

Check this out!

#health    #plandemic    #fakenews    #science    

Okay this is the one and ONLY post I’m going to make about Plandemic, and it may be (no promises) the last post I make about COVID-19 for a little while.

  • Person 1: *posts Plandemic* This sounds plausible! It makes way more sense than [Fauci, Gates, media, WHO, CDC, etc].
  • Person 2: *posts at length about why the woman behind the video has been widely discredited, is an anti-vax conspiracy theorist, etc, complete with links and quotes*
  • Person 1: Of course they’ll discredit someone who challenges everything they say! Follow the money! Open your eyes!

Quite frankly, I have neither the time nor the inclination to waste any more of my energy being Person 2.

If you’re a Person 1 (you can tell if you’re doubling down on Plandemic after people give you reasons to question it), please do us all a favor and look up “confirmation bias.”  

Because quite frankly, I’m exhausted from explaining herd immunity, pandemic models, CDC reporting methods, the Spanish Flu, and literally everything else relating to COVID-19 to you. I am exhausted from trying to explain why you should listen to scientists when you’re just going to continue to parrot the same bullshit no matter how much evidence is in front of you. I’m exhausted from spending my time and energy digging up that evidence in the name of fighting misinformation and disinformation, only to have you dismiss it because it doesn’t fit your worldview.

I’m exhausted from hearing you talk about how this is no big deal and the media just wants us to be afraid at the same time I’m listening to friends describing the horrors they’re seeing at their healthcare jobs or how sick they are or how devastated they are to have lost someone close to them. This “hoax” you keep screeching about is hurting and killing real people, including people I love, and I’ve run out of the energy it takes to try to convince you that those people matter.

If I’ve stopped arguing with you about COVID-19, or I’ve chosen not to engage when you post things like Plandemic, it’s not because I think you’re right. It’s because I’m not interested in beating my head against your confirmation bias or listening to your cavalier declarations that you’re not going to “live in fear” and take precautions to protect the people around you.

It’s because you’re not going to listen, and because none of your conspiracy theories will help the people I love who are grieving the very real deaths of very real people.

Fuck you, fuck your conspiracy theories, and fuck your confirmation bias.
(fine to share, but please don’t remove my name)


The more I think about the 2020 “lockdowns” the angrier I get. Hospitals were nowhere near being overwhelmed. The course of the virus was not altered. People giddily lined up for their to-go cocktails, placed their grocery delivery orders, and thought they were saving lives.

Many people I know permanently lost their businesses, careers, bands, self-respect, health, life savings. Some committed suicide. Some have children now years behind in their education. All for nothing. So the upper middle class could LARP “pandemic” and bake bread at home.

The service industry lost their shirts, or continued to work serving those who thought they were morally superior because they can send emails from a laptop on the couch. “Safety” became contingent on the neuroticisms of the most sheltered. The working class kneeled.

Primary care and the basic health needs of society dropped off a cliff. ERs became family doctors as family doctors insisted they only see patients virtually. Covid myopia buried all rationality. And what we got is a society now coming apart at the seams.

I’ll never forget the shoddy journalism, corporatism, bogus Government programs, decisive separation of people and political spectrums, and the politics that went into the pandemic to make it happen.

It was all theater.
