
now normally i would say i am not one of ‘these’ vegans, this is very healthy very balanced and gene

now normally i would say i am not one of ‘these’ vegans, this is very healthy very balanced and generally just really good for you. I usually prioritise yumminess over how good the nutritional content is, because, well… lifes a bit too short for that. BUT (and this is a big butt) i have to make an exception with this grain bowl. don’t be put off by how gloriously healthy it is; this really is delish and i recommend everyone gives it a try. 

glorious grain bowl 

serves 1


½ avocado 

handful of leafy greens (i used a bag of pea shoots and spinach, much iron, very health)

handful chopped cherry tomatoes 

1 chopped spring onion 

1/3 cup green lentils 

½ vegetable stock (oxo isn’t vegan just fyi xoxo) 

½ cup brown rice

garlic dressing:

1 garlic clove

1 tbsp veganaise 

1 tsp apple cider vinegar 

big bunch fresh basil 

so really this is quite straightforward and i don’t want to patronise you so lets break it down

1. fresh stuff (avo, greens, toms, spring onion) chop em up 

2. boil the lentils according to packet instructions and add the stock cube in to the water for added flavour. 

3. to be honest i use microwave rice because i’m lazy but otherwise cook that up to packet instructions

4. blend the dressing ingredients 

5. assemble, take a picture, put it on instagram, then feel bloody smug that you’re a healthy bean, well done.

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