuerpo, sin cortar, como un recordatorio de quién era. 

— ¿Q-Qué?

No era una pregunta inteligente, pero tu cabeza comenzaba a dar vueltas por la sacudida anterior. 

— Eres mi juguete favorito, por lo tonto que eres. Dejándote como un plato para que cualquiera te agreda. 

— Yo no… ¡No es así! 

— Sh, sh, sh, callate, dulzura.– El agarre en tu cuello se apretó y el arma presionó contra tu muslo derecho, presionó lo suficiente para sentir algo caliente resbalar de el, te había cortado. — Eres solo míx para matar, así que empieza a cuidarte, si no quieres que sea más malo de lo que seré. 

Antes de poder decir algo más, él había desaparecido y la puerta de entrada fue cerrada con fuerza. Y  tratas de engañarte, como siempre, si lo ignoras no pasó y no pasará, sólo fue algo de tu imaginación. 

Nota de Autor, ignorar si desean: Antiayer en la noche estaba tendiendo ropa, mi papá en casa y solo mis perros, así que puede o no, que vi algo iluminarme mientras tendía y solo se me ocurrió asomarme en vez de hablarle a mi papá, lmao, también pude haber escuchado cosas, mmm. Soy muy descuidadx con mi seguridad y a veces tengo pequeñas alucinaciones, así qué, de ahí nació esto.




Warnings- Talk of gore, talks of murder, and girl power (you will see why), talk of sexual assault.

I have a whole lot of stuff to make up for giureghiegw


“Well look who it is!” Stu practically fell out of the sky. “The breadwinner!”

“Hello boys.” you smiled shyly. “What can I do for you?”

“Wondering if you’d hate us for visiting you at your job!” Billy winked. “I’ve always wanted to see you in action.”

You worked at a server at a hostess club, 4 nights a week. It was great because you’d go to your classes in the afternoon, and then you’d work nights, then sleep in the mornings. 

You needed to pay for college somehow and the money was nice. Not to mention the girls were like your second family.

“The last place I’d allow you people near is my job.” you grumbled flatly. “My work is off limits.”

“Oh come on!” Stu whined. “We wanna see you in action babe!”

“Like I said, no.” you looked between your two friends. “I don’t need you guys harassing my co-workers.”

“I mean…we’d only ever harass you.”

“Oh how considerate.” you laughed.

“When are you gonna stop being uptight and agree to move in with me?” Billy asked.

“And me!” Stu added.

You frowned. They had been asking for a while. You said no every time. But there was a good reason.

“When you guys learn how to pick up your dirty boxers every time I come over.” you laughed it off.

“Oh come on!” Stu kissed your temple. “You love us, Y/N! What kinda skeletons do you have in your closet?”

“If you only knew.”

“What do you mean by that-”

“I’m the proudest of my job.” you giggled. “I do a lot of weird things there…”

“Four beers for table 5!”

“I need 3 cocktails made for Party Room C!”

Both Billy and Stu walked through the packed bar. It was rumbling with life. So many different girls from waitresses to bartenders. You weren’t kidding when you said this place was ran by all women. Even the boss who loved to make appearances was a woman.

They were sat down by a timid looking girl, had their order taken by a girl with the muscles of a pro wrestler, and served by someone who could only be described as an Instagram Baddie. This place had it all. But where were you?

“Where is she?” Billy spoke over the loud music.

“No clue! She said she worked tonight!” Stu replied. “You think she got off early???”

As if the universe was listening, they sat you speed walking by, holding a huge ice tray under one arm and an ice pick in your other hand. Thanks to Billy and his keen eye, he saw red straining your left hand. Stu instantly peeped it too.

“Do you think she’s in trouble?” Stu whispered.

“I don’t know, but I don’t want to wait around to find out.” Billy opened his backpack to make sure his trusty mask was still in there. “Come on.” He slapped a 20 on the table and got up.

The two walked into the back alley of the bar, looking around for anything suspicious. They DIDN’T expect to see a group of girls in cute animal masks all circling a man tied to a chair.

“Did you grab her ass without permission.” a girl in a bunny mask asked.

“I did more than that.” the guy laughed. “Ask her yourself.”

A girl wearing a squirrel mask, punched him dead in the nose. A girl in a kitty mask, along with a girl in a puppy mask each took turns beating the man with baseball bats. 

Billy and Stu practically hugged the walls. What were they talking about??! Were these women crazy! Did the bar owner know this was happening on her property.

“W-what are you gonna do to me?!”

“We’re not gonna do anything.” the girls all chorused. “Ask her…”

Suddenly, a girl wearing a school uniform walked down the alleyway, as if it were a catwalk. She was totally oblivious of Billy and Stu on either side of her. She wore a mouse mask, and had an icepick in her hands. 

They both watched as this girl kicked the man’s chair back. Stu instantly recognized him as Robert Jones, from his biochem class. This girl raised her knife above her head and practically slaughtered the stranger.


Billy and Stu didn’t want to stick around to see what happened next…

“Whose that?!” another voice pierced through the air.

“Leave them!” another voice spoke. “They aren’t the issue right now.”

Billy had a thought, but it couldn’t have possibly been the truth.

“This just in! Robert Harry Jones, local college student’s body was found next to some train tracks this morning.” a newscaster stood outside the main building of the school. “His family says he was at a hostess shortly before he was found. Bar owner Kelly Kingsley states he had been a little too touchy with one of the girls and was escorted out. These killers have been dubbed Kitty Girl, Puppy Girl, Squirrel Girl, Bunny Girl….and Mouse Girl” 

“No, I didn’t know…but it makes sense..” You scoffed as you were asked by an interviewer. “ I think I’ve seen him a few times…he was always too drunk to speak though, so he was always thrown out..” you rolled your eyes as the microphone was put in your face. “I don’t know anything thought…” you scoffed, walking off casually. 

