#haikyuu fake chat



Compatibility Chart

pairing: Kozume Kenma x gn!reader

genre: fluff with crack (in smau format)

tw/cw: post-timeskip, domestic fluff, established relationship (reader and Kenma are married here), angry reader (more like pissed-off lol), Kenma is an INTP so reader is either ISFP/ESFP/ISTP/ESTP (see‘one-sided match’below),slight suggestive content in the end, Kenma is (lowkey) a total simp for his s/o.

a/n: remember that MBTI Compatibility tag game that made rounds on Tumblr days ago? Yeah, that. Me and some of my friends and moots were kinda annoyed/pissed by the results that I turned my frustration yesterday about it into writing. Also not me swearing that I won’t do another smau post but… siiiiigh here we go again smh /gentagging@anime-central@hanayanetwork

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