#greta van fleet fanfic


Trip to the Zoo - Josh Kiszka

a/n: so@cal-a-bungaawas sent an ask about going to the zoo with josh and your kids and i had to write it. and i deserved a nice break bc i finished my second to last assignment of my entire college career only one more day til graduation…


“Morning, mama,” Josh’s soft voice whispers in your ear, trailing kisses down your neck, then back up to your cheek. A smile spreads across your face and your eyes flutter open.

“Good morning,” you mumble, letting out a yawn. You rub the sleep from your eyes and come to, seeing Josh with his messy hair and sweet gaze staring at you.

“I made you some breakfast, for whenever you’re ready to get up. I have a plan for today, but I haven’t told El yet.”

“Is she still sleeping?” You wonder, sitting up. Josh presses another kiss to your skin, this time to your forehead, and takes a seat next to you.

“She woke up, asked for some cereal, then went back to her room to play. She’s been pretty quiet, so she either fell back asleep or she’s watching something.”

You lean forward to rest against Josh’s chest. He wraps his arms around you and you sigh out, content.

“What about Carter?”

“Miraculously still asleep.”

You couldn’t believe this was your life. Married to Josh with two beautiful kids, it was a literal dream come true. When you met him, you never imagined it would come to this. You were hopelessly in love with him and you couldn’t be happier.

“So, why don’t we enjoy a nice quiet breakfast for the first time in four years?” He teases, pulling you to stand with him. You giggle and follow him out of the room and down to the kitchen.

He had made chocolate chip pancakes with a side of potatoes and bacon. Your eyes widen as you look at the spread of food he had made.

“Josh, how did you make all of this?!” You gasp in shock. He laughs and wraps his arm around your waist from behind.

“I got up extra early,” he says into your ear. “Well, dig in, we got shit to do!”

You pull away, grabbing the plate he was handing to you. You slide a couple pancakes onto your plate, as well as three pieces of bacon and a spoonful of the small square potatoes.

You and Josh get through about fifteen minutes of a nice breakfast before your four-year-old daughter Eleanor runs into the room, jumping onto Josh’s lap.

“Morning, my sunshine,” he greets, tickling her. Her loud giggle pierces your ears in the rather quiet room, although it makes you so happy to hear.

Her curly hair, similar to Josh’s when he was younger, was all over the place and messy, not having been combed yet.

“Hey, why don’t you go see if your brother is awake. If he is, bring him in here. We have some exciting news.” She hops off of Josh’s lap, but before she exits the room, she stops and turns back around.

“Is it another brother?” Both of your eyes widen as you look at each other, trying not to laugh.

“No, darling. Just, just go get Carter.” She runs off without a second thought and Josh lets out a sigh of relief. There’s a pause before either of you say anything.

“Theres…not another one, is there?” Josh confirms. You laugh loudly and shake your head, standing to walk around the table to him.

“No. I don’t think so at least.” You cradle his face in your hands and he just stares up at you, a fond look in his eyes.

“I love you,” he whispers as you caress his cheek with your thumb. Leaning down, you kiss him sweetly, his lips tasting of a mixture of syrup and bacon.

“I love you too, Josh. So much.” Moments later, your two-year-old Carter comes running into the room with Eleanor just behind him. He runs right to you, grabbing your leg. You pick him up and rest him on your hip as Eleanor returns to Josh’s lap.

“What’s the surprise, daddy?” Eleanor asks, reaching up to play with his hair. He laughs as he looks to you.

“What do you think…about…going to…” he draws his words out to stew the excitement, making Eleanor giggle again. “The…zoo!” He finally gets out. Eleanor jumps up and down in his lap and wraps her arms around his neck.

“I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go!” She repeats. Josh smiles widely as Carter claps as well, though not knowing exactly what as going on.

“Alright! Well, why don’t you and mama go and pick out some clothes for the day while I clean up breakfast, then we’ll get going!”

Eleanor jumps down from his lap and runs straight to her room. You set Carter back down, grabbing his hand to bring him with you, but not before you kiss Josh once more.

Before you know it, Eleanor is dressed in a suitable outfit for the temperature, which wasn’t too hot and not too cold, thankfully, as well as Carter. Josh had packed the bag and the stroller into the car, and you were off.

Seeing as it was a Tuesday morning, the zoo was pretty quiet, so you were able to stop at certain exhibits and stand there for as long as you wished.

