
James Whitlow Delano: Young Tibetan man holds tiger paw for sale in Qingping Market, Guangzhou, 2009

James Whitlow Delano: Young Tibetan man holds tiger paw for sale in Qingping Market, Guangzhou, 2009.

The region’s increase in wealth has driven up demands for illegal tiger parts, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that globally, there could be as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild. On the day this photo was taken, more than 25 tiger paws were laid out for sale on the sidewalk market at midday.

From James Whitlow Delano’s Growthseries

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Aerial photography of Guangzhou, the scenery is picturesque and beautiful as a dream 航拍广州,风光如画,美丽如梦境

Guangzhou or Canton (广州) , the capital of Guangdong Province, is the third largest city in China after Beijing and Shanghai with a population of more than 12 million. Founded in 214 BC, the city has been a springboard for trading, cultural exchanges, many revolutions and reforms, making it an unavoidable stopover to understand what shapes the modern China.
