#gia draws

My full piece for the @yoifantasyzine - for the fic The Water Remembers by the amazing @orchids-and-

My full piece for the @yoifantasyzine - for the fic The Water Remembers by the amazing @orchids-and-fictional-cities Please go check out the fic here!

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Postcard for @yoifantasyzine! I’m always looking for a chance to draw Yuuri with long hair ehehe❤️  

Postcard for @yoifantasyzine! I’m always looking for a chance to draw Yuuri with long hair ehehe❤️  

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BMAAHD-verse Viktuuri in fancy suits (thank you @all-on-s-y for commissioning me!)Twitter | Ko-fi |

BMAAHD-verse Viktuuri in fancy suits
(thank you @all-on-s-y for commissioning me!)


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A commission I did of Christophe recently! Twitter | Ko-fi | Patreon

A commission I did of Christophe recently!


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He looked up at Viktor through his eyelashes, and Viktor was caught by the deep affection in his eye

He looked up at Viktor through his eyelashes, and Viktor was caught by the deep affection in his eyes. “I am so happy to see you again.”

Viktor stepped closer, pressed a palm against the curve of Yuuri’s cheek. “As am I, my darling. So happy I could burst.”

Tumblr user @tinkerbellgirl2016​ commissioned me to draw a scene from @dreaming-fireflies‘s edo-period fic, Zanka (incidentally, a new chapter just came out today!!)


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Happy new year everyone! Here’s to a 2019 full of love

Happy new year everyone! Here’s to a 2019 full of love

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Yuuri shifted in his arms, rolling over until he was facing Viktor completely. “Because you always c

Yuuri shifted in his arms, rolling over until he was facing Viktor completely. “Because you always catch them in the end, right?”

Viktor grinned; they’d had this conversation before, he knew. But he didn’t mind. He could talk to Yuuri about the same thing, again and again, and never get tired of the sound of his voice. “I always catch them in the end.”

A new chapter ofBut Monsters Are Always Hungry, Darlingby@orchids-and-fictional-cities​, is up now <3

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Merry Christmas and happy birthday to Victor Nikiforov

Merry Christmas and happy birthday to Victor Nikiforov

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Victor kissed with a hunger that screamed a myriad of answers to all the questions Yuuri had never d

Victor kissed with a hunger that screamed a myriad of answers to all the questions Yuuri had never dared ask; he kissed like he danced: expertly, with an instinctive knowledge of Yuuri, leading him wherever he saw fit, and allowing himself to be led when Yuuri demanded it.

Commission for a scene in the third chapter of @thehobbem’s Sissi AU fic, every calculation falls silent 

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Objectively, Victor knows he’s handsome. He’s spent years playing up his looks, flashing winks at hi

Objectively, Victor knows he’s handsome. He’s spent years playing up his looks, flashing winks at his fans or sending sultry stares into the camera for photoshoots. And he’s vain, too: the closet full of designer clothes and bespoke shoes speaks for itself, as do the orderly row of skincare products left on his side of the bathroom counter. The man looking back at him is something else entirely, though, otherworldly in a way Victor’s only sometimes allowed himself to be when he skates – when it suits a role he’s decided to play for a watching audience. “Beautiful,” Victor suggests, with a smile that contradicts itself, wry and touched at the same time.

“Magnificent,” Yuuri corrects. He’s blushing from ear to ear as he undoes the silk tie around Victor’s waist and parts the robe, skimming one hand down Victor’s bare chest to the garter belt. “… You look magnificent.”

@handsingsweapon commissioned me to draw lingerie-Victor from her beautiful and hot fic, broke your throne, cut your hair 

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As the seconds tick by, the tension in Viktor’s shoulders melts and he tips his head backward into t

As the seconds tick by, the tension in Viktor’s shoulders melts and he tips his head backward into the touch, just slightly.

All of the tangles straightened out, Yuuri sets down the brush and forms three strands at the crown of Viktor’s head to begin the braid. His hair is warm near his scalp and it slides between Yuuri’s fingers like silk. He crosses the strands, gathers more hair, crosses them again, and marvels.

“Beautiful,” Yuuri whispers. He never meant to say it out loud, but his mind has been chanting the word over and over again like a mantra for the past five minutes, so it’s not surprising that it slipped out at least once.

Commission for a soft, touching scene from @stammiviktor‘s royalty AU fic, On Your Every Word 

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Most of the lights were off except the one above the piano, creating a strange chiaroscuro in the ro

Most of the lights were off except the one above the piano, creating a strange chiaroscuro in the room. Victor had his back to the entrance, his slender body silhouetted against the dark backdrop, his hair like liquid moonlight. He was wearing a deep blue shirt that set off the paleness of his skin, his dark trousers cut perfectly to show off his slim hips and round curves of his ass. 