Carter sat in the stroller for the beginning while Eleanor dragged Josh around. He often looked behind just to make sure you were still there, and of course to throw you a sweet glance.

“Alright, El, where to next?!” Josh says after you stopped for some lunch at the main food court area.

Carter wanted to walk now, so he took a hold of Josh’s hand while you pushed the empty stroller. Josh’s eyes softened when he noticed this.

“Mama, why don’t you let me push the stroller for you for a little while,” he offers, getting ready to take over. You slap his hand away playfully.

“You walk around with them. They seem to be enjoying time with their dad,” you smile. He grins and pulls you close to him to kiss you deeply.

“Daddy! Come on!” Eleanor tugs at his hand.

“Okay, let’s walk beside mama, alright? We don’t want her to feel left out, do we?” Eleanor looks up at you and hugs your legs, staying between you and Josh.

Josh puts Carter on his shoulders, the little boy tugging at Josh’s curls, though he doesn’t mind one bit. He keeps one hand holding Carter’s legs around his neck to makes sure he doesn’t fly backwards while the other holds Eleanor’s.

“I wanna see the bears!” She squeals excitedly. So, you head in the direction of the bear exhibit, and once you come to the glass where a huge bear was laying in the shade, Eleanor runs up to it.

“Don’t hit the glass, El,” Josh scolds lightly. You come to a stop with the stroller as Josh leans down to Eleanor’s height, looking at the bear with her. Your heart swells with love and you quickly get your phone out to take a photo without him knowing.

When Eleanor gets bored staring at the asleep bear, she walks over to you.

“Can we go see the penguins?” She asks. You laugh and fix her hair, moving it out of her face.

“Let’s go!” She runs slightly ahead as Josh walks beside you.

“You’re an amazing mom,” he mumbles, just loud enough for you to hear. You smile and look over at him, shoving him slightly. “Seriously, I don’t know how I got so lucky.” He looks between you and Eleanor, who turned around in that moment to see how far back you were.

“Sunshine, we’re coming. The penguins aren’t going anywhere, alright?” She pauses before continuing on. Josh shakes his head, but laughs.

Because the penguin exhibit is an indoor fixture, you left the stroller outside, grabbing onto Eleanor’s hand to control her. Josh still had Carter on his shoulders.

“Daddy, look at that one!” Eleanor yells, her voice echoing in the building. Josh holds a finger up to his lips to signal her to quiet down, and she nods, but still, her smile remains on her face. You lift her up to rest her on your hip so she can get a better look above the glass.

“Look at that one, baby,” you point one out, getting ready to jump into the water right in front of you. She giggles as it splashes in front of her.

When you exit the exhibit, Josh removes Carter from his shoulders and sets him on the ground, grabbing the stroller before you even can. You narrow your eyes at him, but he shakes his head.

“You deserve a break from pushing it,” he says, pecking your lips. You kiss his cheek in response as Carter and Eleanor grab onto your hands.

“Where to next, El?” Josh asks. She thinks for a moment before jumping up and down excitedly.

“The lions!”

“Lead the way!” He exclaims, making her laugh.

When you arrive at the lions, Josh parks the stroller close by and picks Eleanor up.

“Down there, El,” he points to the den where the male lion was emerging from. He walks right over to the female lion, rubbing his face on hers.

“Aww,” Eleanor coos, “Just like you and mommy.” This makes both you and Josh laugh. She sits on his hip, staring down at the exhibit. He turns his head and smiles fondly at her, attacking her cheek with kisses, her giggle ringing out.

Carter looks down at them, in your arms, pointing and babbling at them, making a roaring sound. Josh glances over at you and smiles.

As you get ready to walk away from the lion habitat, Eleanor spots a face painting station and gasps.

“Daddy, can I get one?”

“Of course.”

“But only if you get one with me,” she continues. Josh, with no hesitation, nods his head.

“Let’s go pick one out then!”

The two of them quietly talk and decide which designs they were going to get, and Eleanor ends up picking one out for Josh.

“Hop up in the chair, baby,” Josh tells her. Although, upon seeing the stranger, not knowing what was going to happen, she backs up against his legs.

“You go first?” She asks. Josh nods and takes a seat in the chair.

