


guinea pig instagram accounts are so funny cause the captions will be like “uh oh! pumpkiwumpkin is being extra sassy today!” and the picture is literally just

h a m p t e r

Hampter! One of the most beloved and well received pieces of media of the 21st century! I have rewatched the series countless times, and so I wanted to write an essay on them.


Starting with Hampter (2021)

An instant classic! What else is there to say about the original Hampter that hasn’t been said already by critics all over the world! It’s delivery of its message is succinct, and the framing is just masterful! I am confident that Hampter (2021) will change the world of media at large, and we’ve already started seeing this influence in some indie works!


Squorch Hampter (2022)

After the release of the original Hampter, fans were eager to know about the possibility of a sequel, at the time, the director said they had no intentions to do so, unless inspiration struck, and strike it did! Its clear this sequel takes larger inspiration from the real world, which made it divisive on release. Some critics claimed it dropped the creativity of the original Hampter for the sake of trying to be more relevant, while others affirmed it was all part of the vision it is meant to convey. Hampter, having met such fame, felt the pressure to act accordingly in the future and please as many people as possible, this of course, being a metaphor for the overexploitation of novelty in a capitalistic and consumerist society, which ends up restraining the amount of freedom and creativity people are able to express at large. I personally really liked Squorch Hampter, I can understand the problems people have with it, but to me they’re not even close to making this an unenjoyable piece. Underrated!


Hampter Ball (2022)

In an interview made shortly after the release of Squorch Hampter, it was revealed the director had actually been working on two sequels at the same time! As inspiration had really struck, but they felt the messages conveyed were too distinct to all be part of the same release. Fans were intrigued! Could this be the return to form some critics were hoping for? 

Indeed it was! Finally the fanbase at large were seeing eye to eye once more, Hampter Ball took the basis from the original Hampter and upped the stakes, being more direct on its messages and themes, while still being filled with subtleties that wouldn’t be noticed on the first watch. Sadly releasing the two sequels so close together divided the attention Hampter Ball could get, and as such, while praised by critics, it did not perform well in the box office. Regardless, it is seen as a cult classic and beloved by many, and surely over time it will reach the status the original reached so instantly.

The Hampter Trilogy is, in my humble eyes, a masterpiece, while its sequels weren’t as critically acclaimed as the original, the 3 of them together really feel like something grand I feel very fortunate to been able to see unfold with my own eyes!


Sleepy hamster

