#grayson bailey dolan


d i t c h e.d

requested: yepp : @i-will-personally-eat-yourhand

“Could I get an imagine where Ethan meets you at a party and you guys ditch to talk more?”

of course i can and thank you so much for requesting!! sorry it so long jus tumblr wouldn’t save and i had to copy and paste everything so yeah.

“hurry up y/n!! we are gonna be late for the party!!” screams y/f/n from downstairs. you were looking for you phone in case the party is a bust and you could play games on your phone. you finally found and rushed down the steps to see your best friend smiling sarcastically. “damn don’t you look comfortable.” she says surprised. you smile while flipping her off and she laughs pulling your arm towards the front door of your house. one you got in the car y/f/n says “ okay so you are going to be the designated driver tonight-“ she says rambling “ aren’t i always the designated driver, though? like what if tonight i wanna get wasted, then what?” you say trying to be serious. she laughs and you join her knowing damn well you weren’t going to do anything.

you pull up to the party and see a very nice house. it looked huge. there were already kids making out on he lawn and running around in bathing suits and you could already feel the headaches approaching. y/f/n squeals and you look at her like ‘ wtf?!’ she roles and her eyes and smiles and says “ i cant believe we are at the dolan twins house?!” you stop in the middle of the yard. letting it hit you, that you drove 15 minutes to your crushes house since 6 th grade. y/f/n realizes she told you knowing you would back out because you shy asf. “y/n it won’t be that bad, i promise you and ethan are literally made for each other- like me and grayson are” she says to preppy. you look at her think how is she your best friend? you take a big breath and start walking towards the door again. one of the boys from the football team was at the door and winked at you and you rolled your eyes..the smell of alcohol, drugs and sex fill d the room. reminding you why you hate parties so much. “y/f/n, i don’t think this a good idea-“ you say looking towards her direction to only find out she disappeared from you. ‘great’ you thought. as you were looking around for her you spot him.

ethan dolan. the boy you have crushes on since 6th grade when he stood up for you in the lunch after some girls made fun of your hair. ever since that day you have been in love with him for all the right reasons. your heart skipped a beat and you felt your stomach drop. he was laughing when he turned and looked your way and raised his eyebrow at you. you felt your blood rush to your cheeks. and you looked down to hide your state of emotions. the next thing thing later feel a presences next you and then hear a raspy voice say “ i thought you didn’t like parties, y/n?” you look up and see the devil himself. ethan dolan. “how do you know my name?” you ask surprised someone like him knows your name. you see him bend down towards your ear and say “ follow me” he grabs your hand and leads you towards the backyard of the party in a more secluded and quieter spot to talk. “you never answered my question.. how do you know my name?” you ask still curious. he looked at you smirked making your heart beat faster. “ really y/n when been in the same classes since 6th grade. you are the smartest girl in our classes.” he says smiling at you and looking you in the eyes. you blush and smile looking at the ground to try and hide your face “and the prettiest too..” he says blushing himself. you start blushing harder and smile so hard your cheeks hurt. “thank you, ethan” you say trying not to sound ridiculous. “ i’m surprised you even know my name!” he says laughing lightly. “ what do you mean, everyone knows who you and your brother are. you are the Dolan Twins!” you say putting emphasis on dolan twins. “ yeah.. dolan twins” he says his smiling fading away slowly. “ it’s not as glamorous as it seems though.. always having eyes on you waiting to see you fuck up or slip up in the slightest bit..” he says looking at the grass clenching his jaw making you just want to hold him and keep him away from the pain he feels. “ ohh i’m sorry… if it makes you feel any better i think you are pretty cool and make hella funny videos.” you say laughing towards the end thinking about their videos you have watched. ethan looks up and starts laughing with you. you both look at each other and slowly stop laughing. you look into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever but was only a couple seconds. he starts to lean in and soon you follow him. his lips were soft and dry in all the right ways they were plump and tasted like vanilla. you both pulled away and looked at each other with your noses touching. “do you maybe wanna get out of here?” ethan asks trying to catch his breathe. you nod your head yes biting your lip. he grabs your hand and pulls you through the crowd of people. the rest of the night was magical and you loved every second with ethan.

heyy homiess!! sorry this request took so long like i said tumblr didn’t save and so i was copying and pasting so that was fun! thank you much and love you guys

these are my edits that i made so please if you use them please tag me so i can thank you and stuff!these are my edits that i made so please if you use them please tag me so i can thank you and stuff!

these are my edits that i made so please if you use them please tag me so i can thank you and stuff!! @lostinmydolans @kiradolan211 @heartbreakdolan @highqualitydolans @rockstardolan @i-will-personally-eat-yourhand @heeydolan @bouttogolinkurbitch.

