#hannibal aesthetic

▪《《Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal》》▪ {{Request open}}

▪《《Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal》》▪

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To celebrate Quicksilver’s return we made playlists :)Listen to the Quicksilver playlist on Spotify@

To celebrate Quicksilver’s return we made playlists :)

Listen to the Quicksilver playlist on Spotify

@theseavoices will be posting a drawing soundtrack next. Find Will’s playlist here,Hannibal’s here, and Bev’s here.

Track list and sleevenotes under the read more link - you can also find this on AO3 along with the rest of Quicksilver.

Manip is by @theseavoices for Quicksilver - the original is here

This one is a mix of songs for the series as a whole, a slightly easier task as several of the stories have titles taken from songs. I’m not entirely sure why I started to do that - I don’t usually like quotes and things as titles but it just seemed to make sense at the time. Generally I prefer songs with female vocalists for Quicksilver and there’s a particular sound which makes a song ‘Quicksilver’ for me, but I’ve never been able to articulate what it is. Here’s a selection anyway :)


Sour Times ~ Portishead
Brilliant, brilliant song. This one opens the playlist as it contains the title of the new fic… 

Deadly Valentine ~ Charlotte Gainsbourg
… but I very nearly opened with this one as, well, thematically this is the essence of the new fic :) :) :)

(Love is Like A) Heat Wave ~ Martha & the Vandellas
I had this one in mind for a possible title for ages - I thought it was probably destined for a summer-set sequel to I’ll Be Your Mirror but that was before I realised I needed to finish the series off with a great big standalone fic. So I used it as the title for an a/b/o Quicksilver AU instead (it was just asking for it, really).

I’m In Your Hands ~ Mary Love
Gorgeous, gorgeous soul record (which is absolutely *great* for lip synching to) and provided me with a great title as well :)

Ruler of My Heart ~ Irma Thomas
The Soul Queen of New Orleans belongs in a Quicksilver playlist. This was another possible title which never quite made it - it was reinterpreted by Otis Redding and released as Pain in My Heart.

Les Fleurs ~ Minnie Riperton
This was the track which started the song title theme - tbh, it’s the quintessential Quicksilver sound. I always love the line Inside every man lives the seed of a flower / If he looks within he finds beauty and power. Beauty and power - that’s Will :)

I’ll Be Your Mirror ~ The Velvet Underground & Nico
Nico is a wonderful vocalist for Quicksilver, sounding simultaneously grave and naive, innocent and experienced - these are the themes I’ve been playing with as I’ve developed the series and some of the key ideas underpinning the new fic. I’ll be your mirror / Reflect what you are, in case you don’t know are lines which could be said by either Will or Hannibal to the other.

Laisse tombe les filles ~ France Gall
A yé-yé French pop classic, written by Serge Gainsbourg (which is pleasing as his daughter has also found her way into this playlist). Yé-yé girl singers were sexy in a deliberately contrived naive way so we’re back to innocence and experience again - see pretty much every drawing TheSeaVoices has ever made of Will, though arguably there’s several layers of subtle meaning piled on top of those drawings simply because of who Will is and who Hannibal is. 

Lay In The Sun ~ Ezra Furman
Furman’s second appearance in the playlist series - this is an anthem about running away and not looking back. Make of that what you will :)

A Case of You ~ Joni Mitchell
I very, very, very nearly called the new fic this but it became clear as I got towards the end it didn’t fit after all. One of Will’s inheritance tracks and it’s been on my list for a long while - Joni is a favourite of his mother.
You’re in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter, and so sweet oh
I could drink a case of you
And I would still by on my feet

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To celebrate Quicksilver’s return we made playlists :)Listen to Bev’s playlist on SpotifyUpcoming pl

To celebrate Quicksilver’s return we made playlists :)

Listen to Bev’s playlist on Spotify

Upcoming playlists are for the series overall plus a drawing soundtrack from @theseavoices.Find Will’s playlist here andHannibal’s here.

Track list and sleevenotes under the read more link - you can also find this on AO3 along with the rest of Quicksilver.

I love Bev very much and managed to make this playlist almost in my sleep. She’s fun and generally positive so each song had to be uplifting but intelligent. Also she has zero belief in the concept of ‘guilty pleasures’ - if she likes something, she likes something and she’s not going to care what anyone’s going to say about that. As Will comments in the final bit of Quicksilver: “Bev is terrifyingly well-adjusted.”


Edge of Seventeen ~ Stevie Nicks
Everyone a little bit weird should have a Stevie Nicks phase. (I also think Bev is a little tiny bit gothy and Nicks is the gothy godmother, so there’s that as well.)

Don’t Waste My Time ~ Sault
Just listen to this and tell me you can’t see Bev dancing in her bedroom. Sooo punchy and badass.

Cloudbusting ~ Kate Bush
See Stevie Nicks - another wild and witchy woman to guide Bev (and us) through life.

