#ginoza nobuchika


Important Info prior to Sign-ups!

We’re almost there! Before you apply, please read the important information in the link above for the guidelines, schedules and specs.

Sign-ups open on April 1, 2022, 4PM Central European Summer Time.

LOG NO.: 002

DATE: 03.25.2022


Anticipation remains high after the formal announcement of In Time: A Psycho-Pass 10th Anniversary Tribute. Finalizing the list for invited contributors has been ongoing in the background, and Shepherd 1 & 2 have been fortunate enough to have amazing people on board so far.

As the Contributor Sign-ups draws near, the growing interest is both exciting and inspiring. The mods look forward to seeing familiar and new names come next week, and knowing how talented this fandom is, will be up for a challenge in the selection process.

Now is there any better way to celebrate Miss Tsunemori’s birthday? Watch this space!

The wait is over!

Shepherd 1 & 2 are most thrilled to announce…

Celebrating the show’s roots and its evolution since, this tribute will be a culmination of the fandom’s love towards the characters, the world, and the stories that have touched us, inspired us, and kept us going for the past ten years!

The overarching theme is indeed, time, and our goal is to celebrate both the show’s roots from season 1, up to the latest, to showcase how far it’s come. It will take the form of a working website (wixsite) that will run for a set duration starting on Oct 11, 2022. The plan is to consolidate all submissions into a digital zine that we will have available for download after the website has ended its run. As this is a passion project, we have no plans of monetizing it.

Some key information under the cut!

WHAT: This is a gen-themed project with a formal outline. All contributors are expected to follow this to adhere to the overarching theme. For those selected, we will make this outline available at a specified later date.

WHEN: Link to the sign-up form will be shared via all our networks (tumblr & twitter) on April 1, 2022, 4PM Central European Summer Time. You can check the applicable time in your location here.

Other important dates:

  • Sign-up deadline: April 20, 2022 23:59 CEST
  • Selected contributors will be informed on April 27, 2022

We’ve been so eager to announce it, and now that it’s here, please help us spread the word! We’re looking forward to seeing your names on the list!


As you may already know, the 10th anniversary of Psycho-Pass is happening on the 11th (12th in the West) of October, 2022! To celebrate this, we’re organizing a Digital Zine that will showcase our love for the show and its characters!

The project is at its earliest stages: we’re firming up timelines, resources, mods and of course, the overarching theme for this digital zine. Soon, we will open applications for contributors, so watch this space!

We’re excited to get this going and we hope you help spread the word!

LOG NO.: 004

DATE: 04.26.2022


Time indeed flies! Shepherd 1 & 2 would like to thank everyone who signed up for the tribute! We are forever grateful for your interest and enthusiasm to show your love, and you certainly did not make it easy for us! After a few rounds of deliberation, the list is now complete, and all accepted contributors will receive a special message tomorrow (04.27.2002, 10 am CEST)!

Soon, creations will come to life, and we will continue to update everyone on the progress and introduce you to our contributors! Stay tuned!

LOG NO.: 003

DATE: 04.16.20


Contributor Sign-ups are ongoing, with a growing list of amazing Psycho-Pass fans ready to create and show their love for the series’ 10th Anniversary!

Are you an artist/graphic artist or a fic writer? If you haven’t signed up, there’s still 10 days left!

ℹ️ Read about the guidelines HERE

✍ Application form HERE

Deadline for applications is April 25. Without a doubt, Shepherd 1 & 2 will have their work cut out for them during the selection process!

⏳Contributor Applications are now open!

This is it, everyone! Join us in our 10th Anniversary Tribute to celebrate and share your love for Psycho-Pass by applying as a contributor!

ℹ️ Read about the guidelines HERE

✍ Application form HERE

Sign-ups are open from April 1-25. Feel free to send us an ask/contact us on twitter if you have any questions!

ppdaily: PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Sinners of the System Case.2 Post Card


PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Sinners of the System Case.2 Post Card

Post link
 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Sinners of the System Case.2 Post Card

PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Sinners of the System Case.2 Post Card

Post link
artbooksnat:Psycho-Pass (サイコパス )Promotional art for Psycho Pass, both illustrated by animation direcartbooksnat:Psycho-Pass (サイコパス )Promotional art for Psycho Pass, both illustrated by animation direc


Psycho-Pass (サイコパス )

Promotional art for Psycho Pass, both illustrated by animation director Kei Ajiki (安食佳), were part of the Illustration Chronicle in the Spoon.2Di(Amazon USJapanIllustration Issue.