Post link

first love e.d part 2

heyy homiesss!!!! here’s part 2. uh don’t forget to send me pictures for certain girls you want or whatever! message me bc a bitch gets lonely . ok love you guys lot! peace!

“ethan grant dolan… i know damn well you didn’t!” you say in shock slowly letting his hand go. you cover your hands over your mouth and start to cry seeing your Tia Pat right in front of you. before you moved away from kansas your Tia Pat was your everything. she is your best friend.

“Tia Pat!!” you say running up to her to give her a hug.

“ oh, hi mija how are you?” she says hugging you back.

“i’m doing just fine, how are you with everything?” you ask her crying and pulling away but not letting her go.

“very good, thanks to this nice boy you have right here.” she says holding her hand up to ethan. you turn around and mouth a ‘thank you’ and he winks at you.

•skip visits•

“bye Tia Pat! i love you!!” you says waving bye to her and tearing up.

“love you to mija, i’ll see you soon.” she says waving from the car. once the car is out of sight you start crying hard. ethan looked at you and put his arm around you trying to comfort you, but little did he know why you are really crying.

“ethan, my Tia Pat is 97 with kidney cancer. i don’t know if i’ll see her alive again…” you says calming down.

(a/n this is a true story bc i went to horton and my tia pat is 97 and she has kidney cancer and my mom, my sister and i think that the last time we saw her is the last time we are going to see her alive )

“oh, baby i’m sorry! if i knew that i promise i wouldn’t have brought her-“ he says rambling in a guilty way.

“e, i’m actually very happy you brought her.. i didn’t know if i was going to see her before she died… you did nothing wrong, ethan.” you say interrupting him and turning your head facing him giving him a kiss on his cheek. ethan turned his head and looked down at you and grinned with relief.

“thank you so much ethan… that was the best supprise ever.” you say with so much gratitude, and thankfulness towards this boy.

“i’m glad you liked it…but that wasn’t the surprise, that was just a part of it. there’s more.” ethan says with love and smirk. you quickly turn your head looking at him with suspension, wondering what could get better then this moment.

•skip to sunset timesish•

for the rest of day you and ethan have been doing everything you could have imagine for.. you got pineapple pizza ( which i fucking love so fight me) cuddles and watch your favorites movies.

“hey babe get ready, i want to take you to your final destination.” ethan says getting of the your comfy couch and rubbing his hands together extremely excited. you at him and groan giving him he that ‘i’m tired face’ but you fight brought it knowing it was your final surprise for the night.

ethan pulled you by your arms to help you get up and gave you a kiss on your forehead. you smiled into his chest and breathed in his cologne. you rap your arms around him, and closed your eyes imagining you were in bed going to sleep. ethan unfortunately slapped you butt and says, “let’s go!” with too much energy for you. you walk toward the door slouching with no energy in your body for this adventure he was about to make you do.

ethan gives you a blind fold and smirks at you.

“this isn’t any kinky shit, right?…” i you ask with that look. he laughs and shakes his no and sigh a breathe of relief. you but the blind fold and hear ethan say “you trust me right?” you shake your head yes. and he says okay. you hear the car unlock and feel ethan guide you towards it. he helps you get and you try your best to remember how to get in without tripping, you successfully make it in wothoiy any injuries. you buckle up and get ready for your trip.

hey guys i know i haven’t posted in a long time but i’ve been dealing with a lot even though i may not tell everyone i do have my problems to deal with and yeah… well i hope you guys enjoy this and part 3 will be out soon so get ready.. and big s/o to @lostinmydolans for being my writing buddy i love her and yeah

g o n e. g.d

hey y’all! i it’s want to thank you guys for all the love and support on ‘First Love’! it really means so much and i’m so excited to post part two!! so i was asked if i could make a imagine about a latina with one of the twins so that’s what this imagine is going to be about and yeah… love you guys lots

(this is you )

they were my best friends. they were all i had during the bullying and the abuse. they were my everything.

but i guess i wasn’t anything to them.

