#michael myers imagines


Michael Myers x Reader

Summary: What if Michael wasn’t in his sister’s room to stare at his own reflection?

Other’s could only speculate, make up scenarios and even if they didn’t make any sense, they tried to somehow fit it into their own narrative.

Michael was a legend in the community, every Halloween, people gathered to talk about their encounters with him.

You just sat among them, listening and softly laughing at how pathetic they all were.

They didn’t know anything about him.


But they spoke as if they did. Trying to empower one another to help and move on. How silly.

They spoke a big game, trying to make it seem like they had any chance against Michael if it came down to it.

They had no idea what he was capable of. They spoke as if they knew, but they had no clue at all.

And their latest theories included why Michael liked to stand in that specific window so much.

Someone said to look at the people he was going to kill.

Someone said he was thinking or planning.

Then another said he was looking at himself in the reflection, seeing pure evil.

But none were correct. No one knew the truth.

At that time, not even you.

He was there to look at the girl living across the street. From his sister’s room he could clearly see her every day.

Sitting in her room reading, brushing her hair or listening to music and dancing to it.

Michael watched her, she was the only person who was kind to her, she was the one to help him up when others bullied him in school.

He was too young at the time to understand what that meant. You were too young at the time to know better. He was your only friend, even if he barely spoke.

Even now, he had no clue.

But every time he was able to go home, he looked at the house across the street, trying, hoping to see her pop up in the window, but she never did.

But you never did.

After your abusive father finally managed to make your mother leave, he had no one to hit anymore but you.

One Halloween, you head about Michael’s escape, you sat in your window, trying to even just see a glimpse of him.

But your father arrived earlier.

He started trashing up the place and yelling as he usually did. You locked yourself in your room, but he broke the door down.

You assumed Michael saw you from the window. Because after a couple minutes of struggling, yyour father was on the floor chocking on his own blood.

So, how could you ever hate Michael when he saved you? He did what no one else could, he got rid of your father.

He saved you and you loved him for that.

Someone started yelling that Michael was outside in their car, everyone started grabbing weapons.

How cute you thought as you finished your drink.

They have no chance against Michael.

You knew he would go home. So, while they chased whatever was in that car, you headed back home. You knew that a gay couple was now living in Michael’s old house, so, you expected him to deal with them first.

And while the people in town chased a ghost, you knew better.

And sure enough, there he was standing at the window, looking right at you. You gave him a small smile and just stood there.

Then you heard the engines, the cars and the people as they all arrived to kill him.


You watched as he killed them all, one by one.

And you were happy, happy to see him free. Happy that he was finally with you. And once he was done with all of them, you just waited and he came, he stood right by your side, where he belonged.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​




Jason Voorhees

The first time you cuddled with him, he was shocked. 

He didn’t know what to do, where to put his hands. He was too afraid to touch you, he was afraid he would unintentionally hurt you, it was awkward. He couldn’t even sleep, his heart was hammering and both of you could hear it. But it didn’t make you pull away. You didn’t move. Not one inch. You wanted Jason to be familiar with closeness, be more used to having you touch him, hug him and cuddle him. This was a great start for that. 

And surely enough, slowly you started to notice him pulling you closer, him touching your arms more, one time he even cuddled up to you on bed.  


Michael Myers

When you cuddled with him for the first time, he was like a statue. Not moving, not blinking, and you doubt he was breathing. 

He was shocked, but more in a pleasant way. He wasn’t used to affectionate touches, so, when he felt you cuddle up to him, he wasn’t sure what to do. So far in your relationship, you always told him, trying to teach him what to do in situations. 

But it looked like this time, you wouldn’t have to. He was a natural after the first cuddle. Michael was open to learn how to cuddle. But you didn’t have to teach him one thing and that made you happy. He knew how to hold you, not too tight but tight enough, close to his heart.


Thomas Hewitt

The first time you hugged him, he freaked out, so cuddling was almost off the table, until one evening when you fell asleep on him. 

He. Freaked. Out. 

Poor Tommy didn’t know what he was supposed to do as he just looked at you, silently confirming it for himself that you were indeed asleep. He didn’t know any better so he just let you. Frozen in one place, he didn’t dare to move, he was afraid you’d wake up and move away, and he didn’t want that.

Then, you started doing it more and more often. Even during the day. 

Thomas loves cuddling now. Being so close to you was something he always treasured. You’d often find him standing beside you, silently asking for you to hold him or for him to hold you. 


Hannibal Lecter

King of cuddles.

He is not big on showing affection at first, but then he finds out that it helps a certain kind of hunger, one he never felt before, one that fills his heart. And after that, he wanted to hold you all the time.

Cuddles, everywhere, anywhere and at any given time. Holding you close during social event and holding you during sleep. He loved listening to your heart beat. It calmed him, even inspired him.


Patrick Bateman

Hates cuddles.

Hates showing any kind of ‘normal’ emotion, he finds it disgusting. He knows he loves you, you know he loves you, so why do you have to keep putting your head on his chest when you wanted to sleep? It was uncomfortable and inconvenient! He would even vocalize his feelings regarding cuddles. Saying how much he would prefer if you kept to your place on the bed, or when he was in the middle of watching a movie, you needed to be on the oposite site of the couch.

