#halfway there





it seems like it’s normal to follow several hundred blogs on here?? why do you guys hate yourselves so much i follow 68 blogs and it’s a lot sometimes

y’all out here trying to kill me

reblog this and write in the tags how many blogs you follow to make me cry

Halfway there!

I can’t believe I’ve made it to 20 weeks. It has gone so fast! I was expecting everything to just drag but I’ve been so busy with work and my mum, that I’ve barely gave it a second thought.

I had my 20 week scan at 18 weeks 5 days. Everything was healthy and on track and it seems I have a little thumb sucker

I also had to make sure I was still having a girl, even though I’d already brought a wardrobe full of pink haha.

On the bump front, I feel massive but I’ve been told I’m a normal size for the amount of weeks that I am. I guess I’m just not used to carrying the extra weight around with me.

I love having a bump. In a way it helps me feel even more connected to my little girl, watching it grow week by week. The only downside is finding clothes I like that actually fit.

I found that Asos have the best range of maternity clothes and also new look.


for all intents and purposes i am a gothic protagonist descending into madness
