#josh kiszka x reader

Request:“hc if the boys took care of you while you were sick?”
A/N:heyyy I brought this request that was here in the drafts for you to have some content and to apologize for being slow to post and for the delay to post some requests !! I will try to bring more things as soon as possible !!! I hope you like it and again my apologies <3 
Request here: https://forms.gle/6uMRSCzFvyR2FgZPA
Join the taglist:https://forms.gle/e1qb5LKq8tQoQ48S9


  • Spend the whole day in bed watching movies? Check
  • Josh sets off several alarms to make sure that he is giving you your medicine on time.
  • Every five minutes he asks if you are okay.
  • He would be at your bedside for as long as possible and practically bring the whole kitchen into the bedroom.
  • So that you wouldn’t be anxious, he would hug you and sing softly in your ear.
  • “Are you feeling better? Do you need anything?” You smile lying on his chest. “I’m already getting better, baby.” Josh sighs softly and runs his fingers through your hair. “Are you sure?” He asks 10 seconds later. “Josh!”


  • Jake hates to see you sick but definitely loves to take care of you.
  • He would cook your favorite meals.
  • The two of you would spend hours lying on the couch reading books and playing with each other’s hair.
  • Any effort you made, Jake would complain and say that you needed rest.
  • You would have to beg Jake to stop kissing you so much or he would end up getting sick too.
  • “JAKE! You slap him on the back as Jake walks up the stairs with your body thrown over his shoulder. "You can’t try that hard” He tries to be serious and thankful that you can’t see his smile right now. “I just have the flu, you idiot!”


  • It’s funny to see Sam trying so hard to take care of you. You never got sick but unfortunately you had a bee allergy and when you got stung by one, Sam was about to freak out.
  • He would call your mother in desperation asking her to teach him what to do, while your mother just laughed and said that it was just a matter of taking some medicine and rubbing it on.
  • You had to spend 10 minutes convincing Sam not to take you to the hospital.
  • When he finally got quiet, you would watch lots of romantic comedies while eating all the candy you could.
  • Sam would pull you to lie on his chest and stroke your hair when you went to sleep.
  • “Sam what are you doing?” You were almost asleep when you felt Sam run his finger across the front of your nose. "Seeing if you were breathing" He replied as if it was obvious, “Baby, it’s just a rash, I’m not going to die” I look at him laughing


  • Danny would feel guilty, since he convinced you to go out in the rain the day before.
  • And when you start coughing, he is ready to do whatever you need it.
  • He would lay his head on your lap so that you can touch his hair, because he knows it calms you down.
  • Danny tells you he is going to the pharmacy, but he actually comes back with several gifts for you.
  • You would spend the evening watching golf games and seeing Danny so excited when talking about the game would cheer you up almost instantly
  • "I am forbidden to call you to go in the rain and you are forbidden to accept” Danny speaks during the break, I smile at him and kiss him quickly.
Requests: “[…]  a headcanon of the boys as best friends ^.^ like fun and cute stuff that they would do“
A/N: now I feel that I NEED to become friends with these boys
Requests here:https://forms.gle/6uMRSCzFvyR2FgZPA
Join the taglist: https://forms.gle/e1qb5LKq8tQoQ48S9


  • Josh is the kind of friend you can call anything and anywhere.
  • His whole family considers you part of the family, which means that besides Josh you have to put up with Jake calling you a child, even though you are only 5 months apart. But at least you can do the same with Sam and Ronnie.
  • He supports you in everything and will always be on your side.
  • Whenever you both have free time, you do marathons of old movies while Josh complains that you will die from drinking too much soda.
  • Stupid and senseless nicknames all the time.
  • You could spend hours just talking to each other about everything.
  • He is the kind of friend who says “I told you so” but pulls you in for a hug a second later.
  • Josh rarely shows that he is upset about something, but when he is, you just know and then sit down and pat your own lap so he can rest his head there and you can stroke his hair.
  • “Joshie!” You walk into his room, humming his nickname. “Did I mention I hate that nickname?” He speaks as he turns to the side so you can lie across from him on the bed, “I guess not today yet.” You smile innocently and push him away, causing Josh to almost fall off the bed. “Y/N!”


  • Being Jake’s best friend means “being single.” Because every boy you go out with is jealous of him, and every girl he goes out with is jealous of you. Because from what people say, you are very close.
  • But it definitely doesn’t stop you from teasing Jake when some random girl sends some kind of statement to him, and it also doesn’t stop him from teasing you whenever you cry for some kind of stupid guy.
  • Spending the whole day listening to the blues while sharing a bottle of whiskey and a cigarette? Always, without hesitation.
  • You are always the first person Jake shows you his guitar compositions.
  • And he learned all your favorite songs so that he could play them for you when you were nervous.
  • Every month there has to be a discussion between you and him about “doing a spa day”.
  • The discussion ends with you and Jake moisturizing your hair in your bathroom and you begging him to let you comb his hair afterwards.
  • Just two words: Sexual Tension
  • “I really think we are soulmates.” Jake hands me the cigarette. “We definitely are.” I reply laughing. “But damn we would be the worst couple in the world.” He laughs incredulously and I choke on the smoke as I imagine this scene. “We would.” I agree laughing.


