#gina bellman



“double secret penetration”

gina bellmangina bellmangina bellman
bethriesgraf#workfamilylove We are already causing trouble @leverageredemption #BTS working with the

#workfamilylove We are already causing trouble @leverageredemption 
#BTS working with the girls tonight. This ep @therealnoahwyle is crushing the writing, directing and …photobombing  
#leverageredemption @amazonstudios

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Leverage fandom

There’s an episode where someone else is running the briefing for some reason, and Nate gets impatient like “We know all this!” and Hardison says something like, “On the contrary, while you are familiar with this already, some of us have focused on technology and have no knowledge of {whatever it was}. This is new information, and I am fascinated, quite. Please, go on.”

I would like a gif of “I am fascinated, quite. Please, go on.” (or whatever the actual line is). Does anyone have one, or at least know which episode that is?



i’m already seeing people dismissing the leverage reboot cause it ‘won’t be as good as the original’ and i cannot stress enough HOW MUCH I COULDN’T POSSIBLY CARE like my favorite show of all time is getting rebooted with all my favorite members of the OG cast and being led by people in charge of the og show? like fuck yeah it ain’t gonna top the original just cause of the nostalgia factor no matter how good it is but who GIVES A HOOT AHHHHHH MORE FUCKING LEVERAGE

You guys. John Rogers and Dean Devlin are still on board. These are the guys who took Gina Bellman’s maternity leave and turned it into a character building arc. These are the guys who crafted each season as a complete story because John Rogers thinks cliffhangers are for cowards. These are the guys who gave us a series finale with an emotional gut-punch that slams just as hard the fifth time you see the episode as it did the first time, and then ends with an emotional lift that makes you scream so loud it scares the dog EVERY TIME even though you spend the whole episode knowing it’s coming.

We trust one (1) set of tv show creators to do right by us, and it’s these beautiful bastards.

#leverage    #leverage 20    #john rogers    #dean devlin    #gina bellman    #sophie devereaux    #writing    #storytelling    


Before learning that there’ll be a season 2…

… and after!

Rebloging myself shamelessly to add Noah Wyle’s comment on Instagram:

And the collage it inspired me ‍♀️

Before learning that there’ll be a season 2…

… and after!
