

rest easy, lover boys

happy fandom anniversary to our darling @sitp-recs !!! you are an angel of kindness and encouragement and rec lists, and we love you endlessly!


A joyous fanniversary to @sitp-recs, a beautiful person to whom I and my fandom experience are indebted. Just over a year ago I’d started to drift away from drarry after reading a few fics, until I discovered Liv’s incredible blog and so many more fics to love and reasons to dig deeper. I wouldn’t have found my way into this community without her, and am so grateful for her kindness and presence here. Liv, I hope this lil story gives you even a fraction of the joy you and your blog have given me over the past year.

Of course, it’s the one eventuality he hasn’t planned for.

“It’s raining,” Draco says, clutching Pansy’s arm and watching the windows streak.

“It sure is,” they say. Their lipstick is sharp and red—any overt warmth from Pansy is rare, but a corner of their mouth tugs upward, not even in a sneer. They tuck a piece of Draco’s hair behind his ear and smooth out his robes.

“It’s a Muggle venue,” Draco says, realising. “No Weather Charms. We can’t even cast an Impervius.”

“No, we certainly can’t.”

“Don’t laugh at me, Pans.” Draco clutches their arm harder. “Oh Merlin, all the guests are going to be wet, they’ll hate me.”

Pansy shakes their head, tugging Draco gently toward the door. “It’s just a bit of rain, Draco.”

Keep reading



A Hardy | Harry/Teddy Story
Content: cross-gen relationship; angst with a happy ending; break-up/make-up; Sirius’s motorbike; kitchen table sex; first person Harry POV
Summary: I could have died of it, your tenderness toward me. Instead I decided to live.

Huge thank you to @nv-md who, when I asked for Hardy prompts, gave me these:

a single photograph
‘when I last saw you…’
motorcycle ride
red pants/underwear
‘remember the first time…’
cooking dinner together
'I wish you could have been there.’

I just so happened to use all of them in this! Your prompts were that perfect. <3

Another massive thank you to @onbeinganangel for the gorgeous banner! <3

To@writcraft for showing up in my messages and getting this ball rolling. <3

To@babooshkart​ for coming up with the perfect tag in 1.7 seconds. :D <3

@sitp-recs, Livvy dear. This fandom loves you. I love you. Thank you for everything you’ve done here, as a reader, a reccer, and a friend. It’s an honor to get to celebrate you here today. Happy fanniversary! <333

Read the story on AO3!


Happy Fanniversary @sitp-recs​!!

You’re an absolute sweetheart and we’re so lucky to have you! Thank you for your contributions to fandom and the positive impact you’ve made on our community. You’ve touched more people than you’ll ever know, darling. I’d like to celebrate you by sharing your recs of fics that I love dearly (plus a cheeky self rec lol) and this tiny Liv-themed moodboard. 

I hope you feel loved, always.

A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio

All Our Secrets Laid Bare

Another Heart Whispers Back

Any Instruments



Sarff A Llew


The Thrill of the Chase Moves in Mysterious Ways


rest easy, lover boys

happy fandom anniversary to our darling @sitp-recs !!! you are an angel of kindness and encouragement and rec lists, and we love you endlessly!

so soft


Dralbus | T | 1.7k |Weddings and storms and the bittersweet feeling when your straight friend and sometime crush gets married (but at least his dad’s hot, right?)

Massive thanks to @tackytigerfic for the fab beta <3


This is everything, Scorp had said earlier, still giddy from the ceremony. I love you two, you know that? He had one arm around my shoulders, tugging me into him, and the other around Rose’s waist. Everyone I love, right here in one place. He turned to me, then, pressed a smacking kiss to my cheek, Rose giggling behind him. I hope – Al, he said, ardent as ever, I hope one day you get this lucky. You deserve it. Everything you want.

Everything I want.

If only I knew what that was.


Read Weather Warning on AO3 here


I wrote this, my first foray into cross-gen, for the lovely @sitp-recs, who’s been gracing fandom with her presence for two whole years now. When I was but a wee-un, staying up late into the night to devour longfic after longfic on my phone, months before I even dreamt of writing anything myself (or even had a Tumblr), I used to check out the latest sitp-recs rec to find my newest obsession. I discovered so many of my faves (and now my friends) through Liv, and I just thought it’s worth thinking about the sheer number of people who are probably doing the same as I did, right now. When I finally started writing, I remember thinking to myself that getting a sitp-recs rec would be like the highest fandom accolade. I couldn’t believe it the day it finally happened!

I only got chatting to Liv after joining fandom last year; we had friends in common and everyone was telling me how lovely she was, and of course they were absolutely right. It’s been great to get to know you, Liv, and to have someone else to shout about all my favourite fics with. I hope you’re having a wonderful day and feeling thoroughly loved and spoiled <3

(also, have a banner that I would hate to go unused!)