  • Becoming friends with Sam when you were both 6 years old was the best thing you ever did in your life. Since then you are inseparable.
  • Your favorite activities are camping and karaoke. In the latter Sam likes to make it clear why he decided to play bass instead of singing.
  • You have played volleyball at school since the eighth grade. Sam never lost a game of yours. And he always made it clear that he was there, since every time you touched the ball he yelled things like “THAT’S MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND.”
  • Since your 7th birthday, Sam is the first person to wish you a happy birthday, he always calls you at exactly midnight.
  • And you do the same on his birthday.
  • You do EVERYTHING together. First alcoholic drink? Together, hiding in the backyard of his house when you were 14.
  • And this resulted in the worst fight between you. When you revealed that you had a crush on Josh and Sam freaked out that if you dated you would forget about him.
  • But it’s okay, you got over it, and nowadays whenever Josh talks to you, Sam makes sure to remind you of your crush on him.
  • “Sam, you’re drooling on my arm, you idiot!” you push his head away from your arm. “Let me sleep, Y/n! He says, leaning his head on my arm again. I snort when I see that he is already back to sleep.


  • Danny is the sweetest, kindest friend you could ever have.
  • You support each other through everything.
  • When you passed your dream college he was freaking out just as much as you were.
  • And when you moved away from the city to go to college. This doesn’t diminish your relationship.
  • Almost every weekend Danny came to visit you or you went to visit him.
  • And you would spend the whole weekend playing golf or Danny would spend the whole weekend trying to teach you drums.
  • On vacation you decided to take a trip to the beach. And every time you got hit by a wave, Danny would cry with laughter.
  • And to get revenge you would run out of the sea to get his clothes and hide them.
  • "Ouch, Y/n!” Danny complains when you pull too hard on a lock of his hair as you finish your braid. “No complaints.” Danny mumbles something but has a smile on his face when you finish braiding his hair.
Josh Kiszka x reader
A/N: ok i definitely owe y’all an apology lol i didn’t post for a long time !! Sorry !! I intend to post at least 1 or 2 content a week again! I already have another one ready to post on friday! I hope you like this one and again sorryyyyyy for the delay
Requests here:https://forms.gle/6uMRSCzFvyR2FgZPA
Join the taglist:https://forms.gle/e1qb5LKq8tQoQ48S9
Taglist:@anditsmywholeheart@babydxll@guitarfingers@lost-individual-voice @amarah11145​ 

“We want to thank all the peaceful army, for always supporting us and remember that the whole world deserves peace, love and unity!” Josh could feel his hand sweating as he held the gramophone while trying to convince himself that he was nervous about winning his first grammy and not because a certain drummer’s gaze was on him.

He could only hear a few things Sam said after he stepped away from the microphone. Josh was too busy looking at the brown haired girl with some tattoos all over her arm who was sitting in the first row.

He felt as if he could spend the whole night looking at her and might stay if Jake didn’t nudge him gently to let him know that it was time for them to get off the stage. Josh thought he saw the girl giggle shyly and turn to one of her band mates, who whispered something in her ear.

Even when they were surrounded by journalists and people from the band’s staff, he still couldn’t get her out of his thoughts for more than a few seconds.

But he did his best to cover it up and assume his responsibility as frontman.

“Guys, that’s crazy! Congratulations.” The voice of Noah, lead singer of a hard rock band from England and the boys’ label mate, was the first thing the four boys heard when they entered the break room reserved for the artists.

“I still think I’m going to pee myself at some point.” Sam said as he threw himself down on one of the couches. Danny did the same thing on the couch opposite Sam’s.

“It still hasn’t sunk in that we won.” Jake said as he reached over to the small fridge to grab some beer.

“Do you guys remember last year that Blake almost passed out?” Noah asked pointing to the bass player in his band, making everyone laugh as they remembered when the British band won the award last year.

“Didn’t even remember that shit!” Blake replied as he reached out to grab a bottle of beer that Jake had offered him.

The 9 boys spent the next few minutes drinking and listening to Sam and Blake complain about all the pop artists at the awards show.

“Shut up, Blake. Adele is a genius.” Josh lightly shoved his friend’s shoulder, who had just called Adele boring.

“She definitely is!” Everyone turned toward the door as Nina entered the room.

The lead singer and guitarist of the classic rock band smiled in the direction of Noah, her boyfriend, and sat down next to him.

Blake and Nas, the guitarist, started making disgusting sounds and teasing the couple. Josh even forgot to laugh at his friends’ joke as he watched Y/N enter the room, right behind Ashley, the bass player in her band.

The two girls sat in the only empty seat in the room while they gave out “hellos” and “congratulations” to everyone in the room.The only empty seat was the black leather couch facing where Josh, Jake and Blake were sitting.

“Who said Adele wasn’t a genius? So I can plan this person’s murder.” Ashley asked and when everyone pointed their finger at Blake he laughed nervously as he tried to disguise it by saying that’s not what he said.

