#halloween imagine


Michael Myers x Reader

Summary: What if Michael wasn’t in his sister’s room to stare at his own reflection?

Other’s could only speculate, make up scenarios and even if they didn’t make any sense, they tried to somehow fit it into their own narrative.

Michael was a legend in the community, every Halloween, people gathered to talk about their encounters with him.

You just sat among them, listening and softly laughing at how pathetic they all were.

They didn’t know anything about him.


But they spoke as if they did. Trying to empower one another to help and move on. How silly.

They spoke a big game, trying to make it seem like they had any chance against Michael if it came down to it.

They had no idea what he was capable of. They spoke as if they knew, but they had no clue at all.

And their latest theories included why Michael liked to stand in that specific window so much.

Someone said to look at the people he was going to kill.

Someone said he was thinking or planning.

Then another said he was looking at himself in the reflection, seeing pure evil.

But none were correct. No one knew the truth.

At that time, not even you.

He was there to look at the girl living across the street. From his sister’s room he could clearly see her every day.

Sitting in her room reading, brushing her hair or listening to music and dancing to it.

Michael watched her, she was the only person who was kind to her, she was the one to help him up when others bullied him in school.

He was too young at the time to understand what that meant. You were too young at the time to know better. He was your only friend, even if he barely spoke.

Even now, he had no clue.

But every time he was able to go home, he looked at the house across the street, trying, hoping to see her pop up in the window, but she never did.

But you never did.

After your abusive father finally managed to make your mother leave, he had no one to hit anymore but you.

One Halloween, you head about Michael’s escape, you sat in your window, trying to even just see a glimpse of him.

But your father arrived earlier.

He started trashing up the place and yelling as he usually did. You locked yourself in your room, but he broke the door down.

You assumed Michael saw you from the window. Because after a couple minutes of struggling, yyour father was on the floor chocking on his own blood.

So, how could you ever hate Michael when he saved you? He did what no one else could, he got rid of your father.

He saved you and you loved him for that.

Someone started yelling that Michael was outside in their car, everyone started grabbing weapons.

How cute you thought as you finished your drink.

They have no chance against Michael.

You knew he would go home. So, while they chased whatever was in that car, you headed back home. You knew that a gay couple was now living in Michael’s old house, so, you expected him to deal with them first.

And while the people in town chased a ghost, you knew better.

And sure enough, there he was standing at the window, looking right at you. You gave him a small smile and just stood there.

Then you heard the engines, the cars and the people as they all arrived to kill him.


You watched as he killed them all, one by one.

And you were happy, happy to see him free. Happy that he was finally with you. And once he was done with all of them, you just waited and he came, he stood right by your side, where he belonged.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​



Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Reader

Bucky thought he would be the weirdest among that team of weirdoes called the Avengers.

However he quickly realized that it wouldn’t be the case. Sure he was a 106 years old man, former soldier and also former brainwashed assassin turned super soldier hero with a metal arm, but he had serious competition in his teammates.

An equally old super soldier turned nationan symbol, a guy turning green and giant when angry, a super mysterious spy queen of sass, an overly sarcastic and a bit stupid archer, a super well-performing android, a witch or something like that and of course, the owner of the place : the edge-depressed billionaire fighting in a high-tech armor.

But among all of them, the one who’d win the gold on that weirdness podium was the young woman whose arrival preceeded his : Y/N.

At first, he simply thought that itw as strange for her to only show herself at night, but with all their teammates quirks it wasn’t that surprising.

And as the time passed, he started noticing more things. They met in the compound’s kitchen, in the middle of the night, where he learnt her name and who she was. She never eat anything, she was rushing off the living room when the sun started to rise…. Apart from that she seemed totally normal but those few things were definitely strange enought to grab his attention.

Soon that attention turned into hardcore curiosity. Bucky had to know what was going on.

Of course, he thought about asking his teammates but they all exchanged glances and small «  complices » smiles before sending him off with a pathetic excuse.

« Why don’t you investigate on your own ? If we tell you i twill be no fun at all » Steve said, patting his best friend on the shoulder.

« Or you could go ask her…If youd are » Tony added, throwing a dark glance his way before returning to making his umpteenth cup of coffee.

