#good doggie


Before And After Pictures of Dogs Being Called a Good Boy

Before And After Pictures of Dogs Being Called a Good Boy


Slowly catches you off guard, subtly whispering in your ear… “look at his new car, look at all the money in his bank accounts, he’s not struggling.” It gradually bubbles into white, hot rage, “he has all that money! he stole my honesty, he cashed it in and deposited it into his retirement account!” Look at him! “He lies, cheats, steals and constantly gets away with it!” Look at him! “Not only is his malice richly rewarded, but he is held in HIGH regard by society!!” and from way UP there he still bends way down, all the way down to my level, just to push me over when I finally find my footing. Resentment is a bitter, bitter poison. The only cure is gratitude. Thank God for dogs!
