#graysons lane


Sick Day (G.D Imagine)

You walk into the Dolan Twin household and immediately kick of your shoes. You just got home from a busy and stressful day at college. Not to mention, you had been feeling kinda the weather lately. The only thing you wanted to do right now was cuddle with your boyfriend.

“Gray”, you call out as you drop your bag and jacket on the couch. No response. “Grayson”, you call out again walking towards the bedrooms. You walk pass Ethan’s room noticing that he was laying some video game. “Hey E, have you seen Gray?”, you ask walking into his room. No response. Of courses, he’s got headphones on. You took this opportunity to creep up on him and scare him.

“What the fu-!?”, he jumped and fell off his chair. “Oh my god!”, you laughed falling to the floor, “ that reaction was everything!” “Ha ha, very funny”, he said sarcastically. “I’m sorry, I was so tempted to do that”, you laughed as he got up and offered you a hand. “ And I’m pretty tempted to prank you after this”, he smiled. “Yeah yeah whatever”, you stuck your tongue out at him, “anyways, have you seen Grayson?” “In his room, he’s been in bed all day. I think he’s sick.” “Yeah I’ve also been feeling a bit sick lately.” “Oh my god, get out!”, he yelled pointing at the door. “What”, you laughed at his dramatic reaction. “You and Grayson are like one snot infested couple and I don’t want to get sick. So get your infectious self out of my room!”, he said dramatically as he ushered you out of his room. “You’re such a drama queen!”, you laughed. “I swear one of this days, I’m gonna have to quarantine you two just to protect myself”, he yelled as you walked to Grayson’s room.

You opened the door to reveal Grayson lying in bed with the covering up to his head, his hair just peaking out on his pillow. You pouted slightly at the sight of him, you hated seeing him sick. You make your way over to him and sit on his bed.

“Gray”, you run your fingers through his hair. “Hmmm”, he groans from under the covers. “How you feeling?”, you pull down the covers slightly. “Awful”, he replies while sniffing. “Do you want me to get your anything?” “Yeah, could you get my girlfriend? I could really use some cuddles”, he says pouting. “Only if you get my boyfriend cause I could use some cuddles too”, you smile.

“Come here”, he pulls the covers off himself and makes room for you. You gladly get in bed as he wraps his arm around your waist to pull you closer. “I hate being sick. This is like the millionth time this month”, he groans and he lays his head on your chest. “I know honey”, you run your fingers through his hair, massaging his head slightly.

You were just about to fall asleep when you got up suddenly to run to the bathroom. You were currently throwing up your lunch when you felt someone pull your hair back. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were sick babe?”, Grayson asked rubbing your back. “I didn’t want you worry”, you smile at him. “I always worry about you”, he said as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, “besides, we can take care of each other.” “Really?”, you laughed. “Nah, we’ll just get Ethan to take care of us”, he took your hand and lead back in bed.

Grayson wrapped his arm around you and sneaked his arm under your shirt. It was the most physical contact you got all day but you were more than happy with it. You were currently facing him, admiring his perfectly structured features.

“What are you thinking about?”, he asked breaking the silence. “Nothing, I’m just admiring my handsome boyfriend”, you smiled running your fingers on his face, thumb rubbing across his lips. “You know, since we’re both sick, I don’t have to worry about kissing and getting you sick”, he smiled proudly and he leaned in.

He kissed you softly as he pulled closer to him. You kissed him back while wrapping your arms around his neck and letting your fingers get lost in his hair. He moaned into the kiss when you began scratching his scalp. You both pulled away grinning like two idiots.

“Let’s get some sleep?”, you asked cuddling further into his chest. “Yeah, but first i think i need some nasal spray”, he said sniffing. “Hang on, I’ll get it”, you attempted to get but was pulled back in his chest. “Nah it’s fine, I got this”, he smiled, “Hey Ethan! Could you do me a favour!?” “No! Forget it! I’m not coming anywhere near you two!”, Ethan yelled from his room. “He’s such a drama queen”, Grayson laughed. “Yeah tell me about it.” You and Gray spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed. As for Ethan, he tried to stay in his room but he couldn’t resist coming to take care of you while moaning about it.

A/N : So i tried saving this twice and my wifi let me down so I had to post it now. Hope you guys like it. Its a bit longer than I wanted it to be. Also thank you for 400 followers love you guys❤✌