Noah and Nina were still being teased by the rest of the group of friends and Ashley was fighting with Blake, who at this very moment was asking Jake for help explaining the situation, but the long haired guitarist just laughed and looked at Ashley as if she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Josh smiles at the thought, not that she wasn’t beautiful, she was, all 3 of them were. But none made him as nervous as the tattooed girl in front of him.

“Hey, can you get that for me please?” Josh turned to Y/N just to make sure she was really talking to him. She smiled shyly at him and pointed to several bottles of water on the counter behind him.

Josh looked away from her and turned to pick up one of the bottles, he smiled as he handed the bottle to her.

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.” Josh replied and prayed that no one had seen that they looked at each other longer than necessary.

When Y/N broke eye contact, Josh turned to his twin and noticed that both Jake and the others were getting up, he did the same without knowing why they were doing it.

“So we’ll meet you guys there, okay?” Noah said to Jake and then Josh found out that they were talking about the after party and that it was probably about time for them to go.

Josh didn’t realize that Sam and Danny had gone in the van along with another the band until Jake yelled “Fucking traitors!” at them as the two younger guys laughed, Josh was always the more outgoing and shameless twin but it was Jake who turned to Y/N and Ashley and asked if they wanted to go along since as well as half their band, their lead singer had also gone with the Brits.

“Sure!” Ashley replied and soon already started chatting with Jake as we all headed toward the parking lot.

Y/N smiled and shook his head in a silent yes.

Josh never thought that all those tattoos and rock n roll attitude hid a shy personality. This thought made him bring his gaze to his arms, noticing one tattoo in particular, near his elbow, two drumsticks with a K.M. underneath.

“Keith Moon?” he asked, Y/N followed Josh’s gaze and looked down at his own arm.

Then he turned to him and smiled, “The one and only!”

“He’s amazing! When I was learning drums, I think I listened to The Who records 24 hours a day.”

“You play drums?” Y/N looked at him surprised.

“Hm, a little, but not as well as him!” Josh laughed. “Definitely not as well as you!”

Y/N smiled and looked away a little as her cheeks flushed. “Thank you”

When all 4 were already inside the van going to one of the dozens of after parties that were called, Josh plugged his cell phone into the van’s radio, after a few seconds “The Who Sings My Generation” started playing, he smiles at Y/N, the girl reciprocates and starts laughing at Ashley and Jake who started singing (shouting) “Out in the street”

Josh felt her wriggle uncomfortably in the seat, until Y/N walked over and spoke close to his ear. “Congratulations for the award, I love that album of yours.” She increased the distance between them quickly, embarrassed.

“Oh, thank you! I was listening to your album on the way over here.” Josh smiled and moved closer to her as he spoke, this made Y/N feel comfortable to come closer to him and start another conversation that was interrupted only to laugh at Jake and Ashley.

When the van stopped in front of the Hotel, where the party was taking place, Jake helped Ashley down from the van and the two of them didn’t even realize that Josh and Y/N had fallen behind.

“You know, hm would it be really weird if I asked you out? It doesn’t have to be a date you know” Josh moved his hands nervously as he spoke “You know, just a dinner among friends maybe?”

Y/N laughed and even though his cheeks were flushed. “I would love to go on a date with you Josh.”

Josh got down from the van and held Y/N’s hand so she wouldn’t get off balance. They didn’t let go of their hands as they walked into the hotel.

Josh kiszka x reader
Requests: “how about quarantining with Josh?“
A/N: sorry for taking so long to bring this request (and all other)!! I said I would start posting this week but things from the new album drove me crazy lol!!! but in the next few days I will be posting more writings and sorry for the delay
Requests here:https://forms.gle/6uMRSCzFvyR2FgZPA
Join the taglist:https://forms.gle/e1qb5LKq8tQoQ48S9
  • When the quarantine started Josh almost freaked out because he couldn’t do any shows and would have to stay indoors, but as time went on he got better and found lots of new things to do.
  • Josh would show you all the songs he wrote, you were always the first to hear them.
  • In the beginning he spent a lot of time trying to convince you to like old country.
  • Nowadays you sing - scream - old country songs together.

“And even though Josh is spending a lot of quarantine time working on the new album, he always leaves days off for us to enjoy together. Some days we do old movie marathons, some days we cook together, some days we play karaoke or spend the day tidying up our record collection.

And there are days like today when we just decide to stay in bed all day.

"Josh, we can’t stay in bed all day.” I laugh trying to disentangle myself from his arms.

“Ok, baby just five more minutes.” He smiles squeezing my waist.

“You already said that.” I play with his hair. “Thirty minutes ago.”

“I did?” Josh asks trying to sound innocent.

He laughs as he pulls me closer and stands over me.

“You don’t have work today, I don’t have work today.” Josh starts playing with my hair. “Then why can’t we stay in bed?”

I look at him and arch an eyebrow. “Because we need to live?”

Josh sighs when I manage to free myself from his arms and get out of bed.

“Come on, we can eat and then watch movies!” I smile at him and hold out a hand to him.

Josh tries to hold back a smile as he stands up and holds my hand.“



Pairing: Josh Kiszka x f!reader

Warnings: smut! glorious smut! but for real, penetrative sex, some light fingering, praise kink if you squint, anyway…

Word count: idk, long?

