#governing body


*tw suicide*

OK so y'know how when people think of cults, they think like Jonestown and shit? So Jehovah’s Witnesses can’t be a BAD cult right?, because they’re not doing like mass suicides right?


Sure they haven’t gotten everyone together to drink the KoolAid or something. But think how many people have chosen to die because they won’t accept a blood transfusion, because they didn’t get an organ transplant, because they wouldn’t chose a side, because they wouldn’t carry a certain piece of paperwork… because of whatever

How many people would that be? A couple thousand? Tens of thousands? Who knows

But people *have* chosen to die because they were told to. By the Governing Body. How is it any different? How is it any better than them doing it all together in one place?

It’s absolutely not better, it’s actually worse because people still don’t think it’s a problem