•present time•

“ladies and gentlemen please give it up for your class of 2018!”

you never thought you would hear that, or still be around to hear that. through everything you have been through with your dad leaving you when you were 2. being verbally abused and physically abused after they left. you thought you wouldn’t make it. but here you are graduating with all honors and a scholarship to your dream school UCLA. you look out to the crowd and and spot your family and the their family. even after they left you their family was still around.

‘ y/n y/l/n’

*okay y/n this is it. time for you move on with life and follow your dreams just go up there, grab your diploma and smile*

you walk towards the stage in your heels and grown staring right towards your freedom from this hell hole some call school. too others it was just a piece of paper, but to you if was the ending of all your pain, your freedom, and the ending to the daily reminder of them.

you walked up the stairs with pride and a genuine smile on your face. you looked your principal in the eyes and shook his hand with all the strength you had without hurting him. you grabbed your diploma and looked at your family and out of curiosity towards the doors and there theywere.

you froze for a second then looked at the ground and scoffed to yourself and kissed your cheek. you looked up and faced forward and walked with all the confidence you had left.

wassup homies! no but for real i know the ending sucks.. FOR NOW. but it will get better i promise. ok love you guys!


i have so much to say!! first of thank you everyone for the support and sharing my first story like holy crap!! second off i’m so exciting to share my new sorty ‘ gone’ with the beautiful help from miss amirah @lostinmydolans she is so amazing and beautiful so check her out!! and the story for sure is going to be climatic, for surethird of all part two will be out soon and i would love if you guys would send in pictures or whatever or even if you just want to talk i would love that!!

love you guys thanks again

Bite (G.D Imagine)

Summary : Your boyfriend, Grayson, showing his affection by biting you all the time.

Grayson was the best boyfriend ever. He was always spoiling you and he treated you like a gem. He always knew how to make you smile on your worst days and even on your best days, he still managed to make you happier.

Grayson was a very affectionate boyfriend, not that you minded at all, but he had a weird way of showing his affection sometimes. The thing would Grayson was that he always bite you whenever you were together.

The first time seemed to be regular. You were watching a movie and you felt soft kisses trialing down your jawline to the base of your neck. You tried to ignore it but then you felt soft nips as he tugged your skin, sucking the bruise that was starting to form.

“Gray, you’re gonna leave a mark”, you say slightly pushing him away. Your relationship wasn’t public yet, although many fans suspected you were dating, you hadn’t confirmed it yet. “I don’t care”, he said pushing you down on the couch, hovering over you and dipping his head down to bite at your neck once again.

You tried to fight it but you couldn’t help yourself as your fingers got tangled in his chocolate locks. “This is gonna be a pain to cover up in the morning”, you breathed out as he bit down on your sweet spot causing you to gasp and bit your lip to prevent you from moaning.

Ever since then, Grayson takes any chance he can get to bite you. Like one morning when you were still asleep when Grayson got back from his work out. Seeing you in his bed, with his shirt on that was riding up slightly to expose your lacy underwear, made him wanna melt.

He crawled into bed and pulled down the blanket from your lower body and began placing kisses on your legs. Biting into your clean shaved legs now and again. You stir abit but Grayson keeps going. He makes his way up to your ass, one of his favourite parts of your body, and places a few kisses before biting down on it.

“hmmmm Gray”, you mumble as you begin to wake up. “Yeah baby”, he mumbles against your skin and grabs a handful of your ass. “What are you doing?”, your hands reach down to his hair and you massage his head slightly. “You drive me crazy”, he groans as he separates your legs and starts kissing them. He bites on your inner thigh causing you to clench your thighs against his head. You feel him smirk against you, he knows the effect he has on you and he’d be lying if he said that you didn’t have the same effect on him.

He can be cheeky even when he’s sick. He woke up with a sore throat and a headache so you got up and got him some pain medication. “Can you cuddle me?”, he asked pulling you towards him weakly. You smiled in response and adjusted yourself so he could place his head on your chest.

He snuggled into your boobs and just when you thought he was asleep, you feel kisses on the top of your chest. “Gray, you’re supposed to be resting” “But I can’t help it, they’re just so comfy and kissable. And bitable”, the last part of his sentence was muffled due to him pushing his head further into your boobs and biting on them. “You’re supposed to be sick”, you giggled as his hair tickled your neck. “I’m never too sick to show my peach some affection”, he sucked on the last hickey he had given you and you both fell asleep.

You feel off to sleep thinking about your crazy boyfriend and his weird ways. But you were lucky to have him and you don’t think you could go a day without him biting you. Seems crazy but the biting has grown on you. It was now a daily activity in your relationship.

