#greek nature


Eco-dyeing eggs for Greek Easter with onion skins, turmeric and red cabbage. 

The eggs were pre-boiled and allowed to cool before being decorated with gathered flowers and then wrapped in old pantyhose.  The onion skins, turmeric and red cabbage were boiled separately with 2 tbsps  white vinegar and then cooled before adding the eggs.


While I was out gathering the flowers,  I met this beautiful butterfly.  It flew around me three times as I think I disturbed it’s lunch….it was quite big and a strong flyer.    Strangely it’s called the Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) even thought it’s not actually scarce.  I felt very honored!

Happy Greek Easter- Καλή Ανάσταση & Καλό Πάσχα. Eco-dyeing eggs for Greek Easter with onion skins, turmeric and red cabbage. 