#dsmp au

dont fucking reblog this i hate this drawing so much and this stupid au and fic was the cause of my

dont fucking reblog this i hate this drawing so much and this stupid au and fic was the cause of my misery for several months.

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guys the syndicate portal table is spilling void soup???

sth sth life imitates art type of deal

lmao void soup

if this flops im commiting crimes IT TOOK SO LONGThe fall of The EmperorAn illustration for my AU! B

if this flops im commiting crimes IT TOOK SO LONG

The fall of The Emperor

An illustration for my AU! But i can’t write soo heres just a lil explanation:

Before planets, stars, or even galaxies existed there was only one being. It was everything and nothing until It has decided to be more. Was it kindness, to bring them into existence, or was it cruelty? The creations wondered, too afraid to ask. Perhaps because deep inside they knew it was nothing but boredom.

There are many Immortals, but for this story only these are important:

Philza – The God of The Sun and Life.

Kristin – The Goddess of The Moon and Death.

Technoblade – The God of Blood and War.

And Dream – a fraud. When God left it left behind the last creation - one made in its own image. Unfortunately, it forgot to mention what Dream’s purpose is.

To find the answer The Last God left his heavenly abode with no way back. Dream traveled in the mortal realm for centuries. He grew to know the world, its beauty and its worth, the ugliness that lurks underneath. More than anything he knew humans. How naïve and foolish they are, their life too short to grasp their own stupidity.

He saw the bloodshed they praised, corpses littering the earth. He caught glances of his old friend (rival?) on the battlefield – The God of War damned to mingle in the mortal’s affairs.

And then Dream has decided he understood his purpose. If he was made in the image of The Creator – the sole ruler of everything, perhaps his destiny was also to take charge. To lead the humans, to be their God. Dream The God of Mortals.

And it was easy. It was easy to bring emperors to their knees, make them beg for their life. To make thousands kneel before him, their eyes full of awe and fear. To lead armies into the fight, to expand his empire, to be completely in control. To be It.

But the other Immortals have decided to stop him. There was no reason to – Gods didn’t care about what happened in the mortal world. But Philza, the ever righteous, kind, annoying Philza couldn’t stand Dream’s tyranny. He left heavens, never to return – an Immortal who left forever lost their way back. Philza gave up his love to stop Dream - Gods of Sun and Moon were always separated by the shift of time - they could only see each other in the House of Gods.

Philza found an ally in his old friend Technoblade and together they were able to stop The Emperor. The empire fell but Dream escaped.

More - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36424297/chapters/93314488#workskin

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they’re chillin’ this is a part of the conjoined twins au -(PLEASE DON’T COPY/EDIT/USE/REPOST, REBLO

they’re chillin’

this is a part of the conjoined twins au



the background is ai generated (i just tweaked it) cause drawing the two of them pissed me off so much i couldn’t be assed to paint the bg from scratch so fuck it

the whole thing is still just a huge mess and i lowkey hate it lol

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I’m too lazy to do the fancy thing I usually do, so here:

And I Look In The Mirror All The Time, Wonderin What he Don’t See In Me

Read it and leave a comment! Mind the Trigger Warnings in the author’s note <333







I made an AU! It’s called the 16th AU :)

I posted it on insta forever ago but that’s not important

It’s an AU where basically in November 16th Tommy is the one to die instead of Wilbur- since it’s not a very creative scenario though I’ve done the best I could to give all the characters different backstories and add stuff to the story n shit to make it cooler or whatever

And I’m also making a comic- but I didn’t want to post it here until I was done with the 1st part of this completely.. bUUUT my phone doesn’t work and i can’t draw.

So,, here is some art of when I was first starting to think of this au- none of this art is of the AU itself just the drawings that helped me think of the concept :D

//tw for blood & death//

This one is the cover image thing for the comic ^^ :)

Double Ghost Au

[Part 1] - Next

My partner loves Alivebur, and I love Ghostbur, and the cannon isn’t giving us a solution so… dsmp au anyone? :)

Extra info

  • Takes place during Tommy’s exile in Logstedshire
  • Wilbur is a good brother(ish) in this au
  • No limbo here babies

—-Chapter 2—-

“Grabbing a fresh page of parchment, he settles on the floor and dips his quill in the ink. The crow hops around him for a while before settling on his lap. He strokes its feathers as he thinks of how to write back.”

