#grisha saga


the crows and kuwei as Taylor swift albums with no context

Nina- Speak now

Wylan - Lover

Kaz- Reputation

Inej- evermore /red

Jesper- 1989

Matthias- debut

Kuwei - folklore (ahem August anyone)


Actually, I’m kinda obsessed with the idea that every single person in Ketterdam thinks Kaz and Jesper dated and they have absolutely no idea.

Like. Inej’s comment of “you’re too good for him” is because she figured Jesper was a pining ex-boyfriend.

And it’s just an assumption that is never addressed until Wylan asks Inej if she’s ever uncomfortable that Kaz hangs around his ex all the time bc he sometimes doesn’t know how to feel about it. And Inej just legit answers while Kaz and Jes sit there super confused.

Inej: I never saw it as an issue-

Jesper: Who are you talking about?

Inej: What?

Jesper: Kaz doesn’t have an ex- Kaz you have an ex?!?!

Kaz: No.

Jesper: How could you not tell me???

Kaz: I don’t have an ex, Jesper.

Wylan: We mean you, Jes. I’m asking Inej if it’s weird that you guys still hangout even after you broke up.

Jesper: ……..wait.

Inej: What?

Jesper: After Kaz and I broke up…?

Inej: Yes?

Jesper: Because…you think we dated?

Wylan: Everyone knows you dated.

Kaz: Everyone? No. Nobody thinks that. I would know.

Inej: Is it supposed to be a secret?

Jesper, taking a deep breath:YOU THINK WE DATED?!?!

Wylan: Are you saying you didn’t?

Jesper: FUCK! I could have gotten so much free shit- are you telling me I could have just told gambling dens that my boyfriend would have paid off my debt and Kaz would have gotten the bill?

Kaz: First of all, I would have beaten the shit out of you-

Jesper: You’re the worst information broker ever. How could you not know about this?

Kaz: I will still beat the shit out of you.

Jesper: I’ve literally only seen you naked once. How did this happen?

Kaz: Probably bc you say things like that.
