
View on AO3Merry Christmas, @livinglifebehindthemask! Dear livinglifebehindthemask, happy holidays!

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Merry Christmas, @livinglifebehindthemask!

Dear livinglifebehindthemask, happy holidays! This is based on your adorable sweater fic (“Extra”). Hope you like it. :D

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The most important battle is one to conquer yourself.

Wheeling himself into the stadium where his siblings would have their routines on the next day, Alec was determined to help them in every way he could.

“Max, you need to steady your posture when you land,” Alec told his little brother, and then he focused his attention on Jace who was already on the track. “Jace, once you are focused, you got it, I believe in you, bro,” Jace nodded at him, and then he turned his head over to his sister who walked over to the volleyball court with her team, “You have the best team, go for it, sis.”

The Lightwoods siblings were pleased that their brother was there for them. Alec gave the best tips and always encouraged them, even better than their parents who ignored the eldest for even being there in the stadium.

“Hey, Alec, can you give me any advice for my swimming race?” Ragnor asked, catching Alec’s attention.

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Hey there! This story is for @dicaculus, who likes fluff, human AU and quite some more! I so so hope you will like this story! I couldn’t really ask you about this idea, as I somehow couldn’t sent you an anonymous ask on your tumblr, and I didn’t want to give my identity away. Sooo…. Really hope you will like this!
Anyway, let’s dive right into this human AU which will be full of fluff!


The Blind Blind Date

Magnus sighed as the attendant - a petite girl with fiery red hair and a cheeky grin - wrapped the blindfold around his eyes, sounding incredible chipper about it.

“I don’t know, biscuit, I’m not really into kinky games on a first date,” he said drily, earning her elbow in his side.

“Walk me through this again, will you? It’s a blind date… dinner? While being literally blind?”

“Exactly!” she said, and there was a grin in her voice.

“We get you to a table. You can order something to drink as well. There you will then meet your blind date, who is blindfolded as well. Then you will talk. Unless you stop it early because you just don’t click and you want to move to the next table … you can talk up to 30 Minutes.”

“Okaaay. And what if I want to see the people? I guess that’s a no deal. Well. What’s the rule on touching? Do I get to touch my blind dates?”

She chuckled.

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For @phoenixstar73. Happy holidays!


A tradition

Alec woke up to the sound of the Institute’s alarm, accompanied by a sharp jumble of noises and shadowhunter footsteps passing by the halls in urgency. He was pretty sure it was the middle of the night, but no matter how early, he had about two minutes before some of his siblings would knock on the door.

Reluctantly, he acquiesced to this by putting on the first pair of jeans and a shirt he could see, going to find Izzy and Jace before his phone starts ringing.

“Magnus Bane has stolen the Mortal Cup!” Andrew informed him in a rushed manner as soon as he caught a glimpse of him.

Alec had guessed as much, nodding along and glancing at the other man.

Andrew was the newest shadowhunter in the Institute, transferred to New York just two short weeks ago. He was also currently panicking, which made Alec come up to him in a couple of strides, “The Cup will be back here in a few hours, don’t sweat it.”

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For@lightwormsiblings​. I was beyond happy when I got you as giftee for this year’s Secret Santa.I cannot put into words how grateful I am for the greats prompts you provided me with: you and I do share loads of tropes that I adore, and I must say that I’ve spent more time deciding what to write than actually writing as your prompts gave me so many ideas I would have loved to explore!I hope I’ve come up with something that you’ll like as much as I enjoyed writing it.


“And I know it’s long gone and that magic’s not here no more
And I might be okay but I’m not fine at all”

— Taylor Swift, All Too Well (Sad Girl Autumn) (Taylor’s Version)


Magnus is painfully aware of the friction that the gravel creates between the desolate asphalt and the soles of his expensive shoes.

He doesn’t know how long he’s been trudging, nor where he’s heading.

He keeps putting one foot in front of the other. One dejected step after another. The painted white line that separates the lanes feels like a tightrope.

Walking a tightrope, he risks falling at any moment, but the void is not below him.

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For@sivan325. I dont know if this is the fic you wanted but I hope you enjoy.


Learn To Love Again

“The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege.”

For as long as he remembers Magnus Bane has always been the source of help, every downwolderder turned to him for help, positivity, emotional comfort and guidance. He had for so long taken the brunt of the cruel outbursts from the people he didn’t care about and to the people he loved. It had shattered his sense of self esteem and self worth. Especially when finding out who his father was at a very young age.

Even though he was with his beautiful boyfriend and son and living his best life. There were times when his mind wandered and that is when the anxiety would rush through him. Magnus was sitting on the edge of the bed, feet dangled over the side. It has been a few weeks after the war with Valentine, and both sides lost a lot of soldiers.