“The Tommyinnit Files” by LostPage

You guys should ABSOLUTELY check out this fantastic fic that I have the honor of beta reading for! It’s an amazing read and I’d happily recommend it to all of you!<3

//they got mcPuffys’ afterwards Small headcanons -shroud sees Tommy as more of a “You’re like my old//they got mcPuffys’ afterwards Small headcanons -shroud sees Tommy as more of a “You’re like my old//they got mcPuffys’ afterwards Small headcanons -shroud sees Tommy as more of a “You’re like my old

//they got mcPuffys’ afterwards

Small headcanons

-shroud sees Tommy as more of a “You’re like my older brother, but take care of me like a dad” so instead of Dad Shroud calls Tommy either by his name or Mimi

-Micheal’s favorite burger is from McPuffy’s (much to Tubbo and Ranboo’s heartbreak)

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Okay fuck it,


AU where Tommy just doesn’t pick a side and goes on a Babysitter arc

//Full AU description under keep reading.

This is basically an AU where Tommy doesn’t pick a side between paradise and Las Nevadas and stays neutral.

After a bit he sees Michael gets left behind a bit since Tubbo and Ranboo are both working for opposite sides and are a bit distant towards each other so they don’t go to Snowchester often. (in fear they run into each other) So he basically just goes “alright guess I’ll just babysit him while they sort their shit out” 

So during moments where paradise and Las Nevadas have their meetings. Tommy just takes Michael (and shroud since he’s a kid in this au) to the pool so they can have fun or to “”Kidnap”” Charlie for a bit so they can get some burgers at the burger van.

Just fun little outdoor activities

Tommy just wants to make sure Michael isn’t negatively affected by how his parents are going through a bit of a war against each other.

Michael was worried at first, he knows his parents still love him but he wishes they would all hangout in the same room at least, but he enjoys the distraction and likes hanging out with his uncle and Shroud.

Shroud’s just happy that they get to spend some time outside with “His older brother that’s sort of his dad”, and Michael. (and the other kids when they come by as well)

Bonus: after awhile Tommy just sort of ends up babysitting Yogurt, Foolish junior and Finley on days where Fundy and Foolish can’t take care of them. (since by this point Tommy proved with Michael and shroud he’s  capable of taking care of kids) Michelle also shows up also along with Puffy (who comes to help out with babysitting when she can)

I mostly made this to combat the pain from recent lore so hope you guys like this little idea.

(If anyone wants to give suggestions/headcanons for what I can draw for this au ask box is always open)


guys the syndicate portal table is spilling void soup???

You ever just fall in love with an image? Well, if not, here’s one way to start.


DSMP + TMA - The Stranger



Also for anyone who is curious:

Front middle - c!ranboo

Left - Ghostboo

Right - Ran (from tftsmp)

Back middle - Enderwalk ranboo


DSMP + TMA - The Spiral

Hey guess who finally continued this series after 7 months ahahaahahaha

Y’all. Hear me out.

Feral Boys and Doki Doki Literature Club Au

Karl is Mc

Quackity is Sayori

George is Natsuki

Sapnap is Yuri

And Dream is Monica

Karl slowly forgetting everyone as the game resets over and over again

Quackity being the first one for him to forget

Sapnap being the last

Dream being bat shit crazy

Pls yall I don’t have a creative outlet I can do for this

The Blade Family

Lore Bits

Information to fill in gaps for the Blade Family AU by inter-somniac and karinsnightmareparty

Blade Family:

  • Techno
  • Y/N
  • K/N
  • Ranboo
  • Tommy (later)

Blade Family Relationships:

  • Techno & Y/N: married
  • Y/N & K/N: adoptive parent/child
  • Techno & Ranboo: adoptive father/son
  • Techno & K/N: adoptive father/child (later)
  • Y/N & Ranboo: adoptive parent/son (later)
  • Techno & Y/N + Tommy: adoptive parents/son