“I’ll go first. Nothing to be scared of.” The artist, thankfully, doesn’t think it’s too weird, and starts painting Josh’s face with a zebra pattern design around his eye. It wasn’t a full face painting, but it was small enough to not be entirely strange.

“Alright, why don’t you sit in my lap while she paints you as a butterfly,” he offers. She nods shyly and hops up onto his lap.

“If you want to stop, just let me know, okay, sweetie?” The face painting lady tells her. She nods and settles in Josh’s lap a little. He has his arms wrapped around her to comfort her, his hand occasionally coming up to fix a certain curl at the back or side of her head.

She sits well enough for the lady to finish the design rather quickly. You were feeding Carter some goldfish from a bag when she comes running over.

You gasp dramatically as she comes up.

“Oh my gosh, El, you look so pretty! Do you like it?” She nods bashfully just as Josh walks up to you. Immediately, you giggle, standing up from the bench to examinethe design. He gives you a look that reads, “don’t ask”, but of course Eleanor beats you to asking.

“I picked that out for him,” she says. Josh shakes his head and wraps his arm around your waist, kissing your temple softly.

“It’s cute,” you mumble, not being able to help the laugh that passes your lips.

“Alright, baby, we can see a few more animals, and then we need to get going,” you tell her. She grumbles for a little, not wanting to leave just yet, but she and Josh look at the map together to decide which exhibits she wants to see.

Eventually, she decides on seeing the reptiles, though Josh isn’t the biggest fan of those.

“Okay, you go in there with her and I’ll stay out here with Carter and the stroller,” Josh says, holding your son, who was close to falling asleep. You grin and take Eleanor inside the reptile house.

She runs up to every habitat that holds a different animal, an excited smile on her face. She giggles at the green tree frog that was stuck to the glass in one of the cases, asking you to lift her up.

About ten minutes through, you exit the building, finding Josh in the same place, with Carter laying on his chest, eyes closed, fast asleep.

“I think it’s time to go,” you say, taking the stroller from Josh. Eleanor plops herself in the seat to rest and Josh stands, walking slowly beside you.

“Today was fun,” you say, glancing at him. “Thanks for suggesting it.”

“Anytime, mama. I know El has been wanting to come here for a few months, ever since Jake’s kid mentioned it.”

“And I think she had a great time,” you whisper, looking through the small clear window of the stroller’s cover, where you could see her head beginning to lull side to side.

Josh carefully places Carter in his car seat when you get to the car, the boy somehow staying asleep as he does so. Eleanor climbs into hers and you buckle her in as Josh packs the stroller in the trunk.

Josh drives home, music softly playing in the background so as to not wake your sleeping kids. When he comes to a stop at a red light, he glances back at both of them, passed out. He chuckles.

“At least that tired them out,” he says. You laugh with him and grab his free hand. He squeezes it to silently tell you that he loves you, something he does often.

As he drives, every now and then he brings your hand up to his face and presses a kiss to the back of it, sometimes leaving it near his face for a moment or two after.

Arriving home, he grabs Eleanor from her car seat while you pick up Carter, carefully walking inside.

Once both of them were placed in their respectful beds, you and Josh plop onto the couch, his arms going around your shoulder and your head falling to his chest.

“I know I’ve said it a lot, but you’re such a fucking amazing mama,” he murmurs against your forehead.

“And you’re a fucking wonderful dad,” you reply, turning your head to gaze up at him.

“I love our little family,” he whispers, kissing you softly. A grin displays across your face as he stares down at you.

“I love you, Josh,” you reply. “But I honestly cannot take you seriously with that zebra face paint around your eye.” He breaks out in a laugh and sits up, you falling away from him.

He quickly runs to the kitchen and washes the paint off, returning moments later.

“Better, mama?” He teases. You giggle and kiss his cheek, curling back up beside him.

You sit in silence, soaking in the time that you two have together until your kids wake up.

“I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for what I have with you,” he whispers. “You have made my life so complete, having two beautiful children with me, giving me another purpose in life. You are the best thing to happen to me, and I can never thank you enough, mama.”

GVF Fic Writer’s Challenge ✨

so i saw @tripthelightfandomtastic do this and i wanted to join in even though i wasn’t tagged i haven’t written a ton of stuff for gvf but i’m hoping to after school ends this week!