Summary: you finally let the incredibly annoying boy next door take you out and yeah, maybe it was totally worth it.

A/N: Hiiiii! this is some fluff in the beginning and ends smutty, please enjoy! or don’t, i dont rlly care. Imma keep writing anyway. 


A summer at the beach was exactly what you needed. 

You could lay out in the sun for hours and get a tan, you could finally start reading real books again, you could eat boardwalk pizza for every meal. College was stressful and grad school applications were even more so. A summer off just lounging like a fat house cat was perfect. You were even okay with spending the summer with your parents and your younger sister and her friend. Nothing was going to ruin this slice of paradise for you. 

That is, until you met the neighbors. 

Keep reading

BLURB EVENT TIME!! i am free from college, i officially have a bachelor of arts in scriptwriting and a minor in film studies!! so to celebrate having all the time in the world on my hands, why not do a blurb event??


  • choose up to 2 prompts (can be one or two total) or send in your own, for one character. no descriptions please. also, please send the number, and not the sentence.
  • if you see one has been done for the person you want, select another number or person.
  • regarding that, if you send a number that has been sent in that i haven’t done yet (meaning it’s been requested but i haven’t posted it when you send yours) i will either choose the other prompt you selected or ask that you send another, if you only sent one.
  • there are 50 prompts, so please be diverse in selecting them. if you see one number has been sent in a lot, for a few different characters, please choose differently.
  • when it gets to the point where i am not able to think of much for the number and it has been requested for at least 3 characters, i will cross it out from the list.
  • requests will remain open until i say so!
  • some of these are from smut prompt lists, but i will not be writing smut. steamy and suggestive, yes, but no smut.

people to request for:

  • josh kiszka
  • danny wagner
  • patrick verona
  • derek hale
  • paul lahote
  • jacob black
  • embry call
  • seth clearwater


  1. “you’re so important to me.”
  2. “i know you’re mad at me, but will a kiss change your mind?”
  3. “god, i miss you so much.”
  4. “i can’t believe you’re all mine.”
  5. “i hate you.”
  6. “i had a nightmare about you and wanted to make sure you were okay.”
  7. “why are you pushing me away?”
  8. “no, don’t cry, i hate when you cry.”
  9. “you’re perfect to me.”
  10. “your eyes are so beautiful.”
  11. “your lips are so soft. i could kiss you all day.”
  12. “i think i might be falling in love with you.”
  13. “no no, it’s alright, come here.”
  14. “no, please, don’t leave.”
  15. “are you jealous?”
  16. “we need to talk.”
  17. “spend the night with me.”
  18. “this is a one time thing.”
  19. “each of my thoughts about you are improper.”
  20. “don’t give me that look.”
  21. “i’ve never done this before.”
  22. “would you shut up and kiss me already.”
  23. “the first one to make a noise loses.”
  24. “tell me what you want.”
  25. “we’re not just friends and you fucking know that!”
  26. “friends don’t do this kind of shit.”
  27. “i really want to kiss you right now.”
  28. “no one can ever find out about this.”
  29. “let’s go somewhere a little more private.”
  30. “i like you a lot. i just thought you should know.”
  31. “please, just go.”
  32. “say it one more time.”
  33. “please just talk to me about it.”
  34. “i would do anything for you.”
  35. “does he know about the baby?”
  36. “i love you and i am terrified.”
  37. “you’re trembling.”
  38. “i’m not going anywhere.”
  39. “i can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
  40. “you’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”
  41. “we need to talk about what happened last night.”
  42. “how much of that did you hear?”
  43. “i should have told you a long time ago.”
  44. “i tried to move on, but there’s a problem. they’re not you.”
  45. “i don’t remember a fight or a reason, so what happened? why did we break up?”
  46. “i love being with you like this.”
  47. “come to bed. i can’t sleep without you next to me.”
  48. “he was totally checking you out!”
  49. “what is this? between us, i mean?”
  50. “what do you mean by that?”

Trip to the Zoo - Josh Kiszka

a/n: so@cal-a-bungaawas sent an ask about going to the zoo with josh and your kids and i had to write it. and i deserved a nice break bc i finished my second to last assignment of my entire college career only one more day til graduation…


“Morning, mama,” Josh’s soft voice whispers in your ear, trailing kisses down your neck, then back up to your cheek. A smile spreads across your face and your eyes flutter open.

“Good morning,” you mumble, letting out a yawn. You rub the sleep from your eyes and come to, seeing Josh with his messy hair and sweet gaze staring at you.

“I made you some breakfast, for whenever you’re ready to get up. I have a plan for today, but I haven’t told El yet.”

“Is she still sleeping?” You wonder, sitting up. Josh presses another kiss to your skin, this time to your forehead, and takes a seat next to you.

“She woke up, asked for some cereal, then went back to her room to play. She’s been pretty quiet, so she either fell back asleep or she’s watching something.”

You lean forward to rest against Josh’s chest. He wraps his arms around you and you sigh out, content.

“What about Carter?”

“Miraculously still asleep.”