Everyone threw the same glance at the super soldier.

« Okay… »

He got up and walked back to his room, to think of the perfect plan to uncover Y/N A.K.A the Avengers’ compound most mysterious resident secret.

After long hours of trying to get the girl or mostly her secret out of her mind, he decided to take matter in his own hand.

His alarm clock showed 20:16. It would soon be time for dinner, investigation mode was on. Bucky left his room to join the bunch in the floor right under.

Most of the team was already around the table and in the kitchen when he walked in.

Y/N was sitting at the table beside Clint, discussing whatever topic which seemed to lit up her face, while all the others enjoyed their diner. As always, she was the only one not to have anything in front of her.

Bucky chose to be upfront to finally get the answers he needed and finally regain his sleep and peace of mind. He marched to the table and took a seat right at the opposite of Y/N, she looked at him and smiled.

Without giving her even the time to vocally greet him, he asked her about what has been troubling him for so long.

« Y/N, why do you sleep during the day, never eat anything and have a weird behaviour ? »

The young woman stared at the soldier with her eyebrowd scrunched up, betraying her confusion.

« Ugh, nothing more than the ordinary reasons. Why the questions out of nowhere ? »

All the other teammates were watching, with bemused looks.

« He dared ! » Clint whispered

« He dared ! » followed Sam and Natasha

« Yes, he did » Tony finished as they all started chuckling, leaving Bucky and Y/N in the uttermost confusion.

« Okay…Is there a private joke going on that we clearly aren’t a part of or… ? » Y/N asked, annoyed at her friends ‘s behaviour.

« She’s angry ! We told you Bucky, didn’t we ? Why did you dared ask her ? » Clint pleaded, pointing an accusatory finger at the former soldier with fear in his eyes.

« Undercome her wrath now ! It was nice knowing you, pal » Natasha said, patting his shoulder before retreating ot the kitchen.

« Alright, I get it ! » Bucky exclaimed getting annoyed at all of them, seeing the questions remaining unanswered and being mocked by most of his friends. It didn’t ease him that Y/N seemed as clueless as he was.

Natasha passed him by the second time and before going back to her seat, handed something to Y/N.

« Here, Y/N. Fresh from this morning »

The young woman accepted the gift with a smile.

The item in question was a plastic bag, the one you can find hanging from metal poles and « perfed » to bedded patients. A red liquid filled the bag…

Y/N uncapped the tube linked to the bag and placed the extremity into her mouth, like a straw and the liquid was sucked into the tube, right into her mouth.

Bucky’s brain cells , that failed to connect until now, did the math…

Y/N was drinking from a blood pack and nobody seemed to think itw as normal. Then why did his eyes widened so much he felt like his eyes were about to pop out of their socket.

« You’re…A vampire ? »

Y/N stopped drinking and took the tube out of her mouth ?

«  Weren’t you aware after all this time ? »

The not so discreet snickers of the rest of the group turned into full laughter, under the shocked gaze of Bucky and the uncomprehension of Y/N.

While everyone was laughing like a bunch of whales, Y/N focused on Bucky.

« They didn’t tell you until now ? »

He sigh in response, rolling his eyes at the group.

« Don’t worry, I don’t bite »

Then she threw him a fangy smile , leaving her two sharp teeth out for him to see, before returning to her meal.

Bucky watched her all the while.

She let go of the bag for the second time , licking your lips and fangs greedily, preventing any blood to linger where it shouldn’t, then your eyes settled back on your clueless teammate.

« I only bite with consent. So if you want to try it, don’t hesitate you’re exactly my type, a delicious snack »

And with a wink, she focused back on her blood pack, leaving the soldier blushing like mad, under the gazes of the team who had gone silent, watching the scene unfold before their eyes with smirks and teasing smiles.

When Bucky realized that he was being stared at, he thrw them his best glare and when they weren’t even phased by his dangerosity, he hurriedly stood up and walked out of the living area, face still flushed from his cluelessness and at how adorable his vampire mate was and he didn’t notice before.

After all, if she thought of him as a snack, he wouldn’t mind being devoured by her.
