#jiu au


Take Me Away (TMA): JiU’s Shattered Ending - Repent Your Sins

A/N: Hope everyone’s having a great week! I know I am, and I hope that my good vibes can become your good vibes too.

If you’re looking for a good place to start or get caught up, then you should check out the Series Masterlist!

TW: Religion, religious themes, jail, running away

You take the garnet necklace into your hands before placing it around your neck.

JiU’s warmth and kindness has stayed in my head from the moment I left her. She did make a mistake, but it was a mistake that anyone would’ve made at that moment. I can’t wait to see her again. Even though it’s been a few days, it feels like it’s been ages since I saw her last.

You climb into bed as you recall more… interestingmemories of you and JiU to occupy your mind as you fall asleep.


You wake up as a familiar chill runs over your body. The darkness that surrounds you makes it impossible for you to identify your surroundings. You try to get up, but you’re chained to the ground.

Am I in the jail cell? Is this the day before my execution?

You simply sit in the darkness as you try to form a plan of sorts.

Is there anything I can cut these chains with? That’s a stupid question; of course there isn’t!

You can hear soft footsteps approach the jail cell, and you’re quiet as you see a bit of light enter the hallway.

Who’s coming this way?

You can identify a woman’s shadow in the light, but you aren’t able to make out the figure until she comes into your line of sight.


“JiU!” You whisper yell as her head whips towards you.


JiU nearly drops the large candle in her hand while fishing something out of her pocket. She triumphantly holds the key in her hand before unlocking your jail cell.

“I missed you.” You say as she sets the candle down next to you.

JiU grabs the chain before using the same key to free you.

“I know.” 

You give her a big hug before JiU grabs her candle from the floor.

“Let’s go. We don’t have much time.” 

JiU gestures for you to follow her as she navigates through the dark hallway.

“Where are we going, exactly?” You ask.

“I’m not sure, but it’ll be someplace where you and I can live happily without fear.” JiU confidently states as you reach the door.


“That doesn’t sound like an awful plan.” You mumble as you both exit the jailhouse.

JiU blows out the candle before setting it on the ground. She looks into the forest ahead before offering you her hand.

“Are you ready to start a new story?”

You laugh before taking her hand.

“You bet!”

Take Me Away (TMA): JiU’s Restored Ending - My Faith in You

A/N: My dears, I hope you all are having an amazing, wonderful, and absolutely fantastic day! You definitely deserve it.

If you’re looking for a place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you missed a chapter, then you should check out the Series Masterlist.

TW: Religion, religious themes, pure fluff

You take the garnet necklace into your hands before placing it around your neck.

JiU’s warmth and kindness has stayed in my head from the moment I left her. She did make a mistake, but it was a mistake that anyone would’ve made at that moment. I can’t wait to see her again. Even though it’s been a few days, it feels like it’s been ages since I saw her last.

You climb into bed as you recall sweet memories of you and JiU to occupy your mind as you fall asleep.


You wake up in your aunt and uncle’s farmhouse, and you slowly dress yourself as you mentally prepare for another day on the farm.

I wonder what my chores for today will include…

Your door slams open, and you jump back in surprise. JiU comes rushing inside of your room with a big smile on your face.

“I hope you’re done changing because I’ve got some exciting news for us!” 

Before you can say anything, JiU grabs your hand and pulls you out of your room.

She hasn’t changed at all, I see.

“Can you slow down? I’ve just woken up.” You say groggily as JiU laughs.

“Okay, we can walk a little slower. It’s not like this surprise is going anywhere~” She teases as you raise an eyebrow.


“C’mon, it’s just a little walk from the house.” She gestures to the front door before the two of you walk out together hand-in-hand.


You stare at the house that’s only a short distance from your aunt and uncle’s home in confusion.

What is this?

You tilt your head at her.

“Why did you bring me here?” 

JiU laughs before answering, “I brought you here because this is where we live now! Your aunt and uncle got us a home after they found out about us.”

You can only stare at the house in awe as a blush rises on your face.

“They did that… for us?”

“They always were on the generous side. Now, let’s head inside before we become ill.” JiU begins to walk in the house as you slowly follow behind her.

“I guess this begins a new chapter of my life. It’ll be a story that you and I can tell together.” You say before entering the home.

JiU looks back at you and smiles.

“I think that we’ll make a lot of stories and memories in this home.”

Werewolf! JiU x Reader x Vampire! Handong - The Hidden Side of The Moon (Requested!)

