#stephen holder x reader


Suit and Tie (Stephen Holder x F!Reader)

“If you’re uncomfortable you can tell me” requested by @babblydrabbly and “I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time” requested by @a-reader-and-a-writer

Main Master List

Writing Prompt Master List

Reassurance Drabbles

150 Random Prompts

Warnings: Smoking


Stephen takes another hit of his cigarette before flicking the butt to the ground as he looks into the floor length mirror before fiddling with his tie. It feels tight, too tight, he notes to himself as he loosens it around his neck before immediately fixing it.

Normally Stephen Holder is cool and calm and collected, but not today. Not when today is his wedding day.

“I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time,” your voice stirs him out of this thoughts as he quickly turns around and sees you standing there, your white dress hugging your frame and your makeup done to perfection. Holder gawks at you.

“I thought ’m not supposed to see you. Somethin’ bout bad luck,” he comments, walking over to you and pulling you into his arms, kissing your forehead. “You look gorgeous. Can’t believe how lucky I am,” you smile and pull away, looking him over.

“Your tie is messed up,” your hands reach up and adjust the piece of fabric, very aware of the way Holder gulps as a bead of sweat drips down the side of his neck. “You know, if you’re uncomfortable, you can tell me.”

He sighs and turns away, looking back to the mirror as your arms wrap around his midsection. “We can always push this back. Get married in a courthouse.”

“You kiddin? Ain’t no way that’s gonna happen. I know how important this is for you. I know how bad you want this wedding.”

“Steph, if you don’t wanna do it, I won’t be bothered. It’d be okay.”

“Nah, I’m just nervous to marry you. Never thought I would.”

“In a good way, or bad way?” You tease, reaching up and pressing a kiss to his vein. “I’m nervous to marry you too. I mean, you are the man of my dreams.”

Holder’s breath hitches in his throat as he catches you watching him through the mirror, nothing but sheer love could be described in your eyes, and suddenly, all of Holder’s nerves fly away. “How about we go ahead and get this show on the road. I want to be married to you.”

“You sure, baby?” Holder turns around in your grasp and presses a loving kiss to your painted lips.

“I’ve never been more sure in my entire life.”


General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid@himbovillain-anon@babblydrabbly@a-reader-and-a-writer@fairchildflag@infatuatedjanes@niki-xie

Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester@loverhymeswith@xoxabs88xox@t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o@witchygagirl@the1redrose@ratcatcher2world@green-socks@heart-0n-fire@weallhaveadestiny@yourjacketisnowdry@rachelh1992@a-girl-who-loves-disney@bubblegloopswampwitch@waspswidows@burntghoost@knivesareout@mattymurdocksbitch@katjnordstrom96@bb-skyrunner@edwardbaldwin@yespolkadotkitty@heresathreebee@klmurr@madkovacs@wxr-zxne@wtfobiwan@alieninoklahoma@sociiallydiisoriiented

Suit and Tie (Stephen Holder x F!Reader)

“If you’re uncomfortable you can tell me” requested by @babblydrabbly and “I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time” requested by @a-reader-and-a-writer

Main Master List

Writing Prompt Master List

Reassurance Drabbles

150 Random Prompts

Warnings: Smoking


Stephen takes another hit of his cigarette before flicking the butt to the ground as he looks into the floor length mirror before fiddling with his tie. It feels tight, too tight, he notes to himself as he loosens it around his neck before immediately fixing it.

Normally Stephen Holder is cool and calm and collected, but not today. Not when today is his wedding day.

“I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time,” your voice stirs him out of this thoughts as he quickly turns around and sees you standing there, your white dress hugging your frame and your makeup done to perfection. Holder gawks at you.

“I thought ’m not supposed to see you. Somethin’ bout bad luck,” he comments, walking over to you and pulling you into his arms, kissing your forehead. “You look gorgeous. Can’t believe how lucky I am,” you smile and pull away, looking him over.

“Your tie is messed up,” your hands reach up and adjust the piece of fabric, very aware of the way Holder gulps as a bead of sweat drips down the side of his neck. “You know, if you’re uncomfortable, you can tell me.”

He sighs and turns away, looking back to the mirror as your arms wrap around his midsection. “We can always push this back. Get married in a courthouse.”

“You kiddin? Ain’t no way that’s gonna happen. I know how important this is for you. I know how bad you want this wedding.”