You couldn’t believe this was your life. Married to Josh with two beautiful kids, it was a literal dream come true. When you met him, you never imagined it would come to this. You were hopelessly in love with him and you couldn’t be happier.

“So, why don’t we enjoy a nice quiet breakfast for the first time in four years?” He teases, pulling you to stand with him. You giggle and follow him out of the room and down to the kitchen.

He had made chocolate chip pancakes with a side of potatoes and bacon. Your eyes widen as you look at the spread of food he had made.

“Josh, how did you make all of this?!” You gasp in shock. He laughs and wraps his arm around your waist from behind.

“I got up extra early,” he says into your ear. “Well, dig in, we got shit to do!”

You pull away, grabbing the plate he was handing to you. You slide a couple pancakes onto your plate, as well as three pieces of bacon and a spoonful of the small square potatoes.

You and Josh get through about fifteen minutes of a nice breakfast before your four-year-old daughter Eleanor runs into the room, jumping onto Josh’s lap.

“Morning, my sunshine,” he greets, tickling her. Her loud giggle pierces your ears in the rather quiet room, although it makes you so happy to hear.

Her curly hair, similar to Josh’s when he was younger, was all over the place and messy, not having been combed yet.

“Hey, why don’t you go see if your brother is awake. If he is, bring him in here. We have some exciting news.” She hops off of Josh’s lap, but before she exits the room, she stops and turns back around.

“Is it another brother?” Both of your eyes widen as you look at each other, trying not to laugh.

“No, darling. Just, just go get Carter.” She runs off without a second thought and Josh lets out a sigh of relief. There’s a pause before either of you say anything.

“Theres…not another one, is there?” Josh confirms. You laugh loudly and shake your head, standing to walk around the table to him.

“No. I don’t think so at least.” You cradle his face in your hands and he just stares up at you, a fond look in his eyes.

“I love you,” he whispers as you caress his cheek with your thumb. Leaning down, you kiss him sweetly, his lips tasting of a mixture of syrup and bacon.

“I love you too, Josh. So much.” Moments later, your two-year-old Carter comes running into the room with Eleanor just behind him. He runs right to you, grabbing your leg. You pick him up and rest him on your hip as Eleanor returns to Josh’s lap.

“What’s the surprise, daddy?” Eleanor asks, reaching up to play with his hair. He laughs as he looks to you.

“What do you think…about…going to…” he draws his words out to stew the excitement, making Eleanor giggle again. “The…zoo!” He finally gets out. Eleanor jumps up and down in his lap and wraps her arms around his neck.

“I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go!” She repeats. Josh smiles widely as Carter claps as well, though not knowing exactly what as going on.

“Alright! Well, why don’t you and mama go and pick out some clothes for the day while I clean up breakfast, then we’ll get going!”

Eleanor jumps down from his lap and runs straight to her room. You set Carter back down, grabbing his hand to bring him with you, but not before you kiss Josh once more.

Before you know it, Eleanor is dressed in a suitable outfit for the temperature, which wasn’t too hot and not too cold, thankfully, as well as Carter. Josh had packed the bag and the stroller into the car, and you were off.

Seeing as it was a Tuesday morning, the zoo was pretty quiet, so you were able to stop at certain exhibits and stand there for as long as you wished.

Carter sat in the stroller for the beginning while Eleanor dragged Josh around. He often looked behind just to make sure you were still there, and of course to throw you a sweet glance.

“Alright, El, where to next?!” Josh says after you stopped for some lunch at the main food court area.

Carter wanted to walk now, so he took a hold of Josh’s hand while you pushed the empty stroller. Josh’s eyes softened when he noticed this.

“Mama, why don’t you let me push the stroller for you for a little while,” he offers, getting ready to take over. You slap his hand away playfully.

“You walk around with them. They seem to be enjoying time with their dad,” you smile. He grins and pulls you close to him to kiss you deeply.

“Daddy! Come on!” Eleanor tugs at his hand.

“Okay, let’s walk beside mama, alright? We don’t want her to feel left out, do we?” Eleanor looks up at you and hugs your legs, staying between you and Josh.

Josh puts Carter on his shoulders, the little boy tugging at Josh’s curls, though he doesn’t mind one bit. He keeps one hand holding Carter’s legs around his neck to makes sure he doesn’t fly backwards while the other holds Eleanor’s.

“I wanna see the bears!” She squeals excitedly. So, you head in the direction of the bear exhibit, and once you come to the glass where a huge bear was laying in the shade, Eleanor runs up to it.

“Don’t hit the glass, El,” Josh scolds lightly. You come to a stop with the stroller as Josh leans down to Eleanor’s height, looking at the bear with her. Your heart swells with love and you quickly get your phone out to take a photo without him knowing.

When Eleanor gets bored staring at the asleep bear, she walks over to you.

“Can we go see the penguins?” She asks. You laugh and fix her hair, moving it out of her face.

“Let’s go!” She runs slightly ahead as Josh walks beside you.

“You’re an amazing mom,” he mumbles, just loud enough for you to hear. You smile and look over at him, shoving him slightly. “Seriously, I don’t know how I got so lucky.” He looks between you and Eleanor, who turned around in that moment to see how far back you were.

