#gotta love them




KID WATCHING THE VIDEO: This guy’s not not tied to his rope… this - dude, this guy’s crazy, does he have a death wish or somethin’? Oh my gosh! Doesn’t he have like a wife and kids at home???

[parachute opens up to reveal it is rainbow]

KID, IN EXACT SAME TONE: Doesn’t he have a husband and kids at home???




Only the Achaians understands me !!!  

You know what guys?

Since I love you all so much and y'all me, I declare your province free!!

How they express their understanding?

They loved my concerts, cheered at my speeches, gave me prizes at games and of course they just adored me for being there amongst them!!

I love you Greece!!


“I knew that monsters were far more gentle and more desirable than the monsters living inside ‘nice people.’ Accepting that you are a monster gives you the leeway to not behave like one. When you deny being a monster, you behave like one.”

— Guillermo del Toro on why he loves monsters. (via shapeofh2o)
