#hairy husband


Every morning you say your prays for how thankful you are to whatever god or deity saw you fit to have someone like him in your life. He is everything you have ever wanted and needed. He fulfills you in ways you never knew were possible. Every moment you are alive is better because he’s in your life. You don’t know if you can ever fully express how thankful you are to him. You hope looking like this when he wakes up is a good enough start.

When people see you and your good husband, they assume that he’s the man in the relationship. He’s the big strong bear and you’re you. You just smile at them knowing that when you get home, your husband will be on his knees before you close the door.

Part of being a good husband is figuring out your landscape. Yes you are a beast, yes you are a god, but how hairy are you comfortable with or more importantly, how hairy do they like you?

When becoming a good husband, it is important to be responsible for your actions. That means doing your part to stop a pandemic. It also means looking like a beast as you do.
