#the 16th


The 16th part 1 because


I really like this AU i just wish my phone didn’t crash Everytime I try to draw a new part of the comic

Ignore the very obvious fact that I forgot Tommy’s braces, thank you.

I made an AU! It’s called the 16th AU :)

I posted it on insta forever ago but that’s not important

It’s an AU where basically in November 16th Tommy is the one to die instead of Wilbur- since it’s not a very creative scenario though I’ve done the best I could to give all the characters different backstories and add stuff to the story n shit to make it cooler or whatever

And I’m also making a comic- but I didn’t want to post it here until I was done with the 1st part of this completely.. bUUUT my phone doesn’t work and i can’t draw.

So,, here is some art of when I was first starting to think of this au- none of this art is of the AU itself just the drawings that helped me think of the concept :D

//tw for blood & death//

This one is the cover image thing for the comic ^^ :)