But to be fair, he would be the one to pull you close or cuddle up to you as he slept. 

He would never admit it, but he actually loved to cuddle with you.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​




Michael Myers x fem!reader

Word Count: 1.2k 

Warnings: blood, michael being a smug dick, choking (while making out), mentions of murder, descriptions of wounds 

A/N: i posted this on my other blog i had for a fat minute so if you feel like this is familarl you might have already read it lol. but i wanted to post it here too cause i liked it <3

You had no idea what Michael looked like under the mask. You had never asked and he was damn not going to show. Even after he started to come around more, sleep in your home, he never took off his mask. You got the impression he didn’t mind staying out of whatever place they were keeping him. Smiths Grove you were pretty sure. He didn’t kill everynight. It was a weird sense of normalcy that the two of you had created. But still, the face under the mask remained a mystery to you. 

You didn’t wait up for him at night. Sometimes he would be back before the sun fell, sometimes he wouldn’t be back until it rose. There was no telling which night was which. Like tonight, you were vaguely aware of the sun going down through the blinds as you read something on the couch. You had work in the morning and should probably start getting ready for bed soon but the book had just gotten good. 

You pushed the page to the side, biting your thumbnail. You might even have to finish the book tonight with how this was going. Though you didn’t want to stay up too late. You were mulling over these decisions when you heard the front door open. 

You looked up over the book. Would he come into the living room drenched in blood? Clean? It was like russian roulette with him sometimes. You didn’t mind much, it kept your life interesting. 

“Michael? I’m in here!” you called, not really wanting to get up from your spot. You could hear his even footsteps thudding along the hardwood hallway. You didn’t anticipate much of a reaction from him. He lived with you because he could tolerate you, you had food, and somewhere to sleep when he collapsed eventually. He had never said a word to you and you never expected him to. 

It took you a moment to look up from your book again. He was standing in the living room, unmoving. His hands were at his side. There was a sticky red on his jumpsuit that you would recognize anywhere. Blood. It was a little early for that but it wasn’t a shock. 

Whatwas a shock was that his mask was half ripped. There was a jagged cut from the eye down to his neck. In the dim lighting of the setting sun you couldn’t see much of his features. It was just a dark shadow with some dirt and blood, his or someone elses you weren’t sure. 

This was uncharted territory for you. You put your book down slowly, standing up. You hesitated walking up to him. As always, there was no expression to read. Did he want you to fix the mask? 

“I’ll get you a new mask but everything is closed tonight. You’re welcome to go out and find a new one,” you said gingerly. You half expected him to just go upstairs into your bed where he had taken residence and pass out without half a care. But he just stood there. For a second you thought he fell asleep standing up like a horse or something. “Michael?” 

He took one step towards you. You instinctively took half a step backwards but after a moment of thought, closed the small gap between the two of you. He was breathing heavily. You eyed him warily. 

With such slow movements you could have mistaken him for being still he raised his hands up to his head. He wrapped his fingers under the mask. At first you didn’t understand what he was doing and then it dawned on you. You parted your lips in surprise as he lifted the broken mask up over his head. 

You didn’t want to make this a big deal. Michael was like a cat. If you pointed something out he would recoil and who knows when he would be willing to give it another go. 

Though your face remained a (reluctant) neutral, your heart was beating a mile a minute. He was handsome.There was a cut down his face that was identical to the one his mask dawned. It was deep too. Who knew how someone had gotten that close to injure him that deeply. He had dark eyes, though you weren't’ all that surprised about that. Sharp wide cheekbones and a cold gaze. His hair was curly.It was unkempt and clearly unwashed. You tried to get him to bathe every week or so but it was a hassle and you never saw him wash his hair. So the curls were natural, reaching the top of his ears. He was annoyingly beautiful. 

You cleared your throat. There was no expression on him to read and you doubted there ever would be. 

“I’ll get the stuff for your face.” You started to walk away but he grabbed your arm, causing you to jump. You turned back towards him. He was looking down at you, a neutral look in his eye that had an undertone with control. “Michael?” you whispered. You wanted your voice to be louder but nothing strong came out. 

Did you dare kiss him and risk breaking your neck? In the moment you were pretty positive it would be worth it. You moved forward and kissed him. His jaw was timid. You had never kissed like this before. You put your hand on his jaw and slowly started to move it. 

He let you take the lead but only for a moment. 

Once he got the hang of it he easily took the control back. He put a hand firmly on your arm and moved you back until you finally hit a wall. He raised his hand and wrapped it around your neck. For a moment you thought he was going to squeeze the life out of you. Panic started to rise in your chest but it was subdued when he squeezed the sides. He could still break you but at least you would be happy going. 

Michael pulled away. His blood had gotten on your face. It had started to pour down his chin. His face gave away no signs of pleasure or disdain. You however were breathing happily, holding your neck with an impressed look on your face. 

“You sure got the hang of that quick,” you breathed. “Lemmee get the stuff for your eye,” was all you could think to say next. He let you walk past him this time. If you didn’t know any better there was a smug aura in the air as you left him.