A/N: Hello my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! ❤️ I hope this week serves you well.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Vampires, Werewolves, Y/N gets attacked, a lil’ angst with a super fluffy ending

Unaware of the devious acts to occur, you stare at the bright, full moon in front of you.

They were supposed to arrive fifteen minutes ago. What’s keeping them so busy?

You rub your arms to keep yourself warm as the cold breeze of the night wraps around you.

Maybe they had to work late?

You breathe out a puff of warm air as you contemplate where your girlfriends might be. The three of you were supposed to go out for dinner tonight, and you were waiting outside of your home for them to pick you up.

Another shiver runs across your back, and you curse yourself for not wearing a heavier jacket.

I can just run inside and grab another jacket. It won’t take me that long.

You turn around, only to see two sets of glowing eyes staring back at you.

“I’m sorry, but I think you have the wrong house.” You brush them off as you try to walk into your home.

One of the vampires step in front of you, and they push you back.

“No, we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be.” One chuckles while the other smirks proudly.

You notice the all too familiar pointy front teeth, and you gasp before covering your mouth.

“The act’s up, I guess. It’s time to have our little snack, don’t you think?” With their fangs pointed out, they both approach you slowly.

You carefully step backwards, making sure that your eyes are locked on them the whole time.

I… don’t know what to do. If I run, I’m dead, but if I stay still, I’m also dead.

Luckily, a howl cuts through the nighttime air. The two vampires stare at each other in confusion before one of them screams in terror.

A wolf quickly runs past you as she tackles one of the vampires to the ground. The other steps away from the werewolf, but not before grabbing you.

“Listen, I don’t know who the hell you are or why you’re associated with that mutt, but I won’t hesitate to kill you now.” The vampire pulls you close and bares their teeth.

Against your better judgement, your scream and wiggling against their iron grip on you.

“The food’s a bit feisty today. I wonder if-”

“Get the hell away from them before I kill you.” Another vampire appears in the distance, with her blonde hair shining in the moonlight.

“Handong, it’s so nice to see you.” The vampire backs their teeth away from your neck.

“You heard me. Scream for mercy before JiU turns you into ground beef like your friend.” Handong folds her arms while standing only a few feet away from you.

“You wouldn’t-”

The three of you look over to the wolf as she slowly approaches you. Her pace is slow, but her eyes are filled with pure rage.

“Fine,” The vampire pushes you away, “but don’t think that this is the last time that we’ll come for them.”

The wolf growls, which causes the vampire to quickly retreat into the darkness surrounding your house.

“Are you alright?” Handong asks softly as she approaches you.

You shudder at the thought of that vampire’s teeth in your neck.

“I’m as ok as someone should be in this scenario.”

“Let’s get you inside.” Handong wraps an arm around you as she guides you into your home.

“What about the dinner reservations?”

“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I already took care of everything.”


The soft sound of water crashing against your bathtub dulls your beating heart. You quietly listen to the comforting sound of rain as JiU showers in the room next to you.

Your eyes scan the TV in front of you.

Is there really nothing good on at this time?

After scrolling through a few more channels, you spot your favorite movie playing. You quickly select the channel and settle into the blanket that Dongie has wrapped around you.

“Did you find something to watch?” Handong asks as she leaves your kitchen.

A mug of your favorite drink plus a tray of your favorite snacks is in her hands. You excitedly reach for them, and she laughs in response.

“You’re so cute~” She teases you for a moment before setting the food into your hands.

Handong grabs a coaster and sets the mug on the table before sitting next to you.

You happily eat the snacks with one of your hands, as the other sneaks into Handong’s hand.

The two of you sit in a comfortable silence until JiU walks out of your bathroom.

“Ugh, you still smell awful.” Handong gags for a moment before pinching her nose shut.

“That enhanced sense of smell is really working out for you, Dongie.” JiU teases Handong before looking in your direction.

JiU’s hair is damply pressed against her neck and scalp. Her clothes loosely hang around her still-wet form.

God, she’s stunning.

You smile at JiU as she approaches you.

“At least someone seems happy to see me.”

Handong scoffs before silently rolling her eyes.

JiU wraps her arms around you in a warm hug before settling on the other side of you. Handong quickly grabs the plate from your lap as JiU pulls herself closer to you.

“You’re so warm, love.” JiU happily mumbles as she closes her eyes.

“I know.” You mumble back.

You can feel sleep approaching, but you fight it off until Handong returns from the kitchen.

She carefully wraps an arm around you before nuzzling her head into your back.

“I love you so much, darling, and I’m glad that you’re safe.” Handong says at a barely audible tone.

“I love you too.” You mutter before letting sleep consume your tired mind.