A/N : I find myself switching lanes a lot so lemme know if I should write something about Ethan in the future ❤✌

Sick Day (G.D Imagine)

You walk into the Dolan Twin household and immediately kick of your shoes. You just got home from a busy and stressful day at college. Not to mention, you had been feeling kinda the weather lately. The only thing you wanted to do right now was cuddle with your boyfriend.

“Gray”, you call out as you drop your bag and jacket on the couch. No response. “Grayson”, you call out again walking towards the bedrooms. You walk pass Ethan’s room noticing that he was laying some video game. “Hey E, have you seen Gray?”, you ask walking into his room. No response. Of courses, he’s got headphones on. You took this opportunity to creep up on him and scare him.

“What the fu-!?”, he jumped and fell off his chair. “Oh my god!”, you laughed falling to the floor, “ that reaction was everything!” “Ha ha, very funny”, he said sarcastically. “I’m sorry, I was so tempted to do that”, you laughed as he got up and offered you a hand. “ And I’m pretty tempted to prank you after this”, he smiled. “Yeah yeah whatever”, you stuck your tongue out at him, “anyways, have you seen Grayson?” “In his room, he’s been in bed all day. I think he’s sick.” “Yeah I’ve also been feeling a bit sick lately.” “Oh my god, get out!”, he yelled pointing at the door. “What”, you laughed at his dramatic reaction. “You and Grayson are like one snot infested couple and I don’t want to get sick. So get your infectious self out of my room!”, he said dramatically as he ushered you out of his room. “You’re such a drama queen!”, you laughed. “I swear one of this days, I’m gonna have to quarantine you two just to protect myself”, he yelled as you walked to Grayson’s room.

You opened the door to reveal Grayson lying in bed with the covering up to his head, his hair just peaking out on his pillow. You pouted slightly at the sight of him, you hated seeing him sick. You make your way over to him and sit on his bed.

“Gray”, you run your fingers through his hair. “Hmmm”, he groans from under the covers. “How you feeling?”, you pull down the covers slightly. “Awful”, he replies while sniffing. “Do you want me to get your anything?” “Yeah, could you get my girlfriend? I could really use some cuddles”, he says pouting. “Only if you get my boyfriend cause I could use some cuddles too”, you smile.

“Come here”, he pulls the covers off himself and makes room for you. You gladly get in bed as he wraps his arm around your waist to pull you closer. “I hate being sick. This is like the millionth time this month”, he groans and he lays his head on your chest. “I know honey”, you run your fingers through his hair, massaging his head slightly.

You were just about to fall asleep when you got up suddenly to run to the bathroom. You were currently throwing up your lunch when you felt someone pull your hair back. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were sick babe?”, Grayson asked rubbing your back. “I didn’t want you worry”, you smile at him. “I always worry about you”, he said as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, “besides, we can take care of each other.” “Really?”, you laughed. “Nah, we’ll just get Ethan to take care of us”, he took your hand and lead back in bed.

Grayson wrapped his arm around you and sneaked his arm under your shirt. It was the most physical contact you got all day but you were more than happy with it. You were currently facing him, admiring his perfectly structured features.

“What are you thinking about?”, he asked breaking the silence. “Nothing, I’m just admiring my handsome boyfriend”, you smiled running your fingers on his face, thumb rubbing across his lips. “You know, since we’re both sick, I don’t have to worry about kissing and getting you sick”, he smiled proudly and he leaned in.

He kissed you softly as he pulled closer to him. You kissed him back while wrapping your arms around his neck and letting your fingers get lost in his hair. He moaned into the kiss when you began scratching his scalp. You both pulled away grinning like two idiots.

“Let’s get some sleep?”, you asked cuddling further into his chest. “Yeah, but first i think i need some nasal spray”, he said sniffing. “Hang on, I’ll get it”, you attempted to get but was pulled back in his chest. “Nah it’s fine, I got this”, he smiled, “Hey Ethan! Could you do me a favour!?” “No! Forget it! I’m not coming anywhere near you two!”, Ethan yelled from his room. “He’s such a drama queen”, Grayson laughed. “Yeah tell me about it.” You and Gray spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed. As for Ethan, he tried to stay in his room but he couldn’t resist coming to take care of you while moaning about it.

A/N : So i tried saving this twice and my wifi let me down so I had to post it now. Hope you guys like it. Its a bit longer than I wanted it to be. Also thank you for 400 followers love you guys❤✌
