#godzilla reads


Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire by Neil Gaiman and Shane Oakley

Troll Bridge by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran

During my library visit I found two comic adaptations of short stories by Neil Gaiman, which is always fun. Since they were shorter I read them one after the other, comparing their artwork and how much I enjoyed the adaptation of the story.

I liked Troll Bridge best namely because it’s one of my favorite short stories by this author. Also, Colleen Doran made it very fun to read and see her characterization with colors!

Forbidden Brides was also good, a satirical story with striking comic art, but some panels were hard to tell what was going on because there was too much happening at once. I did appreciate Shane Oakley’s art style, giving this story the gothic appeal it rightfully deserves.

Chivalry by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran

Chivalry is one of my favorite short stories by Neil Gaiman and I have been patiently waiting for the graphic novel to be released.

My thoughts?

I think Colleen Doran did a fabulous job illustrating and formatting this story, creating an adaptation that is beautiful, funny, and heartfelt.

Neil Gaiman’s short story is about an elderly woman who finds the Holy Grail at a secondhand shop. She is then visited by a knight in shining armor who wants the Grail to finish his quest. She is not going to let him have it that easily, though.

I liked how Doran used different styles of lettering and her comedic expressions on the characters. Her art is very eye catching and the cover of the book screams “I must be read NOW”.

I’m so happy this came out and that I got a chance to read it again!


Growing up were you a dinosaur kid, a horse kid, a cat kid, a wolf kid, or a dragon kid?

Or were you a deranged version of all five? Because I know I was.

I liked horses as a kid. Dinosaurs gave me debilitating nightmares until I was 25 and they still bother me today. I can’t watch or read anything with dinosaurs past about 1pm or I’ll have nightmares. I’ve never been a cat person despite the fact that tigers are one of my favorite animals, and wolves I like in pictures (except that one timber wolf I got to pet was amazing) but was never obsessed with them either.

Mom is the dragon nut in my family. I always favored unicorns or the Pegasus because again, horses.
