


I think that the resurgence of love for Hades is reflective of how much Hades loves humanity. Even after his image was slandered by christian society, getting reduced to “the greek equivalent of Satan”, and being made into the villain of countless pieces of media- people still love and talk about Hades.

And as they should! He is Nekrôn Sôtêr (the savior of the dead). He accepts everyone into his realm indiscriminately and gives them a home to spend the rest of eternity in. He rules by love, not fear. He keeps all of the monsters and cruel beings locked in Tartarus where they can’t hurt us. He gave his wife equal power and authority to him. He is the god of all the beauty in the earth, from the fertile soil with nourished the seed-grain to the mined wealth of gold, silver and crystals.

I adooooore Hades! and so should everyone !

This right here is why Hades is my patron deity (along side Persephone, of course)

so… yeah

[ID: A cropped screenshot of a Discord message that says “Me: keeps putting off ancestor work and finally did a money ritual. Hades: A GIF of a woman from a TV show smiling while walking through a door]


Look at it! I bought a beautiful statue of Lord Hades! It’s by the same company that made my Odin statue!

hermaeum: i find putting altars together really therapeutic, so tonight has been all about upkeep an


i find putting altars together really therapeutic, so tonight has been all about upkeep and introducing Hades into the mix. it’s potentially a little too dark to tell, but he’s got little taxidermy friends, a bat and a scorpion. hoping this is a good step towards getting closer to him!

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