“Sunshine, we’re coming. The penguins aren’t going anywhere, alright?” She pauses before continuing on. Josh shakes his head, but laughs.

Because the penguin exhibit is an indoor fixture, you left the stroller outside, grabbing onto Eleanor’s hand to control her. Josh still had Carter on his shoulders.

“Daddy, look at that one!” Eleanor yells, her voice echoing in the building. Josh holds a finger up to his lips to signal her to quiet down, and she nods, but still, her smile remains on her face. You lift her up to rest her on your hip so she can get a better look above the glass.

“Look at that one, baby,” you point one out, getting ready to jump into the water right in front of you. She giggles as it splashes in front of her.

When you exit the exhibit, Josh removes Carter from his shoulders and sets him on the ground, grabbing the stroller before you even can. You narrow your eyes at him, but he shakes his head.

“You deserve a break from pushing it,” he says, pecking your lips. You kiss his cheek in response as Carter and Eleanor grab onto your hands.

“Where to next, El?” Josh asks. She thinks for a moment before jumping up and down excitedly.

“The lions!”

“Lead the way!” He exclaims, making her laugh.

When you arrive at the lions, Josh parks the stroller close by and picks Eleanor up.

“Down there, El,” he points to the den where the male lion was emerging from. He walks right over to the female lion, rubbing his face on hers.

“Aww,” Eleanor coos, “Just like you and mommy.” This makes both you and Josh laugh. She sits on his hip, staring down at the exhibit. He turns his head and smiles fondly at her, attacking her cheek with kisses, her giggle ringing out.

Carter looks down at them, in your arms, pointing and babbling at them, making a roaring sound. Josh glances over at you and smiles.

As you get ready to walk away from the lion habitat, Eleanor spots a face painting station and gasps.

“Daddy, can I get one?”

“Of course.”

“But only if you get one with me,” she continues. Josh, with no hesitation, nods his head.

“Let’s go pick one out then!”

The two of them quietly talk and decide which designs they were going to get, and Eleanor ends up picking one out for Josh.

“Hop up in the chair, baby,” Josh tells her. Although, upon seeing the stranger, not knowing what was going to happen, she backs up against his legs.

“You go first?” She asks. Josh nods and takes a seat in the chair.

“I’ll go first. Nothing to be scared of.” The artist, thankfully, doesn’t think it’s too weird, and starts painting Josh’s face with a zebra pattern design around his eye. It wasn’t a full face painting, but it was small enough to not be entirely strange.

“Alright, why don’t you sit in my lap while she paints you as a butterfly,” he offers. She nods shyly and hops up onto his lap.

“If you want to stop, just let me know, okay, sweetie?” The face painting lady tells her. She nods and settles in Josh’s lap a little. He has his arms wrapped around her to comfort her, his hand occasionally coming up to fix a certain curl at the back or side of her head.

She sits well enough for the lady to finish the design rather quickly. You were feeding Carter some goldfish from a bag when she comes running over.

You gasp dramatically as she comes up.

“Oh my gosh, El, you look so pretty! Do you like it?” She nods bashfully just as Josh walks up to you. Immediately, you giggle, standing up from the bench to examinethe design. He gives you a look that reads, “don’t ask”, but of course Eleanor beats you to asking.

“I picked that out for him,” she says. Josh shakes his head and wraps his arm around your waist, kissing your temple softly.

“It’s cute,” you mumble, not being able to help the laugh that passes your lips.

“Alright, baby, we can see a few more animals, and then we need to get going,” you tell her. She grumbles for a little, not wanting to leave just yet, but she and Josh look at the map together to decide which exhibits she wants to see.

Eventually, she decides on seeing the reptiles, though Josh isn’t the biggest fan of those.

“Okay, you go in there with her and I’ll stay out here with Carter and the stroller,” Josh says, holding your son, who was close to falling asleep. You grin and take Eleanor inside the reptile house.

She runs up to every habitat that holds a different animal, an excited smile on her face. She giggles at the green tree frog that was stuck to the glass in one of the cases, asking you to lift her up.

About ten minutes through, you exit the building, finding Josh in the same place, with Carter laying on his chest, eyes closed, fast asleep.

“I think it’s time to go,” you say, taking the stroller from Josh. Eleanor plops herself in the seat to rest and Josh stands, walking slowly beside you.

“Today was fun,” you say, glancing at him. “Thanks for suggesting it.”

“Anytime, mama. I know El has been wanting to come here for a few months, ever since Jake’s kid mentioned it.”

“And I think she had a great time,” you whisper, looking through the small clear window of the stroller’s cover, where you could see her head beginning to lull side to side.

Josh carefully places Carter in his car seat when you get to the car, the boy somehow staying asleep as he does so. Eleanor climbs into hers and you buckle her in as Josh packs the stroller in the trunk.

Josh drives home, music softly playing in the background so as to not wake your sleeping kids. When he comes to a stop at a red light, he glances back at both of them, passed out. He chuckles.

“At least that tired them out,” he says. You laugh with him and grab his free hand. He squeezes it to silently tell you that he loves you, something he does often.

