#good omens xmas tree


It’s done!

(Don’t let him tempt you to take the tree topper…)


Close-ups of Crowley, that wily old serpent

I was going to put shades and a tie on him, but they looked silly.  The Roman laurels turned into our tree garland when that also looked silly.


I also made some GO themed ornaments in addition to the character ornaments hubby and I made a week ago.

Crowley’s nebula and plants, Aziraphale’s sushi and tartan (or as close as I could get), an apple and lion for Eden and the ark.  I was gonna add a unicorn, but couldn’t find fabric that wasn’t bright pink.


All in all, it was a fun project.  Thanks to @neil-gaiman​, Sir Terry Pratchett, and the amazing actors and crew who brought this world to life and inspired one of my favorite Christmas trees we’ve done :)

Part of our Good Omens Christmas tree this year.  Dave drew and I colored some shrinky dink ornamentPart of our Good Omens Christmas tree this year.  Dave drew and I colored some shrinky dink ornament

Part of our Good Omens Christmas tree this year.  Dave drew and I colored some shrinky dink ornaments using sharpies and the (very) limited color pencils we have.  Sorry for the pics.  Every camera we own sucks.

I originally tried using our daughter’s markers, but the colors didn’t come out as good as with the pencils.

I’m making more ornaments (and hopefully a plush Crowley snake) to put on the tree.  I’ll post pics when I’m done :)

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