Like A Prayer ~ Madonna
Classic Madonna, classic Bev. *thumbs up emoji*

Jersey Girl ~ Tom Waits
One of Bev’s inheritance tracks, I think, and one which makes her cry (in a good way) (and me too).

Friday Fish Fry ~ Kelis
Comes from the album Food all about… food. And QS Bev is known for liking her food :)

Everyone’s a V.I.P. To Someone ~ The Go! Team
I love this track - beautiful to listen to on a sunny day when you’re heading somewhere fun. It’s got a big heart, somehow, and so does Bev.

Wichita Lineman ~ Glen Campbell
Another inheritance track, another song which makes Bev cry in the good way.

Galaxy Song ~ Monty Python
No guilty pleasures, no problem :)

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To celebrate Quicksilver’s return we made playlists :)Listen to Hannibal’s playlist on SpotifyUpcomi

To celebrate Quicksilver’s return we made playlists :)

Listen to Hannibal’s playlist on Spotify

Upcoming playlists are for Bev, the series overall, plus a drawing soundtrack from @theseavoicesFind Will’s playlist here.

Track list and sleevenotes under the read more link - you can also find this on AO3 along with the rest of Quicksilver.

Set myself a real challenge with this one - how to make a playlist to illustrate Hannibal without using classical music? Very difficult indeed but I didn’t feel qualified to go down the classical route and, anyway, other people have already done it brilliantly. So instead, whenever I came across something (anything) which I thought might work, I noted it down and over a few months (not even joking) whittled them down to arrange them into this playlist. Although this is technically a playlist for the version of Hannibal who exists in Quicksilver, I find listening to it really helps me get into canon!Hannibal’s head (and I do love being in his head - not sure what that says about me D:).

I doubt you’d find any of these tracks in Hannibal’s listening history (though I think there’s a couple he’d be intrigued by). Interestingly, lyrics are few and far between - that wasn’t deliberate but I think it helps provide some of that mystery which is so essential to keep in Hannibal’s character. We should never know too much about him - he can’t be explained, after all ;)


The Dead Flag Blues ~ Godspeed You! Black Emperor

(Can’t believe I’m about to post a content warning for music but here I am doing it - if you’re not familiar with GY!BE you may not be expecting anything quite as bleak as this. It is ~bleak~, particularly at the beginning, and long at over 15 minutes. If you’re feeling anxious/fragile/depressed maybe listen later. But then again, maybe you’re one of those people who finds beauty and solace in bleakness no matter how you’re currently feeling, in which case crack on.)
I absolutely LOVE this track and in this playlist it represents Hannibal’s initial trip through the Inferno as child and into adulthood. There is a great meta discussion post on tumblr (I can’t remember who wrote it and neither can I find it, so if anyone knows the one I mean please let me know - it’s from years back) which describes this process and goes on to say that, when Hannibal finally came out the other side, he decided to go back round again but this time on his own terms, like Alice down the rabbit hole. It has a slow bluesy-waltzy-wooziness which over time becomes a dance, an embrace of darkness; and the surprise ending with the rather childlike and made-anew sparkling melody makes me think of I happened and the moment when Hannibal fully emerges, having gained control over his life and his story. (The spoken piece at the start could also describes Will’s canon experiences with Hannibal, ending in the fall.) Amazing, a perfect fit. *chef’s kiss* 

A Summer Long Since Passed ~ Virginia Astley
“The piano has the quality of a memory,” Hannibal said. With its schoolgirl-ish vocal and ringing church bells (which, if you went grew up in an English village a couple of decades ago, will probably provoke unbearable nostalgia - they always seemed to be ringing as we left school for the day), let’s just rename this track Mischa and move on. 

Birthday Song ~ The Fall
Mark E. Smith and Hannibal may not naturally seem to fit together but hear me out. This is an unusually romantic piece of poetry set to music - it’s melancholic and yearning, uneasily dreamy; it echoes with voices and thoughts. For ages I thought about writing a memory palace-set fic based on the lines I am / in the next room / with you / always (I still might), and that’s enough reason on its own for me to include it here.

Helix ~ Kelly Moran
Sounds like music from a deranged and beautiful clockwork machine which someone is improvising to electronically (the sound is actually made by a ‘prepared piano’ - Moran placed objects among the piano strings to create a muted, percussive sound and accompanied it with digitally processed sounds). It starts small and spirals into something huge and lush and impressive. Basically, for me, this track is the sound of Hannibal’s mind working. 

Remurdered ~ Mogwai
Gets Hannibal points for the title alone, but it’s the menacing sound this playlist was missing topped off with a baroque digital-harpsichord-esque crescendo.

White Rabbit ~ Jefferson Airplane
Aaaaaand we’ve circled right back around the beginning again. Prepare to re-enter the rabbit hole and see what awaits - Hannibal’s waiting to guide you, with a smile on his face and a Gladstone full of hallucinogenics. Feed your head, indeed.

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