1. Which story that you’ve written so far is your favorite?

2. Which story of yours has the most notes?

3. Which story of yours are you suprised has the least notes?

4. Which series of another writer’s is your favorite?

5. Which story of another is your favorite?

6. What story of another writers are you reading now?

7. Name stories of your own that you recommend people go and read.

8. Name stories of another writer’s you recommend.

1. i think Amnesia is one of my favorites, or Complete Mess (both inspired by 5sos songs )

2. Complete Mess as the most, with 226 notes

3. literally any of my danny fics. specifically Braveheart bc i thought pirate!danny would be a huge hit, and it only has 42 notes :/

4. i absolutely love the fake it til you make it series by @gretavandutchy i reread them all the time!

5.Sad Valentineby@stardustbarbarians is one of my favorite stand alone stories! it’s so cute and i’m such a sucker for soft danny

6. i’m currently not reading anything bc i’ve been so overwhelmed with school work :(

7. everyone should read A Thoughtful Gift bc boyfriend!danny is the best danny there is and it’s so tooth-rotting sweet!!!

8. definitely Chamomileby@alliebooporThe Baby Seriesby@basiccortez both are such cute stories and series!!

tagging any gvf fanfic writers that want to partake in this!! especially the ones i tagged for stories! ☺️

A Thoughtful Gift - Danny Wagner

a/n: this idea entirely comes from @/gretavankai on instagram. they posted some really sweet “don’t imagine’s” with the guys and this was apart of danny’s and i really really loved it

The time had come. Greta Van Fleet were going back on tour for a long four months. You knew this was a part of dating Danny, but you are so in love with him, the time apart is worth it. You were so proud of him, for how far he’s come and how much he has accomplished.

It wasn’t easy to admit, though, you hated it. Sure, you were happy for him to do what he loves, but you desperately wished you could travel with him. But between work and your last semester of school, it wasn’t possible.

Danny was well aware of your feelings towards having a semi long-distance relationship, and he knew how difficult it was for you sometimes. You loved falling asleep in his arms, beside him, feeling his warmth, enjoying his comfort, and especially his scent.

You often slept in t-shirts of his to help combat this, but overall, it wasn’t the greatest. So when Danny was preparing for tour, he did something new.

The night before they were supposed to leave for Italy, the first stop on their four-month leg of tour, you and Danny were cuddling in bed, soaking in the last hours that you were going to be together.

“I uh, I got you something, honey,” Danny says softly, sitting up and leaving you confused. He shuffles around in his closet for a moment before pulling out a familiar, and immediately recognizable Build-a-Bear box.

“I know…things aren’t easy for you when I leave, so I wanted to get you something to remember me by,” Danny tells you, almost nervously. You take the box and open it, pulling out a stuffed black bear.

It was dressed in a plain grey hoodie and a pair of black jeans, with “converse” shoes to complete the look.

“Danny…” your voice tapers off as you examine the gift. Danny’s eyes just remain on you, a bright smile on his lips.

“Oh, and there’s a couple more things,” he reaches into the box, pulling out a couple more t-shirts for it. “Obviously, you don’t have to change it, hell you don’t even have to keep the clothes on it at all, but I found a few that were cute.”

“This is so sweet. Is it a black bear?” You finally notice. Danny chuckles and rubs his hands together.

“I remember when you moved to Tennessee with me, you left behind the stuffed black bear I bought you on our first date, to the zoo. And I know you said how much you miss it and hate yourself for forgetting it because it was so special. So I found this and figured it’d be a lot more special. Oh! And I’m forgetting the best parts.”

“There’s more?” Danny laughs and once again reaches into the bag, holding a small bottle of his favorite, and your favorite, cologne of his.

“This is so that it smells like me, so that when you fall asleep next to it, you can have the comfort of my cologne that you love,” he explains. “I already sprayed it, but I figured over the next few months, it would lessen some, so now, you’ll have the chance to keep the scent there rather than it fading away.”

“Danny, I can’t-”

“And!” He cuts you off, “To save the best thing for last, press its paw.” You give him a weird look but he just urges you to do so.

“I love you, angel,” the voice box in the hand speaks, Danny’s voice instantly recognizable. Tears form in your eyes and within seconds, they are falling down your cheeks. You gaze up at him and see that he has a sweet grin on his face and an adoring look in his eyes.