Background Information


  • fae humanoid
  • adopts K/N following the death of Wilbur
  • had a short-term relationship with Techno during the SMPEarth era
  • marries Techno after just having met each other again
  • highly protective of family
  • practices fae magic in the woods at the edge of the tundra
  • usually appears in a mostly human form/does not display fae physical characteristics unless extremely angry
  • originally based on @inter-somniac
  • freed from fae duties by a teenage Wilbur
  • has a soft spot for children and animals
  • spoils Michael because he’s like an adoptive grandchild


  • eldritch god hybrid
  • had most of life force stripped away by Dream/DreamXD because of their godlike energy force
  • adopted and nursed back to health by Wilbur
  • strained relationship with Fundy (foster siblings)
  • became extremely sick during the Pogtopia arc
  • Y/N adopts them after Wilbur’s death
  • has trauma from Dream and Wilbur
  • K/N’s room has no furniture (except an art table) and is piled high with blankets and pillows to form a nest
  • has a “beast” form that looks like a wolf, drains a large amount of energy
  • is calmed by Y/N or Techno’s heartbeat/recordings of Wilbur’s music
  • makes crocheted dolls of the family that include decorated clay hearts inside to represent the member the doll is based on
  • K/N’s doll is made by Y/N
  • Has to be treated by Phil after using excessive amounts of energy
  • originally based on @karinsnightmareparty


  • is a simp for his spouse
  • highly protective of his family
  • is still made Y/N doesn’t let Steve inside for family cuddle puddles
  • constantly at odds with revived Wilbur when Wilbur tries to re-enter K/N’s life
  • has had a physical altercation with Fundy in defense of K/N
  • built a giant shed/outbuilding when the family moved into his house
  • allows the family to have pretty much whatever pet they want
  • has trained the entire family at combat because of he is not the most popular of people
  • an actual softy for his family and deeply enjoys family cuddle puddles/living room sleepovers


  • originally taken in by Techno right before he and Tubbo become platonic husbands
  • spends a great deal of time at the Blade house
  • has a close bond with K/N because of trauma from Dream
  • least likely member of the Blade house to start a fight, but will join in if his family starts one
  • brings Tubbo and Michael to the house often


  • last member to officially join the Blade family
  • taken in by Y/N because of the lack of stability he’s had
  • close with K/N, though they are extremely antagonistic towards each other at times
  • still adapting to having a loving family
  • sleeps in Ranboo’s old room because the smell comforts him
  • antagonized on occasion by Techno (Techno is always scolded by Y/N for this)

Random Bits About the Blade Family in AU:

  • There was a timeline of the AU in which Y/N was a phantom hybrid who was in a relationship with Sam
  • There was also a bit where K/N and Wilbur ran an all age friendly speakeasy that served mocktails for the underaged crowd. There was a dark entity in the basement that was named Jeff, and Wilbur was scared of it
  • Y/N was originally a librarian instead of Techno’s partner/work from home/stay at home spouse
  • K/N was not originally adopted by Y/N, but was adopted by Techno. K/N was adopted by Y/N & Techno after it was realized that the three characters + Ranboo shared very similar personalities
  • Y/N has threatened Phil on multiple occasions to take his feathers for writing quills
  • Y/N is also fond of Phil’s crows and regularly leaves them shiny gifts
  • Techno and Y/N would have adopted Fundy if the relationship between Fundy and K/N was not volatile
  • Steve is extremely close with K/N and Ranboo (it makes Techno soft but he doesn’t like to admit it)
  • K/N hides sometimes when there is arguing or yelling because it scares them
  • Y/N half jokingly asked Techno for a throne made of skulls with Dream’s skull as a centerpiece and Schlatt’s as the footstool
  • K/N gets many of their clothes from Eret
  • Y/N and K/N are both written as gender neutrally as possible with the hopes to allow as many people as possible can enjoy the content


We got us a wonderful beta reader, I got a loose plot written up, a beginning, middle, endgame, and shit tons of side stories.

