#handong scenarios


Vampire! JiU x Hunter! Y/N x Vampire! Handong - Spider’s Web (Requested!)

A/N: Hello my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope this week has been treating you well!!

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out the rest of my Masterlist!

TW: Vampire, vampire hunters, mentions of blood and injuries

I hate this life. Why do we have to hunt people who have done nothing to us?

You silently mull over your life choices as you walk through the forest.

I wish that I could live a peaceful life, but stupid child me thought that this was a great idea. Who lets children take blood oaths anyway? That’s kind of stupid on their part.

It was your job, since you were now one of the older vampire hunters, to check the traps that you set out for the vampires. None of the traps ever caught anything, which didn’t surprise you.

The trap was a small box on the ground that would trap the vampire in an invisible prison when stepped on. Their powers would be drained before a vampire hunter finished the job.

Would I really kill a vampire if I saw them?

You round another corner, and you gasp in surprise.

I guess that’s a decision I have to make now.

You carefully watch as two vampires stare at the tiny box that traps them.

One is sitting on the ground while holding her stomach, and the other is pacing around.

“I told you that this wasn’t a good idea; now, we’re stuck thanks to your midnight munchies!” The sitting one huffs before grumbling in pain.

“I’m sorry! Deer blood sounded really good.” The pacing one whines before her eyes meet yours.


She rushes forward, but an invisible barrier keeps her a few feet away from you.

“Please help us. We’re trapped here, and my friend is hurt. I’d appreciate it if you..” She pauses as you pull out a knife.

“Vampire hunters.” The sitting one hisses. “I should’ve known.”

Without another word, you toss the knife on the ground. You throw all of your weapons far away from you.

“I’m not going to hurt you, okay? I just want to know that you won’t hurt me too. I’ll free you if you can promise me that.” Your hand hovers over your “watch” as you wait for an answer.

“I promise I won’t hurt you, but we’re not the vampires you want to hunt. We haven’t drank blood in centuries. We’re just trying to survive off of the local wildlife. …I’m JiU, if you are curious.” Her long black hair flows in the wind as she talks.

“Good to meet you, JiU. I’m Y/N. Who’s your friend over there?” You gesture to the sitting woman.

“Handong, and everything she said was the absolute truth. I’ve not known a vampire who’s had human blood in well over four-hundred years. I don’t know what monster you’re trying to hunt, but it’s not us.” Handong slowly stands up before limping over to you.

You sigh before pressing a button on your watch.

I feel like I can trust them more than the vampire hunters who raised me.

“Thank you.” JiU nods as she begins to walk off while holding her friend.

“Wait, it’s not safe out here. You could run into more traps that could drain you more. I know a place where you can rest and recharge.” You call out to them as they stop walking.

The pair of vampires stare at each other before Handong speaks.

“I wouldn’t mind relaxing for a bit. Lead the way.”


You hum as you open the door to your very remote cabin in the woods.

I don’t mind helping those vampires since they seem very nice. Plus, it’d be good to understand what’s going on in the first place.

You light a few candles before gesturing to the girls to come in. It’s well past dark, and you know that you wouldn’t be able to see without some sort of light.

With JiU’s help, Handong places herself in your dining room chair as JiU sits on your bed.

Everything is in one room in this house. I hope they’re okay with that.

“Tea?” You ask the pair.

“I’m fine.” JiU shakes her head.

“I’d like some, along with any bandages that you may have.” Handong says.

You gently hand JiU the medical kit under your kitchen sink as you begin to prepare the tea.

“Why are vampire hunters going after vampires that don’t drink human blood?” You softly ask while not expecting to get an answer.

“I’m not quite sure, but I think it has to do with the humans themselves. I think they’re trying to cover something up.” JiU says before turning to Handong. “Hold still.”

“Yeah, I wish that we didn’t have to live in hiding anymore. Someone needs to tell those thick-skulled humans that we’re not the killers we used to be. Also, if I-” Handong grumbles in pain before JiU laughs.

“I told you to stay still!”

“Oh, hush.” Handong waves her off as JiU sets the med kit on your bed.

“What if I helped show the vampire hunters that you’re not the monsters?” You feel their eyes settle on you as you finish talking.

“You would do that for us?” JiU looks at you in surprise.

“Yeah. I mean, you’ve had every opportunity to kill me within the last thirty minutes, and you haven’t even thought about it. That’s enough proof for me to believe that you’re not lying to me.” You say nonchalantly as you give Handong her cup of tea.

