#gotham show

 → asexual OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the T → asexual OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the T → asexual OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the T


[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the TV show “Gotham”. Oswald is an adult man with pale skin, messy black hair, green eyes, and freckles. Behind him in all 3 icons is the asexual pride flag.

The first icon shows Oswald looking into the distance with an annoyed expression on his face. He’s holding something above his head with his right arm, and wearing a black suit.

The second icon shows Oswald turned to the side, casually resting a shotgun on his right shoulder. He has a neutral expression on his face. He’s wearing a dark brown suit.

The third icon shows Oswald looking into the distance with a serious expression on his face. He’s wearing a black suit and a red scarf. /End ID]

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 → gay OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the TV sh → gay OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the TV sh → gay OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the TV sh


[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the TV show “Gotham”. Oswald is an adult man with pale skin, messy black hair, green eyes, and freckles. Behind him in all 3 icons is the 8-stripe Gilbert Baker pride flag.

The first icon shows Oswald looking into the distance with an annoyed expression on his face. He’s holding something above his head with his right arm, and wearing a black suit.

The second icon shows Oswald turned to the side, casually resting a shotgun on his right shoulder. He has a neutral expression on his face. He’s wearing a dark brown suit.

The third icon shows Oswald looking into the distance with a serious expression on his face. He’s wearing a black suit and a red scarf. /End ID]

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what are your guy’s thoughts on ships? what kind would you guys like to see. Some of these ships might be kind of weird but it’s mostly because I think it would be fun to mix it up to see different kinds of dynamics. Riddler bounces between liking Selina and Oswald with a temporary crush on Batman for a time.

Selina uses people she doesn’t really have interest in anybody as much as seeing what they can do for her. When batman is at his lowest point she sees an attack dog that can make smaller gangs kowtow to her. Talia is Bruce’s truest love but after a terrible event she couldn’t be with him anymore.

Joker is just unpredicatable he likes making other people’s lives worse for the hell of it. Because he’ll screw people over on a whim no one wants anything to do with him. He doesn’t feel anything towards anybody except for a mutual intense hatred between him and riddler. Riddler call him an unfunny clown and riddler hates that the media seems to always look at joker with awe.

This scarecrow is actually a massive scaredy cat too nervous to really be friends with anybody. Riddler starts off by feeling pity for the man because he doesn’t like bullies but comes to end up getting intrigued by his mystery and respecting his resourcefulness. Poor guy is forced into action when he gets harassed and nearly killed for his research.

Hush hates everybody especially the rich, Tommy Elliot is a combination of Telltale penguin and batman 2022 Riddler, with a sprinkle of Galvan in his general demenor.

There’s the little outlaws trio, Jason (robin) Lonnie (anarky) and Rose (ravager). when they’re little Jason doesn’t really understand the concept of romance and kinda thinks girls have cooties except rose seems to be the exception because she’s too cool to have cooties she’s probably just immune. Lonnie is the mom friend who has to keep an eye on these two idiots.
