#handmade home

 Did you know it’s Puffin breeding season? You can see them in various spots around Orkney, th

Did you know it’s Puffin breeding season? You can see them in various spots around Orkney, the Shetland Isles, Pembrokeshire, Northumberland, North Yorkshire and the Channel Islands.

Or, if you don’t happen to be passing a clifftop soon, you can always find Puffins, Oystercatchers and Dunlins in Seaforth Design’s shop > http://folksy.it/1dOKv9G

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#puffin    #puffins    #handmade home    
A comfortable cactus. A rare thing indeed. Succulent and cacti fans will love these cushions by The A comfortable cactus. A rare thing indeed. Succulent and cacti fans will love these cushions by The A comfortable cactus. A rare thing indeed. Succulent and cacti fans will love these cushions by The A comfortable cactus. A rare thing indeed. Succulent and cacti fans will love these cushions by The A comfortable cactus. A rare thing indeed. Succulent and cacti fans will love these cushions by The

A comfortable cactus. A rare thing indeed.

Succulent and cacti fans will love these cushions by The Fox in the Attic - which all feature original watercolour illustration printed on to a cotton pillow / cushion. 

You can see them all here >

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#cactus    #succulents    #handmade home    #homeware    #illustration    