As he drives, every now and then he brings your hand up to his face and presses a kiss to the back of it, sometimes leaving it near his face for a moment or two after.

Arriving home, he grabs Eleanor from her car seat while you pick up Carter, carefully walking inside.

Once both of them were placed in their respectful beds, you and Josh plop onto the couch, his arms going around your shoulder and your head falling to his chest.

“I know I’ve said it a lot, but you’re such a fucking amazing mama,” he murmurs against your forehead.

“And you’re a fucking wonderful dad,” you reply, turning your head to gaze up at him.

“I love our little family,” he whispers, kissing you softly. A grin displays across your face as he stares down at you.

“I love you, Josh,” you reply. “But I honestly cannot take you seriously with that zebra face paint around your eye.” He breaks out in a laugh and sits up, you falling away from him.

He quickly runs to the kitchen and washes the paint off, returning moments later.

“Better, mama?” He teases. You giggle and kiss his cheek, curling back up beside him.

You sit in silence, soaking in the time that you two have together until your kids wake up.

“I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for what I have with you,” he whispers. “You have made my life so complete, having two beautiful children with me, giving me another purpose in life. You are the best thing to happen to me, and I can never thank you enough, mama.”

Dancing In The Kitchen - Greta Van Fleet

A/N: I’ve had this for a while and just hadn’t posted it. I’m really trying to finish the Danny fic and the Sam fic I’ve got, but writers block has been kicking my ass. Over the last couple days I’ve been thinking of cute shit more than smut. If I do think of smutty scenarios, they’ve been more cute and playful- like my mood has been. There’s also some things i’m trying to improve on as far as writing smut, so yea. Anyways, i’m just rambling Enjoy this cute, cliché fluff. I HIGHLY encourage you all to listen to the songs paired.❤️
WARNINGS: None really. These are just cute and short. There’s some language and Mentions of anxiety if you squint, but that’s it.



‘Where The Boys Are’ - Connie Francis

You jolted awake at the terrifyingly loud rumble of thunder. The storm had been raging on for hours, starting just before you and Josh had gone to bed. You grabbed your phone off the nightstand carefully, as not to disturb Josh and the time read 1:30 a.m.

You laid back down in attempt to go back to sleep, but it was useless. The nearly constant thunder continuously startling you.

So, you decided to pull yourself out of bed quietly and go down to the kitchen.

You brought your phone down with you, turning on a random playlist you had made with Josh one night, letting it play softly while you made a mug of tea.

You smiled to yourself when ‘Where The Boys Are’ by Connie Francis filled your ears. A song you and Josh had danced to many years prior, before the two of you were even dating, when you’d agreed to go prom with him.

You swayed around the kitchen, searching for the mug you always used. trying to distract yourself from the obnoxious storm.

“Baby, what are you doing up?” Josh questioned with a sleepy chuckle. A goofy smile plastered on his face from the sight of you. “Did the storm wake you?”

“Yeah, and I couldn’t go back to sleep… So I came down here to make tea.” You explained, grinning at him as he approached you.

“Mmm, this is our song isn’t it?” He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and moving you to the music with him. “It is…” You hummed softly.

Josh spun you around to face him, hands moving to your hips as he continued to sway. “I remember how beautiful you looked at prom… And you just keep getting more beautiful by the day. I can’t take it.” He throws his head back dramatically, earning a stream of girlish giggles from you- Much like high school.

“Quit before I start blushing.” You scolded playfully, watching him intently as he met your eyes again. “That’s just what I want. You’re so precious when you’re blushing for me.” He teased, placing gentle kisses to both of your now red cheeks.

A loud clash of thunder startled you, making you jump in Josh’s hold. His eyes softened, pulling you into his chest. “I’m right here, mama. Let’s keep dancing.”

You relaxed into his strong, warm arms, swaying with him to the last bit of the song. Leaning your head against his chest, you started to feel sleepy again and Josh took notice right away. He reached forward, shutting the the stove off and removing the kettle.

“Come on, baby. Let’s just go back to bed, yeah?” All you could do was nod I return.

He picked you up bridal style, securing your in his arms and walking to the island where your phone was laying- The last few notes of the song cutting through your sleepy state.

“Where the boys are..” You sang softly and sleepily up at Josh, who gazed down at you warmly. He finished the final lyric with a soft smile. “Someone waits for me.”



‘Danny’ - Lesley Gore

You paraded around the kitchen, dancing and singing. Numerous different cooking items were strung along the counters, in an attempt to make Danny a nice dinner before he got home.

You’d put on one of your custom records, turning it up pretty loud, as to hear it from the kitchen.

“Cause Dannyyy, sends me flowers and candy-“ You sang somehow gracefully along with the song; one that happened to be one of your absolute favorites and it was pretty obvious why. “-He’s my one and only Danyyy, every hour of the day!”

Little did you know that Danny had actually come home early, and was now standing in the doorway of your kitchen, watching you ever so lovingly.

“He’ll tell me it’s time that his name and mi- Holy FUCK!” You screeched when you turned around to see Danny, now leaning against the island with a wide smile on his face.