“Hey Y/N!” Stu caught up to you. “I heard what happened last night!” he stammered. He didn’t want to tell you he was there. “You okay??”

“Peachy? Why wouldn’t I be?” You smiled. “Is this about that Robert guy?”

“Y-yeah I-”

“He was escorted out before I even got there.” You raised an eyebrow. “I did walk in to see one of my co-workers crying her eyes out though…makes me wonder what he did that was bad enough to warrant the security guards beating his ass in front of everyone.”

“Y/N…can we tell you something?” Billy who had heard everything walked up. “Something we saw…”

“Why don’t you guys come over?” you smiled at the two. “Then you can tell me without people around.” you motioned towards the news cameras who had gotten your attention again.

“So what did you guys want to talk about?” You sat back on your bed. Billy and Stu both seemed off putting. “You guys?”

“We know what happened to Robert!” Stu blurted out.

“What?” you raised an eyebrow.

“We saw him get killed.” Billy followed. 

“Huh?” you laughed.

“These girls all wearing animals masks did it!”

“We were outside the bar when it happened!!”

You were silent…

“What was the killer wearing?” you asked lowly. 


“Please answer the question.” You stood up. “What was the main killer wearing and what weapon did she use?” 

“An icepick?” Billy murmered.

“A schoolgirl uniform.” Stu followed. “Like those ones on the shows you watch.” 

Your eyes went wide as you narrowed your eyes at them. You began walking around them, towards your closet door.


“You okay babe?”

“Remember when I told you guys…that I wasn’t proud of my job?” your voice wavered as you turned your back towards them. You faced the closet door, hand on the handle to open it.

“Y/N?” Billy put a hand on your shoulder. “What are you-”

“My working as a hostess club wasn’t the job-” you whimpered, pulling the closet door open. Billy and Stu were welcomes by not your clothes, but uniforms. School girl uniforms, like out of anime. They saw a strange looking mouse mask, several, on the inside doors.

The weapons? Shit, the weapons. Sniper rifles, many knives. Inside the other closet door was a huge list, pictures attached.

“Y/N?” Stu came to your other side. He was taken aback. Billy’s eyes fell on a school uniform looking outfit, the same one you wore exactly 2 nights ago……

You walked around them while they still stared into your closet. You reached under your pillow and grabbed your bloody mask. Behind their backs, you put it on.

You were…the mouse girl.

(I am…The Iron Man)


Billy Loomis with an s/o who leaves during fights.

{Gender Neutral} {Curse warning} {Not beta read}

(I’m trying this format for things I don’t think I can write a whole fic about! Also not posting on my main (@xxterra-incognitaxx) since it’s a tad different. If it is well received I’ll do more content like this on my main! Please let me know what you think!!!)

Keep reading

Poor boy

Met slasher, didn’t get killed

Request Summary:

Requested by @hdhhffgjdhdhdbdbd

You were over your classmate’s house studying for the upcoming Biochemistry Exam. Thankfully, they lived in the same neighborhood so it wasn’t far from home. Two other classmates were there when you arrived, making it a small study group. Which was great, you could all suffer memorizing amino acid structures together.

First classmate left to use the bathroom, didn’t come back after a long time. Host goes to look for them, doesn’t come back…same with the last one..

Now black don’t investigate. You weren’t a police detective nor getting paid to do so. So you stayed right in the living room, feeling very uncomfortable.

Something doesn’t feel right. Your spirit suddenly told your body to leave, now! So you move hastily to leave and Michael appears around the corner in the hallways. You bump into him and fall down.

You take one look at him and you scramble to get up and run. Before Michael could grab you, you juke the fuck out of him. I mean really fucked up his ankles, causing his head to bump into the wall next to him.

You’re fast AF and you get home in no time, but you realized that you dropped everything when you fell. Oh the fuck well, at least there was a spare key under the mat.

The only thing that prevented you from getting killed was Michaels reaction time. After bumping into him, he was mesmerized by your appearance- namely your skin color. Beautiful and unique.

Plus juking him as fast as you did didnt make it better

He’s interested in figuring you out.. so he grabs your things, reading your driver’s license to get your address, and leaves them on your window sill for you to find the next day


You were walking home with your frenemy (it’s complicated). At some point, you both heard footsteps getting closer and closer, very fast. All of the sudden you frenemy was stabbed from behind. You freeze and they get stabbed a few more times - falling over dead. Ghostface was about to stab you when your body moves on it’s own and you punch him

Ghostface was knocked the fuck out, you always had a mean ass right hook. And it just saved your life.

After that, Ghostface started following you but never killed you out of respect. He was impressed and wanted to step up his game next time he met you

There was an abandoned baby squirrel crying out in the woods. Jason knew about it, but couldn’t take care of the little guy. Had more pressing issues - like killing you and your little friend group that came a few hours ago.

As he made his way to your group’s camp, he noticed you rustling through the trees. Raising his machete up to kill you, he stops. You were carefully picking up that baby squirrel he saw.

So gentle and tender. You spoke to him softly, saying that you were gonna take care of him and fix his leg. Guess it was broken.

Moved by the sight, he slinks back into the trees. From then on, he keeps watch. Jason doesn’t want to kill someone like you……need more people like you in the world
