
I have already posted a more basic, spiced version of tofu scramble. But this is the creme de la cre

I have already posted a more basic, spiced version of tofu scramble. But this is the creme de la creme (minus the creme) and boy oh boy what a decadent breakfast this is. creamy, smooth, very naughty but oh so delicious. If ur ever feeling like a queen/king in the morning then this is the stuff for you. 

creamy queenie tofu scramble


1 minced garlic clove

pat vegan butter

½ block firm tofu

100ml soya cream

½ tbsp nutritional yeast 

1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley and basil (will work well with most herbs tho!) 

1. in a small frying pan melt ur butter on a medium heat. soften your garlic. add your tofu to the pan and smush down with the back of a spoon. 

2. once the tofu has begun to soften add the rest of the ingredients and give the lot a good stir. 

Add to toast, have it on it’s own or served by yr manservant in ur undies, i don’t really mind, just enjoy!

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