#got final season


Why Game of Thrones ending in 2019 is ridiculous, toxic and send a bad message?

  • cocks are important to rule 
  • women who have desires and ambitions are evil and mad
  • rape makes you strong and love kills you 
  • women in power are only good rullers if a man grants power to her and she asked nicely
  • women can’t handle power, men can’t handle love
  • men doing revenge is  natural and heroic, women, aspired to revenge, are heartless mad and insane that need to die
  • a powerful women is a threat

Why did Jon get resurrected then exactly? 

Whats the point of being a Targaryen ? If its for the Targaryen house to be exterminated. Its the same, if jon  being a Stark he could fall in love with Dany and reject her still. So whats the point ?

Also, the NK would not have had a fucking dragon without Jon. Probably, it would have been harder for him to get through the wall without Jon. Then did Jon got his second chance in life because his destiny was to kill Dany? But without Jon Dany would have gone to King’s Landing long before. And with 3 healthy dragons. Probably without losing Missandei and Jorah and half of her amry. Then did Jon get revived to sit on the Iron Throne? Apparently no. 

What was the purpose of breaking the wheel ? They didnt broke shit! 

What the purpose of Bran being the three eye raven? So he can reach ultimate power and control of everyones life? That shit is worse than a Iron Throne.

The iron throne ended the coronation of the throne by birth, but that doesnt change anything. The lords are designed by birth ! hahah LMFAO

And if you have a bad guy comes and blackmail every lords so he can get the throne ? These system are not infalible.

Whats the purpose of Melisandre wanting bring Ice and Fire ? They didnt killed the NK.

What´s the point of all season 7 foreshadowing Jon having kids and now Bran forbids him to have kids ? Plz..

Why cant Jon be king ? Because of the Unsullied ? They dont rule shit. All the armys of Westeros would kill them in seconds. That shit dont make sense.

Jon save Westeros and cant be king because of the Unsullied?!  LOL

I would prefer if it was Jon´s choice to get exiled and abdicating of the throne. That would be so powerful.

Not to mention that Arya and Gendry/ Brienne and Jaime fucking it was fan service. It addn´t anything to the plot.



Ok, so I’ll say this

I have always tried to stay away from the bandwagons of all sorts whether it was about hating something or loving something; and also I’ve always tried not to be harsh on any creators, cus you know, creating stuff is hard. At least they tried. And with the Game of Thrones, I was willing to give the writers a chance even after the mediocre seventh season - damn I loved this story, this world, these characters and I wanted to love them still so, so much.

But now I can’t. I actually can’t. I can’t think of any excuse for this joke of an ending, and frankly not that I want to anymore. And not because it’s popular to hate on Game of Thrones these days.

It’s just bad. Bad, unsatisfying and it leaves this bitter taste in your mouth that spoils all the future rewatches for you. It was a living and breathing world once but now it’s just some bad fan fiction exploring the question no one asked: “what would happen if all of the characters had meningitis complications”. Characters are killed off just to raise the body count, years of careful character development are traded for some shock value, some plot lines just go nowhere… yup, it’s really bad.

Bad, confusing and so, so disappointing.

Sotty for my bad english, I’m just so sad right now

PS And also they should have called this show “The Starks” since they are obviously the only ones that matter in the end. Maybe “The Starks and Tyrion”, idk