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For@im-better-than-chocolate. This was so much fun to write for you, I love you enjoy it darling ♥♥


I See Red (A Gun To Your Head)

It should have been a simple mission: Stay at the hotel where the conference was being held, find Lilith, find out where the poison was, and take her out. But as Alec lays in a medical ward surrounded by co-workers, nurses, and various medical staff asking questions, he knows they failed. He blinks his eyes open slowly and groans at the ache in his head; he looks down and notices one of arms is in a cast.

“Alec” cries his sister, she leans over kissing his forehead and hugging him the best you can hug someone laying in a hospital bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Where’s Magnus, is he alright?”

Instead of an ‘over there’ or ‘in surgery’ like he expected, other agents look at one another and then slowly his sister stands straight again. He watches as she swallows and tenses her jaw, asking the others if they can give them a moment. The second they’re alone, Isabelle pulls a chair to the side of Alec’s bed and takes his uninjured hand in hers, squeezing it gently.

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It’s been an absolute delight to write this one for you, @thatnerdemryn​, and I hope you’ll enjoy this little gift! Happy Holidays!


He hated this feeling, this feeling that made him all sweaty and restless, even a bit nauseous too. Alec was a warrior trained from an early age to be brave, to be fierce, to keep his emotions in check. Butterflies in his stomach were not in his cards, and it’s Simon’s fault that he even knew the term. All of this was Simon’s fault. Well, partly Clary’s too, but she was at least supposed to be a Shadowhunter. Ever since the dynamic duo barged into their kind of stale, but yet routine lives at the Institute, Alec experienced these headaches. No amount of coffee, nor a rare more-than-four-hours-sleep, managed to help him. The only thing that was easing the pain was an iratze, but not in the long run.  Desperate times took desperate measures and two weeks of constant headaches brought him here, to the doorstep of Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and for some ridiculous reason, Alec was nervous.

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For @skylar102, I hope you enjoy it.


Fair Winds and Following Seas

The storm raging outside had been knocking the boat around like a toy in a tub for at least the past two hours. Even stuck below deck as he was, Magnus could tell just how severe the situation was by the way the unforgiving sea was beginning to seep through the cracks in the ship. He’d heard the men whisper about the monsters that lived in this part of the ocean since they’d first hauled him aboard and thrown him in the brig with every intention of turning him in at the next port for the bounty that the king had out on his head.

They hadn’t thought that he’d been listening, but men who lived and died by the sea tended to be a suspicious sort; and the fact that so many of their normal crew had apparently turned down the job when it had been offered once they learned the course that they were plotting hadn’t sat well with them.

It hadn’t sat well with Magnus either.

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For @shaylawakes88. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful holiday season and I hope that the new year treats you kindly. I thought some sweet but also a little spicy fic would be just what you’d enjoy. I’m so happy to have been able to make you a gift. Have a marvelous day!


Two Turtle Doves

Being able to spend time with Magnus was time well spent if you asked Alec. It was his favorite way to spend time and he would remain in those pockets of time forever if he could. It didn’t matter how the time was spent as long as he was with Magnus. He’d even found shopping enjoyable last week when his boyfriend had whisked him away to the Christmas market in Brussels, Belgium.

It was a new experience for Alec, who had only ever celebrated Christmas on a small scale. Most holidays were downplayed in Shadowhunter culture since the Clave claimed they were distractions from a Shadowhunter’s duty. He’d always gotten presents for his family and tried to inject as much of the stereotypical Christmas cheer into their small celebrations.

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For@facialteeth. Hey, happy holidays giftee! Hope you will enjoy this little piece. I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything longer or more detailed, life got in the way and I wanted to give you a little something I had put great care in instead of simple putting words one afer the other, you know?Hope you’ll like your gift, I tried to make it as good as I could <3


Alexander has died.

Well… if he hoped Magnus would simply be okay with that, he would be sorely disappointed.

“There is nothing to be done, surely even you can understand that?”

Magnus didn’t even bother answering his friend, too busy reading books after books. He knew he had seen something useful a few years back – back when he was investigating the very stupid deal Clary had made in order to bring back her mother.

“Necromancy wouldn’t bring him back, and you know it dammit!”

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For @squiggly-lines-on-a-page. HAPPY SECRET SANTA NITA!!!I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I liked writing it!! The minute I saw reverse-verse and first meetings, I knew what I had to do!!!


An Unlikely Arrangement

“Why do I have to go?” Magnus whines, sagging into his chair. He knows he’s being childish but he can’t help it. “We all know that High Warlock Lightwood won’t help us no matter how much we offer him.”

“That may be true, but there’s one thing we haven’t tried,” Ragnor says. He jabs his pen in the direction of Magnus. “And that’s sending you in.”

“But why me? Why not Catarina? She’s the most harmless one out of all of us!” Magnus sits up and gestures wildly to said shadowhunter sitting in the chair next to him.

“Oh, I am just here to watch this unfold,” Cat admits, filing her nails. “I wanted to see your reaction to the news.”