This bitch’ll be a fucking banger. I can guarantee.


if i put out a sort of canon not really at all dream smp fic (ik what ur going to say booo dsmp) would u guys be interested at all? listen hear me out!!

there’s a bit of it below btw

it’s a c!wilbur / reader where reader is in relations to c!dream (havent decided if ex lover or sister) and is hidden away because something happened between them and he’s been looking for her and she’s in danger and c!wilbur brings her to lmanburg for safety. it would be rated mature only bc i’m a glutton for heavy makeout scenes, sex jokes and overall sexual actions no actual nsfw though

Keep reading

reblogging 2 ask again bc i have like the first three chapters ready for heavy editing and post (also looking for a dsmp proofreader dms r open :D) 

heres another lil snippet 

“i’m not sure why i agreed to help you.” he started.

“that’s great to know.” she scoffed, looking at him. 

“can i finish?” his voice sounded tired and florence felt guilty for lashing out. “i don’t know why i agreed to help you. karl showed me your picture and i- i just felt like i had to. im sorry if the way we’re living isn’t up to standards. but all i’m asking is you give my boys a break. especially tommy and tubbo.” he looked, sorry, almost, staring at her with his saddened eyes. 

“hate on me all you want. you can kick me, scratch me, shank me in my sleep, just pleas- please give them a break. they’re trying. we all are.” he finished with a sigh his head dropping into his hands. 

he looked pretty like this, all emotionally ruined- and florence felt bad for thinking it. “i’m sorry. i shouldn’t be a bitch.” she knelt down in front of him and he picked his head up slightly to look at her. “you did nothing but save my life. and i want to say thank you.” 

“you don’t need to. i was asked to by a friend. and friends don’t turn their backs on one another in their time of need.” wilbur blinked back his tears, but florence saw. 

florence placed a hand on his cheek, and gave him a smile. she felt the weight of his harassing get heavier as he leaned into her touch and he let his eye close. “if this were different, i’m sure i would’ve fallen in love with you.” 

“why not now?” he opened his eyes. “i mean, the cabin is pretty empty right now-“ he started with a chuckle and florence moved her hand away from his cheek and gave him a glare. 

“because if you hadn’t realized, i’m a fucking fugitive. he won’t stop until i’m dead or so broken that i’m compliant with his every word.” she scoffed. “i don’t want to be someone’s silent accessory. i’m more than that!” she threw her hands in the air. 

“you are more than that. you deserve to be someone’s equal.” the words gave florence butterflies and she was sure her cheeks were a bright red. “dream won’t find you. and if he does, he’ll have to kill me before he touches you, you hear me?” he waited for her confirmation, and once she’d nodded he continued. “and once he’s gone, you’re free. to fall in love. with me, by the way.”

if i put out a sort of canon not really at all dream smp fic (ik what ur going to say booo dsmp) would u guys be interested at all? listen hear me out!!

there’s a bit of it below btw

it’s a c!wilbur / reader where reader is in relations to c!dream (havent decided if ex lover or sister) and is hidden away because something happened between them and he’s been looking for her and she’s in danger and c!wilbur brings her to lmanburg for safety. it would be rated mature only bc i’m a glutton for heavy makeout scenes, sex jokes and overall sexual actions no actual nsfw though

“oh you’re good at this.” she smiled, trailing her finger down the table in front of her before dropping her hand at her side.

“at what, darling?” wilbur swished his glass around, a glint in his eyes as he watched her prepare another drink for him, noticing his glass was emptying.

“this whole.. act you’ve got going on. tall, charming, *handsome*,” she emphasized the last word with a smirk that sent wilbur squirming in his seat- “man walks into my bar, of all places! pretending he’s not the leader of the biggest revolution esempi has seen ever. same revolution he was just talking about! and pretends to be a naive little devil to get me in bed with him. or for information. am i right? or am i wrong, and just a stupid little girl?” she was in his face now and wilbur took a gulp, lust flashing in his eyes.

“you’re not just a stupid little girl.” he licked his lips as she leaned back on the wall behind her, her chest leaning out. “you’ve got a nice body. makes you a stupid woman.” he laughed, placing the finished glass down, and pouring some from the new glass into his own before sliding it towards her.

“drink with me darling, won’t you?” he sipped, before looking at the girl who had a saddened look on her face.

please please please lmk if u would be interested i have so much of it done already i just want to know if it’s something i should post.

love, love <3