“I can’t be here with you for the next four months, but this bear can. Whenever you miss me, cuddle up with the bear, inhale the cologne scent, and press its hand to hear my voice. It’s the next best thing, and I hope that it’s-” You cut him off with a kiss, cupping his cheek to hold him close.

He wraps his arms around you and lays you both on your sides, the bear forgotten about for the moment.

“I love it, Daniel. It’s the best gift I’ve ever received and it’s so incredibly thoughtful. I was so nervous for these upcoming months, but now knowing I can hear your voice anytime I want, and smell your cologne instead of relying on an old t-shirt to keep the scent, it’s so wonderful. Seriously.” Danny wipes your tears away and kisses you again, resting his forehead against yours after the kiss ends.

“I’m going to miss you so much, angel,” he mumbles, beginning to cry as well.

You pull away and set the bear back in the box, along with the cologne and the extra clothes, before moving the box to the floor.

Danny slides under the covers again and brings you into his arms once you return to him. He nuzzles his face into your neck, continuing to silently cry. He sniffles and presses soft kisses to your skin, his tears coating the area as well.

“I wish you would’ve given this to me earlier because now I wish I got you a bear, too,” you say after a little while. Danny had calmed down now, stroking your hair with one hand, the other wrapped around your waist.

“You don’t need to get me anything, honey,” he whispers. “Knowing that I’m going to come home to you is enough to help me sleep at night. Plus I still have the stuffed animal you gave me for my birthday, the koala?”

“Oh yeah…you bring that on tour with you?” Danny raises his head, a small smile on his face. He nods, staring into your eyes.

“Yeah. Because it reminds me of you. It helps keep me calm.”

“I love you, Danny,” you whisper, choking up yet again. You kiss him as softly as ever before you change positions to curl into his chest.

“I’ll always love you, my angel. I’ll be back from tour before you know it, okay?”

A Storm and Truth or Dare - Danny Wagner

a/n: my inspiration from this came from the episode of drake and josh where they aren’t able to attend drake’s concert bc of a storm and power outage. that’s it lol

At first, taking the weekend away with the guys sounded wonderful. But none of you looked at the weather, so you sat in a rented Airbnb, in a city none of you were familiar with, with no power.

The storm started off fine, just a heavy rain and some thunder here and there. But the wind picked up and lightning was striking right before the thunder. Hail was thrown into it as well, the only thing missing was a tornado warning.

Fortunately, Josh and Jake found some candles just so you could have at least some source of light aside from the far too annoying light of your phone flashlights.

So, as the storm raged outside, the five of you sat in the living room, chatting amongst yourselves, sharing stories and telling jokes.

That is until Sammy suggested playing a few rounds of truth or date.

“What are we, fifteen?” You tease. Sam narrows his eyes at you and shrugs.

“If you don’t wanna play, go be a pussy in another part of the house.”

“There’s no power, Sam.”

“Use your phone’s flashlight. So, are you in or not?”

“Fine, I’ll play.”

The game started off innocent. Or, as innocent as the guys could get. Jake dared Josh to hold his finger in the fire of a candle for at least five seconds, and Josh was all too excited to do so.

Danny was dared to run out onto the backyard deck into the rain for ten seconds and collect as much hail as he could. Jake of course picked truth, and was asked which brother he likes best.

But when it came to you, Sammy had a plan.

“(Y/N), truth or dare?” You sigh softly as Sam asks you, thinking what kind of dare they would give you. Choosing the safer option, you pick truth.


“Have you ever had any feelings for any of us?” He smirks at you as the other three wait for your answer, quite eagerly. So much for safer option.

You’ve been friends with them since high school, when you first met Jake and he introduced you to his brothers and Danny. Since then, the five of you had been inseparable.

In that time, though, you fell for Danny. And you fell hard. There were nights where you and Josh talked for hours about your feelings for Danny, crying over him, crying to Josh wondering why Danny didn’t feel the same way.

“Wh-I, uh,” you stumble over your words, trying for form a thought. Josh offers you a compassionate look, obviously knowing of your feelings.

“Yeah?” Sam pushes. You stare him down, wanting to punch him for this entire thing. “Tell us.”

Sam had found out about your love for Danny when the guys were on their first tour. Danny invited his new girlfriend he hadn’t told anyone about at that point. You were trying to keep your emotions hidden, but Sam, knowing you too well, asked you what was wrong.

That’s when you opened up to him, and obviously Jake knew because Josh told him.

