#government corruption


How do “fiscally conservative” economists show Doug Ford’s Cons are going to raise YOUR TAXES?

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#breadtube    #conservative    #onpoli    #public debt    #public spending    #government    #government corruption    #breaking contract    #inefficiency    #doug ford    #public servant    #taxpayer    #tax hikes    #tax cuts    #ontario    #crony capitalism    #taxtherich    #fatcats    #bureaucrats    #bureaucracy    #nurses    #healthcare    #nursing crisis    #pay cap    

A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices.

George Orwell

Some New World Order advertising around Europe made by some bizarre art collective.


The more I think about the 2020 “lockdowns” the angrier I get. Hospitals were nowhere near being overwhelmed. The course of the virus was not altered. People giddily lined up for their to-go cocktails, placed their grocery delivery orders, and thought they were saving lives.

Many people I know permanently lost their businesses, careers, bands, self-respect, health, life savings. Some committed suicide. Some have children now years behind in their education. All for nothing. So the upper middle class could LARP “pandemic” and bake bread at home.

The service industry lost their shirts, or continued to work serving those who thought they were morally superior because they can send emails from a laptop on the couch. “Safety” became contingent on the neuroticisms of the most sheltered. The working class kneeled.

Primary care and the basic health needs of society dropped off a cliff. ERs became family doctors as family doctors insisted they only see patients virtually. Covid myopia buried all rationality. And what we got is a society now coming apart at the seams.

I’ll never forget the shoddy journalism, corporatism, bogus Government programs, decisive separation of people and political spectrums, and the politics that went into the pandemic to make it happen.

It was all theater.