Microfic: Only At Night

for the darling @sitp-recs’ second fanniversary. Thank you Liv for your friendship, here’s a microfic for you Prompted by @lqtraintrackscw: implicit sex

From behind Harry curves into him, so his body heat scorches through the thin cotton of Draco’s shirt. They’ve never crossed this line before, but anticipation pricks every nerve ending on Draco’s skin. With a shudder, he leans back into Harry’s grasp, intimate, knowing.

“Will you touch yourself for me?”


happy two year tumblrversary lovely liv @sitp-recs! thank you so much for all of the encouragement and support you’ve given to me and everyone in fandom. to celebrate your two year anniversary, here are 400 words of run ons featuring draco reflecting on his two-year anniversary with harry. thanks so much to @written-in-ash for helping me fight commas.

The sun burned embers on the horizon before they realized what the departing day marked — a line drawn against time, and crossed again by clumsy feet. Draco knew he could never capture it, but if he tried, it might be:

The outline Harry’s hair made on summer-sunned days — short, and then long, and then short again — but always capturing the same glow as fading daylight thinned itself into a halo. The path Draco took as he walked behind him, fitting his feet into footsteps forged in flattened grass, Harry always a few paces ahead, and rarely looking back.

Or the dark skids against the floors of their first, and then second, and then third flats, where the legs of couches and tables dragged against cheap linoleum and imitation hardwood. The stains that would be lifted easily with scouring spells if they hadn’t long ago stopped bothering to erase their mistakes.

Or the burn of his tongue on too-hot tea. Or the crumpled fabric of threadbare t-shirts tossed into the corners of bathrooms. Or the particular wrist movement for spells that revived wilting ivy and overwatered succulents. Or the way that when Harry tried to leave him, he closed the door so gently the sound could be hushed away by a quiet sigh or the breeze through an open window. The way that when Harry came back, it was louder each time, a revelry of bags dropped on floors and brooms clattering walls and a path stamped by heavy footfall, one Draco thought the floor might one day memorize as it seeped into the earth below.

Or the sound of slow, quiet breaths, cheeks squished against armrests, and the deep slumber of a man who earned his every exhale, even the ones that turned to snores. Or the sheen of moonlight spread thin across sweat rich sheets on the nights Draco lay awake and wondered. Not whether they would one day tear each other apart, but whether they already had: limb from limb, only to find themselves demolished things, recomposed into reflected shapes that always recognized each other, if seldom themselves.

Or the two years behind them, not a threshold but a bridge. And a future Draco might try to pluck as if from a tree, to sink his teeth into and let dribble down his cheeks, knowing he would never truly taste it until it was kissed from his lips.

“not a threshold but a bridge” crow how u?!



A Hardy | Harry/Teddy Story
Content: cross-gen relationship; angst with a happy ending; break-up/make-up; Sirius’s motorbike; kitchen table sex; first person Harry POV
Summary: I could have died of it, your tenderness toward me. Instead I decided to live.

Huge thank you to @nv-md who, when I asked for Hardy prompts, gave me these:

a single photograph
‘when I last saw you…’
motorcycle ride
red pants/underwear
‘remember the first time…’
cooking dinner together
'I wish you could have been there.’

I just so happened to use all of them in this! Your prompts were that perfect. <3

Another massive thank you to @onbeinganangel for the gorgeous banner! <3

To@writcraft for showing up in my messages and getting this ball rolling. <3

To@babooshkart​ for coming up with the perfect tag in 1.7 seconds. :D <3

@sitp-recs, Livvy dear. This fandom loves you. I love you. Thank you for everything you’ve done here, as a reader, a reccer, and a friend. It’s an honor to get to celebrate you here today. Happy fanniversary! <333

Read the story on AO3!

If you need me, too bad. I’m dead now. It was a good run.


Happy blogversary to the wonderful Liv @sitp-recs!!!

Liv has brought so many people into the Drarry fandom through her recs, including myself. She is so generous with her time and knowledge, and her fic recs are gorgeous.

Liv, we want you to know just how loved and appreciated you are, and how important you are to so many people. I hope you enjoy this little snippet of soft boys.

Special thanks to @phoebe-deliaand@lqtraintracks for the prompts, and @curlyy-hair-dont-care for the beta.

Prompts: “I hate him, until he smiles”; “Light” by Sleeping At Last

CW: implied secret relationship, implied mental health issues

Out Of The Darkness

I hate him, until he smiles. Before he smiles he is the saviour, he is the poster boy, he is the carrier of the weight of the world. But when he smiles he is Harry, my Harry. 

Out there, for them, he must be strong, stoic. He is the perfect Head Auror, his Order of Merlin, First Class, beautifully polished before each gala, each press conference. I style his hair, straighten his collar, shine his shoes. I cannot go with him, but I am always there, hidden in the shadows where only he can see me. It is not perfect, but it is enough. 

