#allison hargreeves


mr. pennycrumb this, gazelle quote that…the REAL piece of tua comic canon we should be rooting for in the show is Five’s Serial Killer PMS



I like to think that Reginald Hargreeves was seen a incredibly progressive for the 50s, 60s and 70s because he simply didn’t understand the point of bigotry

Reporter: these are your children?


Reporter: but those three aren’t white!

Reginald, confused because no one’s skin is completely white:what?

Reporter: they’re not of European descent

Reginald: oh! Yes, they aren’t

Reporter: so why have you adopted them?

Reginald: to save the world, same as the other children

Reporter: but they’re not white!

Reginald: yes, and I don’t see what that has to do with anything

Interviewer: do you really think that Number Three can do everything her brothers can given that she’s a girl?

Reginald: No, I think she’s proved herself to be more capable that several of her brothers and I don’t see what sex has to do with anything

Interviewer: well she is the gentler sex

Reginald: she killed a mutant space squid

Alison getting drunk in restored 2019 and posting a photo of her flipping off the moon and accidentally getting featured in like 20 “crazy things celebs are posting on social media” buzzfeed articles

Five: With all due respect, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Diego: That wasn’t respectful like at all

Five: People tell me I have a unique way of lightning up a room

Allison: It’s called arson and those people are called witnesses

Kidnapper: I have your brother

Klaus: Oh no. Which one?

Kidnapper: Uh small?

Klaus: Oh FIVE? I’m sorry sir, but you don’t have Five, he has you. Good luck

Five: Everyone’s always trying to stop me from having fun. It’s all like “Five, that’s illegal!” And “stop it, it’s murder!”

Klaus: STOP ARGUING! You’re going to traumatize the baby!

Five: I’m fifty eight–

Klaus: Not you! Me! I’m baby!

Five: Why learn to grow when you can just fix the past? This is exactly why I don’t need therapy

Vanya: That’s not really the lesson I wanted you to take from this

Five: Too late

Five: Murder wasn’t on today’s agenda

Diego: It’s not on anyone’s

Five: No, it’s on mine. Just not until next Thursday

Klaus: Are you mad?


Klaus: Oh, I see. So sharpening daggers at two am is just a hobby?

Diego to Five: I can’t believe you’re making half a million and you’re only giving me $30.000!

Klaus: $30.000? I’m only getting $1.000!

Luther: Wait are you guys getting paid?!

Five: *shows excellent poker skills*

Klaus: Damn Five. Are you secretly cool?

Five: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician Carl Friedrich cool

Klaus: I do not

Klaus: Aww, you’re so cute when you’re angry

Five: Then prepare yourself, because I’m about to get really fucking adorable
