

I made an AU! It’s called the 16th AU :)

I posted it on insta forever ago but that’s not important

It’s an AU where basically in November 16th Tommy is the one to die instead of Wilbur- since it’s not a very creative scenario though I’ve done the best I could to give all the characters different backstories and add stuff to the story n shit to make it cooler or whatever

And I’m also making a comic- but I didn’t want to post it here until I was done with the 1st part of this completely.. bUUUT my phone doesn’t work and i can’t draw.

So,, here is some art of when I was first starting to think of this au- none of this art is of the AU itself just the drawings that helped me think of the concept :D

//tw for blood & death//

This one is the cover image thing for the comic ^^ :)


So I made a ghostinnit au-


-He died in exile, one of those times where he woke up in the water but he was so deep he couldn’t swim up in time.

-he’s constantly scared because of the way he died, so he’s really jumpy. (Whenever he gets scared he Like– d i s s o l v e s into the air.)

-He hangs around Ghostbur the most, when Wilbur is revived, though, he stays away from him the most. (Without counting dream)

-He can’t talk. All that comes out when he tries to are bubbles. He can still make noises tho.

-Insead of giving dye like ghostbur, he pulls out a single petal from the flower on his head and hands it to someone (it’s a sign that he trusts you).

-He’s unable to touch anyone (except ghostbur), whenever someone tries to it’s literally just like you put your hand in water and he doesn’t feel it.

-If you he’s made upset his tears will be a mixture of blood and water, he starts choking on it as well (they figured it out one time when Quackity tried to get him to act like old Tommy. They avoid yelling at him.)

//Spoilers to recent March streams

Note: this is all mostly rambling about ghostinnit and was a fun theory to come up with ideas for

Let’s talk about Ghostbur really quick: He became a hallow version of himself,  with a sort of fake happiness as if they don’t want to think about their mistakes.

They still feel things such as guilt and regret but they covered it up (in the form of forgetting) for the sake of the others.

What if Ghostinnit Was the opposite?

Ghostbur remembers Happy memories, as far as it went with Glatt he remembers being the bad guy.

What if Ghostinnit remembers all the events that he and everyone went through, but the thing he forgets is why he cared about these things in the first place. 

He sees himself and Alive Tommy as two different people because he can’t understand Alive Tommy’s motivations.

Tommy was built up as this “hero” because he was one of the few people on the server who was outspoken about what he loved and hated. He was seen as childish by others because they all gave up things they used to care about because it hurt them. 

I honestly didn’t realize what dream meant by Tommy bringing attachment to the server until I actually thought about it for a moment.

Eret and Puffy both stated how Tommy was “connected” with almost everything on the server. 

Tommy was so impactful because he lead with his heart, he was outspokenly. passionate in both things he loved and things he hated. 

When Jack and Quackity were talking on the day Tommy died Quackity said 
“Tommy is a very open person” 

I really like this quote because it’s such a simple way to describe someone who is so open with what and who they care about. 

and that’s what lead to others thinking of him as childish and selfish because through all the wars and conflicts they gave up attachments out of fear of getting hurt more.

 While Tommy chased after things he cared about because these things make him happy, and he doesn’t want to give that up.

So when he died, what does Ghostinnit forget? 

Why he cared about those attachments in the first place.

Ghostbur was a shell of c!Wilbur.

Ghostinnit is just a muted version of Tommy

He sees this Passionate loud boy who loves these items, pets, people with his whole heart and he can’t understand why he cares so much about it.

and what sucks more is that he’d be in the same boat as everyone else.

Imagine Him asking everyone why he was cared about the discs and I can imagine no one would be able to give him a clear answer.

Because no one really took the time to actually understand why Tommy loved the discs so much. 

Tubbo said the discs don’t matter

Ranboo assumed the discs were for power

Puffy questioned the value of a simple piece of vinyl

Dream only knew that Tommy cared about the discs, as far as I know he never knew why.

The only person who knew why was Tommy himself. but he’s gone. So ghostinnit would be left with questions with answers based on assumptions.

He’d probably never get to understand his attachments and with the memories of what he went through for these attachments he lost all THREE of his lives for would make him feel incredibly guilty.

He put himself through hell, he unintentionally hurt other people because he was attached to discs, certain people, a nation he once called home.

but now he can’t remember why he loved these things in the first place and it makes him feel like all he did was for nothing.

This leads to the next thing I thought about

What would be Tommy’s Unfinished Symphony? (aka Unfinished Business)

Okay, we know the Hotel never got to have it’s grand opening and Tommy wanted to build it as a new start for himself and for everyone who wants to get away from the wars. (and also to scam people for drugs, but this is more of a side thing then anything)

His death kind of threw the idea of him getting too heal out the window (For now) Since he’d feel like he can’t heal without understanding why he cared so much in the first place and he can’t do that because the only person who truly knows was him.

But it did make him look back on all the events of the server through a new perspective.

A lot fo issues could have been solved if everyone stopped hiding things from each other and themselves. 

As I said before people gave up attachments out of fear of getting hurt due to things they went through, and not many people on the server really open up open it.

because in their eyes the worlds universal language was violence.

Ghostinnit might’ve realized Violence was the only way of communicating he was ever taught, and look where that got him.

he might’ve lost the meaning of his attachments, so he’s determined no one else loses theirs. 

So while Ghostbur sees the problems with the server and forgets it, giving blue out as a way for them to take the pain away without talking about it.

Ghostinnit, who went through numerous amounts of “lessons” through violence, might take an opposite approach and just confront the problem head on like he always does.

Cause hey “Your system is flawed, can we try something else now?”

Tommy just wanted to heal and to help the people he affected heal, that first part of his plan flopped, but he can still at least try to give the others some form of comfort and healing.

A way he might do this is actually an idea I got from a statement Ghost Wilbur made after the disc war.

“you never stop asking questions”

I like to imagine that’d be something he would do,  since he wouldn’t remember why he loved his attachments so much, he lives that feeling through asking about and understanding other people’s attachments and why they’re so special to them.

He’d get curious enough to the point of asking more harder to answer questions such as how other people felt through certain events 
(Tubbo with the First festival, Techno with The community house/doomsday, Phil with Nov. 16th) 

Maybe this would give a couple of opportunities for making some amends with Tommy’s relationships with his friends/family(?)

But yeah to finish off this ramble, I don’t know if we’ll ever get ghost Tommy, but if we ever do I’m curious as to how they’ll go about it.

Also most of this is my interoperation of events if you guys have a different interoperation please share in comments I like discussing theories TvT

Thanks for reading!