“That’s fair, but how would you convince them?” Handong looks at you as you take a seat next to JiU.

“That’s the part where I need help. I need solid proof that you’re not going to harm anyone.”

“We can definitely do that.” Handong nods before taking a sip of the tea. “This is really good, by the way.”

You blush before JiU sets her hand on your shoulder.

“We’ll do whatever it takes to help you with your plan. Say the word, and we’ll be there.”

Werewolf! JiU x Reader x Vampire! Handong - The Hidden Side of The Moon (Requested!)

A/N: Hello my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! ❤️ I hope this week serves you well.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Vampires, Werewolves, Y/N gets attacked, a lil’ angst with a super fluffy ending

Unaware of the devious acts to occur, you stare at the bright, full moon in front of you.

They were supposed to arrive fifteen minutes ago. What’s keeping them so busy?

You rub your arms to keep yourself warm as the cold breeze of the night wraps around you.

Maybe they had to work late?

You breathe out a puff of warm air as you contemplate where your girlfriends might be. The three of you were supposed to go out for dinner tonight, and you were waiting outside of your home for them to pick you up.

Another shiver runs across your back, and you curse yourself for not wearing a heavier jacket.

I can just run inside and grab another jacket. It won’t take me that long.

You turn around, only to see two sets of glowing eyes staring back at you.

“I’m sorry, but I think you have the wrong house.” You brush them off as you try to walk into your home.

One of the vampires step in front of you, and they push you back.

“No, we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be.” One chuckles while the other smirks proudly.

You notice the all too familiar pointy front teeth, and you gasp before covering your mouth.

“The act’s up, I guess. It’s time to have our little snack, don’t you think?” With their fangs pointed out, they both approach you slowly.

You carefully step backwards, making sure that your eyes are locked on them the whole time.

I… don’t know what to do. If I run, I’m dead, but if I stay still, I’m also dead.

Luckily, a howl cuts through the nighttime air. The two vampires stare at each other in confusion before one of them screams in terror.

A wolf quickly runs past you as she tackles one of the vampires to the ground. The other steps away from the werewolf, but not before grabbing you.

“Listen, I don’t know who the hell you are or why you’re associated with that mutt, but I won’t hesitate to kill you now.” The vampire pulls you close and bares their teeth.

Against your better judgement, your scream and wiggling against their iron grip on you.

“The food’s a bit feisty today. I wonder if-”

“Get the hell away from them before I kill you.” Another vampire appears in the distance, with her blonde hair shining in the moonlight.

“Handong, it’s so nice to see you.” The vampire backs their teeth away from your neck.

“You heard me. Scream for mercy before JiU turns you into ground beef like your friend.” Handong folds her arms while standing only a few feet away from you.

“You wouldn’t-”

The three of you look over to the wolf as she slowly approaches you. Her pace is slow, but her eyes are filled with pure rage.

“Fine,” The vampire pushes you away, “but don’t think that this is the last time that we’ll come for them.”

The wolf growls, which causes the vampire to quickly retreat into the darkness surrounding your house.

“Are you alright?” Handong asks softly as she approaches you.

You shudder at the thought of that vampire’s teeth in your neck.

“I’m as ok as someone should be in this scenario.”

“Let’s get you inside.” Handong wraps an arm around you as she guides you into your home.

“What about the dinner reservations?”

“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I already took care of everything.”


The soft sound of water crashing against your bathtub dulls your beating heart. You quietly listen to the comforting sound of rain as JiU showers in the room next to you.

Your eyes scan the TV in front of you.

Is there really nothing good on at this time?

After scrolling through a few more channels, you spot your favorite movie playing. You quickly select the channel and settle into the blanket that Dongie has wrapped around you.

“Did you find something to watch?” Handong asks as she leaves your kitchen.

A mug of your favorite drink plus a tray of your favorite snacks is in her hands. You excitedly reach for them, and she laughs in response.

“You’re so cute~” She teases you for a moment before setting the food into your hands.

Handong grabs a coaster and sets the mug on the table before sitting next to you.

You happily eat the snacks with one of your hands, as the other sneaks into Handong’s hand.

The two of you sit in a comfortable silence until JiU walks out of your bathroom.

“Ugh, you still smell awful.” Handong gags for a moment before pinching her nose shut.

