#gordon klingenschmitt


Via Right Wing Watch

“There was a time when it was said that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland,” Klingenschmitt said, “and now I’m concerned that the snakes have returned to Ireland. And when I say snakes, I’m not talking about physical snakes, I’m talking about the demonic spirits inside of some of the people you see parading their sin in pride around the country, rejecting not just the Catholic Church but rejecting Jesus Christ himself.”

“Jesus Christ defined marriage between one man and one woman,” he continued, “and maybe it’s time for another St. Patrick to go back into Ireland and preach the good news that Jesus can make you free from sin and drive out the snakes once again.”

This is Gordon Klingenschmitt’s second appearance on #ThisManLegislates but I have faith that it won’t be his last! 