“(Y/N)?” Danny’s voice breaks you out of your daze. Your eyes dart to him nervously, and before you know what’s happening, you are running out of the room, fumbling with your phone to turn the flashlight on so you could see where you were going.

You slam the door of your room shut and take a seat on the bed. Your head drops in your hands, tears falling from your eyes and sobs escaping your mouth.

Someone else walks into the room, and expecting Danny, you wipe your cheeks and quickly stand, but you relax when you see Josh, closing the door.

“Come here, mama,” he coos, bringing you into his arms. You cry against his shoulder, wrapping your arms tightly around him.

“Why would Sam put me in that position, Josh?” You cry.

“Shh, shh, it’s okay. I don’t know why he would do that either. He’s an ass.” You can’t help but let out a giggle through your tears.

As you begin to calm down, a knock sounds through the room.

“If that’s Sam tell him to fuck off,” you grumble, taking a seat on the bed as Josh answers it.

“It’s not Sam,” Danny’s voice fills your ears. Your head shoots up to find the curly-haired man standing in the doorway, one hand in the pockets of his sweatpants, and a candle in the other.

“I’ll give you two some time,” Josh murmurs, exiting the room. As soon as the door shuts, silence hangs in the air.

“Did Sam tell you?” You finally ask. Danny steps forward, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He sets the candle down on the dresser in front of you.

“Tell me what?” You sigh and hide your face in your hands again. Danny moves even closer, wanting to know the issue.

“I have feelings for you,” you admit. “Sam knows this, which is why he gave me the question. All three of them know that I have feelings for you, and I couldn’t handle you sitting there, having no idea what was going on, while the others did…” Your voice tapers off at the thought. Danny cautiously takes a seat next to you.

When he realizes that you aren’t going to pull away, he settles in a bit, still not saying anything.

“For how long?” He finally asks. You shake your head, more tears falling, the fear of rejection taking over you. “(Y/N).”

Danny’s voice is soft and comforting, not at all holding any judgement or hatred. You look over at him and find that he’s already staring at you, eyes filled with concern and adoration.

“Since high school,” you mumble. “As long as you have been in the band, really.”

Silence takes over the two of you again, and your heart races in your ears.

“How come you never said anything?” He wonders. Again, his tone is sweet and caring, not at all judgmental.

“Because why would I? You’re my best friend and I never wanted to ruin that. Also, when you showed up with your new girlfriend on your guys’ first tour, what was I supposed to do? And you’re still with her, so obviously I’m not going to say anything and-“

“I’m not with her anymore,” Danny cuts you off. Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.


“Sam…brought up that I never appeared to be happy with her, and I realized that it’s true. I hated being with her because…” he pauses, taking a deep breath.

“Because what?” Danny’s eyes soften and he smiles as lightly as ever.

“She wasn’t you,” he whispers. Both of you stare at one another, getting lost in each other’s eyes. Your mouth opens, softly inhaling. “I’ve loved you since we first met, and I never saw it until I didn’t have you.”

“You have?” Your face lights up and Danny laughs.

“Yeah. I mean, who wouldn’t fall in love with you?” He grins. You feel your face heat up and Danny, once more, cautiously makes a move. He sets his arm behind you on the bed, and you reciprocate the action by leaning into his side.

“So Sam, Jake, and Josh all knew?” He confirms.

“Yeah. Sam found out that night you introduced your girlfriend at the time, Josh found out because he came over to visit and I was crying because I was so in love with you, and Jake found out because of Josh.”

“Of course Josh told Jake,” he laughs, shaking his head. Your eyes are fixated on his features, from his hair framing his face to his perfect nose, and his pink, plump lips, as well as his beautiful brown eyes that you could just make out in the candlelight of the room.

“Um, where-where does this leave us?” You nervously ask. Danny reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, though his hand lingers on your cheek afterwards.

“Let me take you out on a date. As more than friends. As…boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“Are you sure?” You question, worried that you pressured him into an answer. “I wasn’t exactly needing a label or anything.” Danny leans forward and presses the lightest kiss to your cheek, and then your nose.

“You’re insanely beautiful (Y/N), and there’s no doubt in my mind when it comes to you. I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours.” Tears spring to your eyes due to the tender tone in his voice and his loving gaze on you.

“I wouldn’t want anything else in the world, Danny.”
