#gordo stevens x reader



I Thought You Were Dead (Gordo Stevens x F!Reader)

Requested by @edwardbaldwin: a hundred difference kisses prompts 46 the reunion kiss… with Gordo? After he saves Jamestown? And they think he’s dead but really he’s just extremely hurt and brought back to earth.

Main Master List

Writing Prompt Master List

100 Different Kisses

Warnings: Season 2 Spoilers, pregnancy, puking, lets just pretend we’re star fleet at this point and have medicine that can save a person from space radiation, because you know…. fanfic



The minute they pulled you to the side, away from everybody, you knew something had gone bad. But you hadn’t expected it to be that bad.

“He what?” Margot gives you a sad smile as your world crumbles around you. There’s no way he could die. He’s Gordo Stevens. He’s immortal. “You’re wrong. He’s alive.”

“I’m sorry, (Y/N), but he’s gone. He and Tracey died saving Jamestown,” Margot remorses, Molly standing silently behind her, not really sure what to say. Your stomach churns, bitter acid rising in the back of your throat. “We’re bringing their bodies back for a burial, but there’s no way they could have survived out there.”

You shake your head, your hand rubbing your protruding bump as your heart races. He can’t be dead. Can he? “I think Imma puke,” your face pales as you lurch into the nearest trash can, Margot and Molly watching on with silent pity. After emptying the contents of your stomach, you turn to look at them. “I haven’t even told him. I haven’t even told him I’m pregnant with his kid.” Your voice is soft and Molly steps forward, placing a firm but caring hand on your shoulder.

“He died a hero. Why don’t you go sit in my office. I’ll give you a call when they’re back home.”

“What’s the point if he’s dead? I mean shit, how the hell am I gonna tell Danny and Jimmy that both their parents died?”

“We’re going to get them back home. Just please, get some rest,” Margot comments before walking away, leaving you and Molly alone. She pulls you into her side as she starts walking toward her office.

“When we were telling him how to wrap himself up, he seemed very adamant on making sure you weren’t alone. He knew the risks, and he took them, but not without thinking of you. He asked me to deliver this message,” Molly slips you a piece of paper and you don’t even bother to look at it as she opens the door to her office. “Just, say here for now. We’ll call you down when we get his body. I’m sorry for your loss.” She walks away and leaves you to your thoughts.

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