“And I’ll be Danny’s, I’ll belong to my Dannyyy-“ He started singing to you, walking around to wrap you in a hug. “-I walked around beside my Dannyyy, He’ll be mine forever more.” You couldn’t help the smile that broke over your face, despite your pounding heart from being scared half to death.

“Sorry I scared you, sweetheart.” He apologized, placing a kiss to your temple. “It’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting you home so early.” You laughed lightly, but it quickly faded into a dramatic, playful groan. “Oh my god, how much of that did you see?” You asked, gesturing around to where you had been dancing and singing.

“Mmm… Just early enough to hear you singing “Dannyyyy sends me flowers and candyyy!”” He mimicked you and you smacked his chest. “Oh, lovely.” You rolled your eyes, returning back to the pot at the stove.

“Don’t worry, I’ll still be your forever more.” He chuckled, quoting the song yet again. Your head tipped back in a genuine laugh. “Oh, shut up.”



‘Cupid’ - Sam Cooke

You were always getting into little contests with Sammy. Whether it was just for pure fun, or to settle an argument, it was a common thing the two of you.

Sammy’s record player rang through his apartment, one of his Sam Cooke records spinning away- Not so successfully drowning out your bickering.

“I’ll have you know i’m a master baker.” He waved his spatula at you in emphasis. “You say You’re a “master’ at everything, yet you’ve never proven that.” You scoffed, already rolling your dough out on the counter.

“You’re going way too fast!” Sam whined, gesturing down to your hands that were working your dough on the counter. “You’ve messed up your portions like… three times. Maybe you should be using a box instead of trying to make it from scratch.”

“Right, right. Because only you can bake from scratch, Y/N.” Sam grumbled, pumping the air in success when he finally got his dough to form.

You both finally got all your cookies cut out and on trays, with surprisingly very little bickering.

Sam passed you his tray of cookies and you slid it into the over above your own.

“How long do they need?” He asked, glancing around at the mess you’d both made. “I’m gonna give them about twelve minutes to start.” You told him, closing the oven.

“Oh, this is such a good song.” Sam said, barely waiting for your to get the oven mitts off, before he was pulling you to him. “Dance with me.”

It caught you off guard a little. Sam of course was very playful and touchy… but this was bit more than normal, even for Sammy.

Looking directly into your eyes, and swaying gently, he started singing.

“Now, I don’t mean to bother you but I’m in distress. There’s a danger of me losing all of my happiness-“ You looked at him rather confused, but he just shook his head and continued. “For I love a girl who doesn’t know I exist… And this you can fix.” Your mouth fell open slightly, mind bombarding you with a thousand thoughts per second it felt like.

“So, Cupid, draw back your bow.. and let your arrow go. Straight to my lovers heart, for me…” He paused, looking directly in to your soul so it felt like. “Y/N?”

“Yeah?” You searched his eyes for any possible signs of what he could be getting at. “I’m in love with you.” He confessed boldly, eyes never straying away from yours. A smile pulled at your lips immediately, your heart swelling up in your chest so much, you were sure it was going to explode. Sam’s smile matched your own, patiently waiting for your answer- because somehow he knew you felt the same.

“And I love you, Sammy.”



‘Everybody Loves Somebody’ - Dean Martin

You were sitting wide awake at your kitchen bar top, anxiously waiting for Jake to return home from a lengthy leg of their tour.

It was nearly twelve in the morning, and you had put on one of Jake’s records, in hopes to soothe your racing, jittery heart. You laid your head into your arms against the countertop, doing your best to be patient, until finally you heard keys in the door. You shot up, becoming practically lightheaded at the sound of his voice.

“Y/N?! Are you awake?” His warm, gravely voice tore through your ears, in a way that hearing his voice over the phone could never do. He must have heard the commotion of you getting out of the barstool, stumbling all too quickly through the door of the kitchen. He dropped his bag at the sight of you, rushing to pull you tightly into his chest.

“God, I fucking miss you.” He breathed out, inhaling back your sweet, warm scent. “I missed you, too, Jake:” It came out almost as a whimper.

“Were you anxious before I got here?” He questioned, taking notice to your trembling form. You nodded against his chest and you could feel the vibrations through it, when he hummed in acknowledgment.

“I’m here now, angel. I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.” He reassured softly, beginning to rock side to side.

“Everybody loves somebody sometime. And although my dream was overdue..” Jake sang along softly into your ear. “Your love made it well worth waiting-“ He paused, peering down at you. Your heart rate has slowed, finally relaxing in his arms completely. “-For someone like you.”

A small smile formed on your lips, basking in the love and safety you were finally feeling from Jake again.

You followed Jake upstairs, crawling into bed while he quickly showered.

It didn’t take him long, not wanting to be away from you for a minute longer.

“Come here.” He coaxed, climbing into bed beside you with his arms wide open for you. You cuddled into him without hesitation, his heartbeat and warm scent calming you instantly. “I’m so happy you’re home.” Jake could tell you were fighting sleep though; part of you worried you’d wake up and he’d be gone again.

“Shhh, go to sleep, angel. I’m right here… I’m not going anywhere.”