“You knew this was going to happen? And you didn’t tell me?” Magnus gasps. He places a hand on his chest at the betrayal.

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For the World to Hear

“Well, I suppose I’m done for the day,” Magnus said, clasping his hands together. He spun on his heels to face the man who’d been trailing behind him the entire time. “Though your room did take longer than expected.”

“I couldn’t possibly think of why,” Alec said, looking just shy of Magnus with a forged, contemplative expression.

When he did catch Magnus’s eyes, he smiled. He had a gorgeous smile. It could probably end and start wars. Ending them by being a vision of beauty and starting them for the exact same reason. It was both a blessing and a curse that he didn’t do it more often.

His smile softened his face, making him look his age instead of many years senior to it. It made him look young and happy and free of the chains that tied his hands and the crown that weighted his head. He couldn’t help but match Alec’s smile with one of his own.

Magnus wanted to reach out and cup his cheek but was distinctly aware of where they were. They were in the castle, not tucked away in Magnus’s home. They weren’t in the safe place they’d created. They were in a place of work.

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@ahanahahaha. I hope you have a great holiday, and enjoy this little gift of mine!


Before The Heart Beats

There’s a certain type of nervousness that comes with first dates that never really go away; Alec can’t help but think as he looks around the room. Perhaps even more so when you are going on a date with the man you’re pretty sure is the love of your life. It might sound a little ridiculous, sure, but Alec’s pretty sure about his assessment of one of his best friends (and now date).

He finds himself smiling at just the thought of Magnus, something he’s slowly coming to realize is becoming the norm. Really, how couldn’t he? After nearly four years of friendship, Magnus had taken the leap and asked Alec out — although Alec would argue, they both took the leap and are going out with each other.

It’s been a while since either of them has gone on a date. Let alone been in a relationship, with Magnus having come out of a long-term relationship eight months ago and Alec having been single for over a year by now. The fact that they’re risking their friendship on this date means more to either of them than they’re even willing to admit to each other. While they hadn’t exactly been pining over the other throughout the duration of their friendship, they also couldn’t deny that there had always been something more there.

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@mostlyvoidpartiallysass. Hey there, giftee! I must admit, making this gift was quite the challenge, but hey! Like our favourite warlock says, I love a challenge ;)
I hope you like the gift! And may you enjoy your holidays! <3


Red String

The first thing Alec saw when he opened his eyes was dark.

He sat up, mind strangely clear. Alec’s mornings often began with him being groggy and smushing his face into Magnus’s shoulder, recalcitrant at the prospect of waking up and going to the Institute to work.

There was none of that now. Alec realized, with a sinking feeling, that he wasn’t in Magnus’s loft. The king sized bed was gone, replaced with a much smaller bed meant for one person, the kind used in the Institute’s infirmary. There wasn’t anything for miles around - Alec could see himself, his hands and his torso until the point where it was covered by a thin white blanket, could see the bed too, but when he looked anywhere else, even at the ground right beside the bed, there was just darkness.

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For@stuckwithasnakeboy. Happy Holidays Reezy

This begins with Alec’s taxi ride at the end of A Window Into an Empty Room (3.06), it takes a slight detour into AU land, then returns to show canon. We all know how messed up the show’s timeline is.

A drunk Alec arrives back at the loft.



I’m Getting Married Tomorrow

After giving the cabbie the loft’s address, Alec slouches in the backseat of the cab and stares down at his hands. He lost track of how many “doubles” he drank but he’s pretty sure it was way over his usual amount. His brain is hazy but Alec is fine with that.

He’s trying to forget something but he doesn’t remember what it was, so Alec figures that’s a good thing. His eyes slowly close.

“Hey, buddy, we’re here.”

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Dear @lani14,
as your Secret Santa, I tryed to incorporate all your wishes. These are the tags I would like to give you: Alpha Magnus/ omega Alec, dom Magnus /sub Alec, NSFW, possessive Magnus, dark Magnus, innocent Alec. Have fun reading and marry Christmas to you!


Your first is mine

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 It’s early on Christmas morning. There’s a fresh flurry of snow outside. Magnus and Alec are playin

It’s early on Christmas morning. There’s a fresh flurry of snow outside. Magnus and Alec are playing footsies on the couch in the new socks *somebody* brought them overnight for Christmas…

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Merry Christmas, @killiarious!

I really hope you enjoy this picture and I hope you have safe and happy holidays ✨✨✨

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It was a wonderful spring day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. It was the perfect day where everyone decided to have the day off for a family picnic at the park. 

Magnus also made sure he’d make his day free to join his family, the kids were extremely excited to see Jace and Clary’s daughter, Cicily. It’s been a few weeks since the kids got together and Alec thought of an awesome idea to have a family gathering on a sunny Sunday. He made sure The whole family and friends were available because he had been organising this day for a couple of weeks now. 

The institute was taken over by Lydia who was such a sweetheart to help out with everything and the whole situation was cool and controlled. 

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