#glass mosaic


What do you think it takes to be King?

So in my endeavours to watch some newer animes I stumbled upon Ranking of Kings after a friend recommend it to me and it kept popping up here and there, and I decided to give it a shot. It is not at all what I expected but I have zero regrets! It was such a beautiful and powerful anime and I was excited to draw the cast for it!

“No matter what happens…
Promise me that we’ll always be there for each other.

Hey guys, did I mention I 100%’d OMORI?
Ahaha, I’ve been wanting to do a big piece for it for months but with zines and other commitments going on I kept putting it off. Happy to show it finally done! I had a ton of fun with the composition, (much like I did with the game heh), playing on symbolism, character ties and the duality of the two worlds the game presents! I always love doing these for indie works because it’s fun to show the style within my own style too. The design is fully reversible, which I’ve only really done in the trial pieces before, tho I hinted at it once or twice in similar game fanart.

Hope you guys like iiiiit!

A commission of one of the best villains I’ve seen, Medusa Gorgon~!
Was fun to relive my Soul Eater phase just a bit for this one, thank you for the support.

As always please do not repost or use my art anywhere without permission, and doubly so with this as it is a commission for someone specific <3

How does one have fun in Hinamizawa? Well it helps to have friends!

My piece from Fragments of 1983: a Higurashi Zineby@neonbell-zines! A print version will be available at Toronto ComiCon in a few sizes!

“There’s no such thing as good guys or bad guys, there’s just people.”

This piece is a little older, from a project I’ve since left, but I’m happy to finally show it off. I really enjoyed what’s out so far of The Umbrella Academy, and drew this one based on season 1! Might just go do a rewatch with Season 3 coming up soon hahah

This will be available as a print at upcoming cons!

“A train robbery is where you take a train to your destination, make your move, and take a train back, right?”

Here’s the piece I did for @baccano-zine last year! I adore this cast and it was fun to get so many of them on the page. This is going to be available as a print in limited numbers at upcoming cons if you’re in the Toronto area.

“Anyone who finds out who you are is gonna come for you… So watch your back.”

As usual warning for vague and implied spoilers in any of my DR pieces, do not look too hard if you haven’t finished. But! This is the piece I did for the Rantaro Amami zine, Venture Forth! It was a great project to work on and a fun time. You can still find the zine for free download here if you want to check out the other pieces.

Rantaro’s an interesting character and his part in the plot always makes me think, I had fun putting together a mosaic to do with him! I may make this a print for future cons.