“That enhanced sense of smell is really working out for you, Dongie.” JiU teases Handong before looking in your direction.

JiU’s hair is damply pressed against her neck and scalp. Her clothes loosely hang around her still-wet form.

God, she’s stunning.

You smile at JiU as she approaches you.

“At least someone seems happy to see me.”

Handong scoffs before silently rolling her eyes.

JiU wraps her arms around you in a warm hug before settling on the other side of you. Handong quickly grabs the plate from your lap as JiU pulls herself closer to you.

“You’re so warm, love.” JiU happily mumbles as she closes her eyes.

“I know.” You mumble back.

You can feel sleep approaching, but you fight it off until Handong returns from the kitchen.

She carefully wraps an arm around you before nuzzling her head into your back.

“I love you so much, darling, and I’m glad that you’re safe.” Handong says at a barely audible tone.

“I love you too.” You mutter before letting sleep consume your tired mind.

Handong’s Shattered Ending - Your Lie

A/N: I’ll be the first to admit… this is one of the weirder endings, and as stated, none of this is actually canon. I hope you enjoy this semi-angsty and sad ending. :)

If you’re looking for a great place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you want to read a chapter that won’t make you feel bad, then I suggest that you should check out the Series Masterlist!

TW: Mentions of death (If you’re a long time reader, than you’re not surprised lol), comas, abandonment, more author venting because why not?

You pull the lapis lazuli ring from its position. You grasp the ring in your hand before slipping it on your finger.

Handong has been on my mind since I knew who she was, and she was always there for me. It makes sense that I would want to go to her first since she’s been with me from the start. Handong, I’d risk shattering my dreams if it meant that I got another second with you.

You pull the covers over you as you slip into a silent dream.


You wake up surrounded by cold air as you pull yourself off of the ground.

Why am I here again? Why didn’t I wake up near Handong? Do I have to find her again?

You look towards the ring on your hand, but it’s missing from your finger.

That’s weird…

You open your palm, and you gasp at the shattered lapis lazuli in your hand.

No, this can’t be right! I did everything right! Why does this keep happening?

You quickly spin around as you look for the green light that guided you before.

Nothing. There’s nothing. I’ve got no help. I have to find Handong on my own.

You stuff the shattered stone in your pockets before taking off in one direction. You repeatedly call out for Handong, but no one replies.

Eventually, as your body is about to give up, you reach the building where Handong resides.

She’s got to be here. Where else would she be?

You make your way inside of the dark building before turning a light switch.

“Handong! Are you here?” You call out as you look through each and every room.

How could Handong just disappear like that?

You reach the room with computer screens and you decide to head inside in case she’s there.

What the-

The computer screens are all black, but each one displays a different word in bold, white lettering:

Real Me Make Never Could Love Your

You try to decipher the message in your head.

What could Handong be trying to tell me with a message like this?

You decide to read the message backwards out loud.

“Your love could never make me real.” You quietly say.

Your love could never make me real… What’s that supposed to mean? Is this a joke?

You see a small phone sitting on the desk with an audio file that is ready to be played. You take a deep breath before pressing play.

“Y/N, if this somehow gets to you… I want to apologize. I should’ve told you about this in the first place.

The stones aren’t real, Y/N. None of this is. The seamstress never gave you a box of stones. You never lived seven lives with seven separate girls. This reality you live in… it’s all a dream. The world that you think is reality isn’t. You’re trapped in your own nightmare, and you need to figure out how to get out.

That being said, if you’re hearing this, I’m assuming that you’re too late. This isn’t a childhood play pen, Y/N, this is a matter of life or death.

I can’t believe that I have to be the one to tell you this, but you were in a bad accident three months ago. You were put into a medically-induced coma so the doctors could try to save you. It worked for the most part, but you had some… side effects. I’m nothing more than your mind trying to cope with the fact that you’re about to die. You never got to love because you were hurt so young, so your mind wanted to give you that chance before you left.

Y/N… you are going to die.

God, I’m sorry, Y/N. You don’t deserve me trying to make up for my lie. You should live your truth instead of my lies.

Yet again, if you’re hearing this, my truth has become your lies.

You know I’m right, Y/N. Don’t fight it anymore. Is this really the world you chose to live in?

You shouldn’t have come back for me. You were warned about what the stones might do. It’s not my fault if you’re unhappy with the ending you got.

Good luck living in a world abandoned by life, Y/N. Hopefully you’ll have more luck than I did.”