Yuuri stood near the back, just listening, letting the notes wash over him. The lonely, ethereal melody was achingly familiar yet somehow new under Victor’s touch. With just the two of them in the room, it felt like Victor was playing a concert for him alone. Like Victor himself, it was otherworldly, every note calling to Yuuri, inviting him. As if the violin were one half of a harmony, waiting for a partner. 

Yuuri wanted to answer that call, to join Victor and start playing the song he knew by heart.

@victuuriplease commissioned me to draw this lovely scene from their classical musician AU fic,duetto appassionato!

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I need to see more of their skating, my crops are dying plsI need to see more of their skating, my crops are dying plsI need to see more of their skating, my crops are dying pls

I need to see more of their skating, my crops are dying pls

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“I’m yours,” was all that he said. “I always have been.” A certain moment from the new chapter (ch 1

“I’m yours,” was all that he said. “I always have been.” 

A certain moment from the new chapter (ch 16) update of BMAAHD!

We’re in the final act now…

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“Go on, then,” Georgi told him. “Work your magic.”With pleasure.The moment the second ha

“Go on, then,” Georgi told him. “Work your magic.”

With pleasure.

The moment the second hand on his watch hit ‘12’ , the ticking started in his head, faint but sure, calibrated to hundredths of a second both by experience and sheer perfectionism. It settled his nerves, gave him something to hold onto while he planned his approach. All the possibilities, dozens, hundreds of them stretched out before his mind, like a tree with branches that had no end. Where he would wind up - and how this would end - depended on every word he said and every response he read, and all of that depended on the clock in his head.

One more for the road, he thought to himself, as he jogged up the short flight of stairs to the bank’s main entrance.

Chapter 15 of BMAAHD is finally out❤️❤️! I finally had the chance to draw past-Viktor for this chapter  

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“Why should I tremble in fear of you?” Viktor murmurs. “Don’t you know that I have already been doomed to die?”

Yuuri has heard as much. The whispers are born in the confidence of his Lady’s chambers, or her young daughter’s, travel further and faster than they might think, doubly so when a certain winged messenger may be within earshot. Lady Baranovskaya really ought to know by now that walls and draperies are terrible at keeping any secrets. “And you have made… peace with this?” he ventures.

Viktor scoffs. “If you can call a begrudging acceptance ‘peace’. Although, compared to how Papa is handling it, perhaps one could say that I have embraced it wholeheartedly.”

Outside, the storm rages. Rain pelts the glass of the windows of Viktor’s bedroom in a potent rage, as though vehemently protesting the time that they have spent together. Yuuri feels the guilt, wears it like a shroud. It comes both from the knowledge that he must leave soon, and the simple fact that he never should have come here at all.

Yet he lingers, craving every second he can spend in Viktor’s embrace.

Perhaps this will be the death of him.

Orchids and I have kicked off a new collab project, titled The Fever Called Living, a victuuri Victorian/vampire AU

The first chapter is already out on early release on Patreon! The chapters will be released to the public with one-chapter delay (i.e. the first chapter will go on AO3 when the second chapter gets released on Patreon!).

+) Patrons also get exclusive AU drabbles+art, like the pic and the snippet above :)

Find the first chapter + tier information here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vampire-au-fever-26109764

I miss themi.e. doodles I did for Patreon a while back… I miss themi.e. doodles I did for Patreon a while back… 

I miss them

i.e. doodles I did for Patreon a while back… 

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He took a deep breath, and pulled the lapels of his coat closer together - his blue coat, the one th

He took a deep breath, and pulled the lapels of his coat closer together - his blue coat, the one that Yuuri had bought for him on a whim last New Year’s Eve. It was far and away the finest coat he had to his name, and it suited a place like this and the clientele it catered to perfectly. It was only right to be wearing it here.

And yet in spite of the coat’s objective, practical sensibility, a part of him had chosen it precisely because Yuuri had given it to him - something primal and silly but no less real, a sense of security that had washed over him as he’d slipped it on. He wanted to trick himself into thinking that Yuuri himself was holding him, as he stepped into the lions’ den.

Chapter 14 ofBut Monsters Are Always Hungry, Darlingby@orchids-and-fictional-cities​, is up now! <3

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Commissions open! 3 slots available for now :)Please DM or email me (iruutciv@gmail.com) if you’re iCommissions open! 3 slots available for now :)Please DM or email me (iruutciv@gmail.com) if you’re iCommissions open! 3 slots available for now :)Please DM or email me (iruutciv@gmail.com) if you’re i

Commissions open! 3 slots available for now :)

Please DM or email me ([email protected]) if you’re interested

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