#happy liv day




A Hardy | Harry/Teddy Story
Content: cross-gen relationship; angst with a happy ending; break-up/make-up; Sirius’s motorbike; kitchen table sex; first person Harry POV
Summary: I could have died of it, your tenderness toward me. Instead I decided to live.

Huge thank you to @nv-md who, when I asked for Hardy prompts, gave me these:

a single photograph
‘when I last saw you…’
motorcycle ride
red pants/underwear
‘remember the first time…’
cooking dinner together
'I wish you could have been there.’

I just so happened to use all of them in this! Your prompts were that perfect. <3

Another massive thank you to @onbeinganangel for the gorgeous banner! <3

To@writcraft for showing up in my messages and getting this ball rolling. <3

To@babooshkart​ for coming up with the perfect tag in 1.7 seconds. :D <3

@sitp-recs, Livvy dear. This fandom loves you. I love you. Thank you for everything you’ve done here, as a reader, a reccer, and a friend. It’s an honor to get to celebrate you here today. Happy fanniversary! <333

Read the story on AO3!

Dralbus | T | 1.7k |Weddings and storms and the bittersweet feeling when your straight friend and sometime crush gets married (but at least his dad’s hot, right?)

Massive thanks to @tackytigerfic for the fab beta <3


This is everything, Scorp had said earlier, still giddy from the ceremony. I love you two, you know that? He had one arm around my shoulders, tugging me into him, and the other around Rose’s waist. Everyone I love, right here in one place. He turned to me, then, pressed a smacking kiss to my cheek, Rose giggling behind him. I hope – Al, he said, ardent as ever, I hope one day you get this lucky. You deserve it. Everything you want.

Everything I want.

If only I knew what that was.


Read Weather Warning on AO3 here


I wrote this, my first foray into cross-gen, for the lovely @sitp-recs, who’s been gracing fandom with her presence for two whole years now. When I was but a wee-un, staying up late into the night to devour longfic after longfic on my phone, months before I even dreamt of writing anything myself (or even had a Tumblr), I used to check out the latest sitp-recs rec to find my newest obsession. I discovered so many of my faves (and now my friends) through Liv, and I just thought it’s worth thinking about the sheer number of people who are probably doing the same as I did, right now. When I finally started writing, I remember thinking to myself that getting a sitp-recs rec would be like the highest fandom accolade. I couldn’t believe it the day it finally happened!

I only got chatting to Liv after joining fandom last year; we had friends in common and everyone was telling me how lovely she was, and of course they were absolutely right. It’s been great to get to know you, Liv, and to have someone else to shout about all my favourite fics with. I hope you’re having a wonderful day and feeling thoroughly loved and spoiled <3

(also, have a banner that I would hate to go unused!)