Post link
 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book  PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book

PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 公式設定資料集 Vol. 2 - Art Book

Post link

I went through with what I said I would! And, yes.. They’re mainly combat orientated. Apologies if you wanted otherwise. I just love seeing Gino fight people, so naturally they were what I mainly made into a GIF when originally watching this.

Today’s post: Nobuchika Ginoze from Psycho-Pass!

But today! Today, we have a special post. This time, we have an extra GIF. An extra character!

And of course, it’s none other than Gino’s amazing father who I love dearly: Tomomi Masaoka! :)

I really liked this scene, I kept thinking about it for awhile after seeing it

A few months back, I actually ordered a “color collection mascot charm” of Masa. I wanted Shinya or Gino, but no one was selling them D: I’m happy I got Masa in the end, though :)

Edit: I just realized I added Tomomi as all the #’s HAHA whoops

haaah i always fall for tragic characters that are rather overlooked

Same applies to Teppei Sugou

Psycho Pass SPOILERS below


This calm silent guy caught my attention since he first appeared. His fate always manages to convince me that things could be worse and I can deal with a challenge in life. It’s amazing what pain he alone has to deal with and how big the crushing guilt must weigh on his shoulder.

His nickname First Guardian couldn’t be more ironic to him.

That one episode in season 2 alone was harsh.

His boss Inspector Aoyanagi is a hostage together with others. He’s a sniper and tries to eliminate the kidnapper. He cannot see though and shoots the one with higher psycho pass. He didnt know the hostages were tortured and it made his bosses psycho pass rise and killed her instead.

The rest of s2 he felt guilty and tried to redeem himself to Ginoza, even considering to become a human meat shield to protect the others because his life is worth nothing anymore.

He was so surprised that Ginoza protected him and was relieved he could save him in return as well.

Now you’d think it’s already rough that you killed your boss that trusted and respected you, on accident but… then Sinners of the System 2 released and it got way WAYY WORSE

So we’re seeing a young puppy Sugo happily with his friends before they get sent on a mission. Sugo has to drop emergency supplies for his friends and as he wants to help them from the air his commanders forbid it. Before they cut the connectiom to his friends his best friend tells Sugo that his wife is pregnant and that he should tell her to be strong.

His friends go MIA and Sugo is devastated. He has a fallout with his friends wife and he gets forbidden from flying because he got traumatized from losing his friends. His account gets hacked and he becomes a suspect what doesnt help. He meets with Aoyanagi and Masaoka that try to find the true culprit. There’s evidence his best friend might be alive and behind it. He struggles to believe that.

Turns out his commanders betrayed him and try to silence him. They torture him and he almost loses his eyesight.

He is saved by Aoyanagi and Masaoka but when they find the true cuplrit he has to fight against his best friend. Only to realize it’s just a robot of his friend and he realizes he really TRULY is dead.

Not only that … He finds out the supposed emergency supplies he dropped for his friends were actually a chemical weapon that killed all of them. Sugo unknowingly killed all of them. (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)

His friends wife tried to get revenge and wanted to kill the commanders. When Sugo found out and tried to reason with her she gets killed as well and he sobs as she dies in his arms.

Masaoka takes care of him and advises him to get mental treatment. If that wont help he could become an Enforcer like him to protect.

Sugo does exactly that but when it’s finally his time Masaoka is already gone as well.

Aghh he really can’t catch a break and it hurts that those that he tries to protect become victims instead. By his hand even.

Tldr: He gets betrayed and unknowingly kills his friends, can’t protect the wife of his best friends and accidentally kills the boss that trusts him and gave him faith.


I would struggle so hard to get close to humans ever again. Afraid to lose loved ones all over again. Doubting himself for being unable to guard those he love.

He couldn’t protect his friends
He couldn’t protect his best friends wife
He couldn’t protect the wife’s child
He couldn’t protect Masaoka
He couldn’t protect Aoyanagi
What a brilliant Guardian

I also wouldn’t fault him for going rogue. Everytime he trusted his superiors he was betrayed. He trusted Sybil to judge the true criminal, yet ended up killing someone traumatized, he trusted his commanders and his friends payed for it.
Yet he probably wouldn’t go rogue. He’s that kind of Golden Retriever that would stay loyal to the end and rather faults himself. Looking at you with sad puppy eyes haaah.

I think him getting saved by Ginoza must have been like a light in the darkness. Luckily he also managed to save him in return, that must have been quite a relief. Maybe he could also repay the favor to Masaoka by being with Ginoza!

ANYWAYS, I truly hope for him to have found strong longlasting friends now. That he can trust to survive for quite a while longer. And i would absolutely love for him to save the day at the very end to redeem his nickname of First Guardian.