“Steph, if you don’t wanna do it, I won’t be bothered. It’d be okay.”

“Nah, I’m just nervous to marry you. Never thought I would.”

“In a good way, or bad way?” You tease, reaching up and pressing a kiss to his vein. “I’m nervous to marry you too. I mean, you are the man of my dreams.”

Holder’s breath hitches in his throat as he catches you watching him through the mirror, nothing but sheer love could be described in your eyes, and suddenly, all of Holder’s nerves fly away. “How about we go ahead and get this show on the road. I want to be married to you.”

“You sure, baby?” Holder turns around in your grasp and presses a loving kiss to your painted lips.

“I’ve never been more sure in my entire life.”


General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid@himbovillain-anon@babblydrabbly@a-reader-and-a-writer@fairchildflag@infatuatedjanes@niki-xie

Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester@loverhymeswith@xoxabs88xox@t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o@witchygagirl@the1redrose@ratcatcher2world@green-socks@heart-0n-fire@weallhaveadestiny@yourjacketisnowdry@rachelh1992@a-girl-who-loves-disney@bubblegloopswampwitch@waspswidows@burntghoost@knivesareout@mattymurdocksbitch@katjnordstrom96@bb-skyrunner@edwardbaldwin@yespolkadotkitty@heresathreebee@klmurr@madkovacs@wxr-zxne@wtfobiwan@alieninoklahoma@sociiallydiisoriiented


Between the Lines | Stephen Holder x F!Reader | Chapter Two


Summary: A Stephen Holder AU. We’ve all seen those true crime shows, where infamous cases are re-enacted for the entertainment of audiences at home. What if The Killing really was just a television show, but the detectives and cases were real?

Warnings: The Killing spoilers, language, smoking, mention of addiction, reader has a nickname

Word Count: 2,998 words

A/N: This fic has truly been a collaborative process with the massively talented Vee @a-reader-and-a-writer ! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me and helping out with so much of the plot and dialogue. This is just as much your story as it is mine.

Thank you to the wonderful @sociiallydiisoriiented for beta-reading! Your advice has been invaluable <3

You’re late onto set for the third day in a row, but thankfully no one notices. Time-keeping has never been one of your strong points. There’s a commotion happening behind the monitors which seems to be taking up everyone’s time and attention, and that suits you just fine. It’s not like you have to clock in and out of this job, but you’d hate for anyone to catch you slacking. Good PA jobs are hard to come by and god knows you need the money.

Keep reading

I am so in love with this story. The PA is so cute and I love how she is so invested in Stephen, both as a character but also the real Holder.

“You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been admiring him from afar during your time on set. And now, coupled with everything you already know about him, it turns out that he is a genuinely nice guy. It certainly doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes, either.” Oh, I’m with you there, Hendrix. I see where this is going ❤️

Holder opening up to her, maybe feeling relaxed for the first time while being on set, jusg made my little heart soar. I love this and I can’t wait to read the next parts



Oh God, I finally did it and it’s HERE.

Really this started out as a gift for @loverhymeswith and then took on a life of its own. A sweet, 100% consensual threesome.

Summary: You live happily with your boyfriend, Detective Stephen Holder, and when he brings home a wounded CI, the dynamic shifts ~ Words: 6780 ~ Warnings: Holy shit smut. Threesome, handjobs, semi-public sex, oral sex, P in V sex ~ Pairing: Erik Heller x female reader x Stephen Holder


You’ve been living with Stephen for about six months when it happens.

You’re at home on the couch, eating the leftover cookies from the cupboard and idly scrolling through the ‘gram, thinking about the weekend.

You’ve been invited to a fancy shindig, the engagement party of Caroline and her hotshot DA boyfriend, and OMG you’re looking forward to seeing Stephen in a suit.

The sound of pounding on the door of your apartment makes you jerk in surprise. You get to your feet and open the door, wondering if you ordered takeout and had a brainfart afterwards, forgetting, but the sight that greets you makes your mouth gape in surprise.

Stephen stands framed in the architrave of the door, supporting another man. Blood soaks his shirt and he looks pale, ghostly so, even more than Stephen, which is saying something.

“Fuck-” You manage to get out and you half step, half stagger backwards.

Keep reading

oh i really, really loved this!!! 
