#asexual icons

 → asexual OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the T → asexual OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the T → asexual OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the T


[ID: 3 circular icons of Oswald Cobblepot from the TV show “Gotham”. Oswald is an adult man with pale skin, messy black hair, green eyes, and freckles. Behind him in all 3 icons is the asexual pride flag.

The first icon shows Oswald looking into the distance with an annoyed expression on his face. He’s holding something above his head with his right arm, and wearing a black suit.

The second icon shows Oswald turned to the side, casually resting a shotgun on his right shoulder. He has a neutral expression on his face. He’s wearing a dark brown suit.

The third icon shows Oswald looking into the distance with a serious expression on his face. He’s wearing a black suit and a red scarf. /End ID]

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 → nonbinary & asexual BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN icons (for anon!)[ID: 3 circular icons of Bruce Wayn → nonbinary & asexual BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN icons (for anon!)[ID: 3 circular icons of Bruce Wayn → nonbinary & asexual BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN icons (for anon!)[ID: 3 circular icons of Bruce Wayn

→ nonbinary & asexual BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN icons (for anon!)

[ID: 3 circular icons of Bruce Wayne aka Batman, in the 2022 movie “The Batman”. Bruce is a young adult with straight floppy brown hair that parts to one side and occasionally covers one eye, pale skin, and blue eyes. His Batman suit is dark grey and black, with a long black cape and a cowl featuring tall bat ears. Behind him in all 3 icons are the nonbinary and asexual pride flags.

The first icon shows Bruce looking to the side with a thoughtful, serious look on his face. He’s wearing a white button-up shirt, a black tie, a black vest, and a long grey coat. His hair is slightly covering his right eye.

The second icon shows Bruce looking at someone off-screen. His head is tilted slightly to the side, and he has a hurt look in his eyes, despite his reserved expression. He’s soaking wet, his hair hanging limply in front of his eyes, and wearing a ripped black T-shirt under a black jacket.

The third icon shows Bruce looking up at something behind the camera with wide, fearful eyes. He’s wearing the same shirt, vest, tie and coat combo. /End ID]

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 ☆ panromantic ace nonbinary aqua icons for anonymous ☆  ☆ panromantic ace nonbinary aqua icons for anonymous ☆  ☆ panromantic ace nonbinary aqua icons for anonymous ☆  ☆ panromantic ace nonbinary aqua icons for anonymous ☆  ☆ panromantic ace nonbinary aqua icons for anonymous ☆  ☆ panromantic ace nonbinary aqua icons for anonymous ☆

☆ panromantic ace nonbinary aqua icons for anonymous ☆

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