The public that praises him is the same one that spurns me. But they do not know what I know. They do not know that every word he speaks is written by me, his feet in my lap as we curl together by the fire. They do not know his impeccable manners have been drilled into him by me, over beans on toast and gooey brownies, during nights filled with laughter and love. That elegant waltz with which he leads the Minister’s wife is the same one that spins me around our living room as I hold him close, soothing his fears with my heartbeat alone. 

His public persona is perfect, free from any crack or strain. Each day he layers on his mask and steps out into a world that, to him, is as bleak as the one he grew up in. The public sees only the victorious saviour. I am the only one who knows the weight on his shoulders, knows that he will never consider himself done. 

But at the end of the day, he walks back through the door, allowing his mask to melt away. The darkness is left outside, his eyes always blinking as if in wonder at the light, the freedom, that he has walked into. He allows me to fold him into my arms, to bundle him up and protect him from the world, for just a little while. 

My life is full of so many mistakes, so many wrongs that I cannot atone for. But I can do this. I can love him, protect him. I can soften the edges that the day has wrought on his body, on his mind. I can show him a love that no one had ever shown him before, whisper I love you into his skin. You’re worth it.

I hate watching him go every morning, brows furrowed, shoulders tight. But here, in our tiny cottage, I see him smile. And I love him, love him, love him.  


Omggg@sitp-recs Liv of all Livness, first of her name, Queen of reccing, the doyenne of fic-reccery. Its your two-year tumblr-versary!!!!

What can I say about this kind, enthusiastic member of fandom, who raises people up and brings such joy to creators and readers alike? Only that you’re a lovely person, and awesome in every way. One who writes recs that make grown adults weep in gratitude over a single carefully crafted sentence about their work. And who’s introduced me personally to so many fics I might have missed and converted me to kinks and pairings I might have never sampled. A Drarry fan but also a staunch supporter of rarer pairs, which is why I’ve strayed from my usual wheelhouse to write a little Harry x Sirius for you, Miss Sit-pee.

I hope you like, Liv!

Mischief Managed

(Explicit, 1.7k words, Harry x Sirius, tags: Cross-gen, age gap, wall sex)


Nothing has been said, nothing solemnly sworn, but they both know what’s going to happen. They’ve known from the minute Sirius suggested this weekend away by the beach.

Thanks as always to my wee pal and fellow scone-scoffer @tackytigerfic for the beta.

Read on AO3


HAPPY 2-YEAR FANDOM ANNIVERSARY @sitp-recs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liv, you are such a positive force in this fandom. So many of us wouldn’t be here for you if it weren’t for your lists and all the heart and attention you pour into them. To express my love and gratitude, I wrote this little fic for you. I hope you like it!

Based on @lqtraintracks genius prompt:

Scarry – seducing an older man is an art form

The Snake’s Guide to the Older Man

Rated E | warnings: stalking, obsession, manipulation | 1.3K | Scarry

I felt like I needed a shower after reading this in THE BEST way.


@sitp-recs was one of the very first blogs I followed on this funny little site we all call home, and I believe can easily be credited as my gateway drug to… well, whatever the hell this is that I’m doing now.

Liv has been doing this for two years. TWO. YEARS. have you seen the absolutely insaneincredible amount of recs that she’s put out in that time? like, I’m not sure she’s even human tbh. putting together a rec takes time, plus a lot of love and emotional energy. trying to corral your feelings about something and then spit them out in a way that makes other people interested? it’s hard.

Liv, you’re such a gift to this community. I wanted to say thank you - so many of my favorite fics and authors came as a result of one of your recommendations. you’re truly such a gem and we are so lucky to have you. I wanted to gift you recs of some of my favorites so far from 2022 that I hope you’ll enjoy! For those of you who are not Liv, I’ve linked to some relevant lists of hers, if these are fics you enjoy!!

Once More With Feeling by @innerlilith // E // 27K // angsty, heavy fuck or die fic that turns so fucking soft and gorgeous. fav tag: origami as a vehicle for sexting.

recommended Liv lists:Fuck or Die,Hurt/Comfort,Hogwarts Eighth Year

The Only Magic Left Between Usby@lqtraintracks // E // 24K // Icried over this fic, just a bottomless well of emotions. but in the best way. fav tags: Draco Malfoy Has a Small Cock, Harry Loves It

but seriously check out Liv’s lists: Arranged/Forced Marriage,Size Kink,First Time

Pages of Youby@wolfpants // E // 54K // pen pals, mistaken identity, background Wolfstar, gay bookstore, this fic has it all. fav tag: lots of Blondie references

you’re basically guaranteed to find something you like: Non-Magical AU,Enemies to Lovers,Found Family

Vis-à-Vis-à-Visby@vukovich // E // 50K // I think my jaw was having open by the time I finished this fic, just a bunch of gibberish falling out. I had to question why I even try to write when vuk is out here doing this kind of masterpiece, but here we are! fav tag: Inappropriate Use of Legilimency

I love how specific some of Liv’s lists are: Case Fic,Presumed Dead/Disappearance,Drarry Against the World

The Things We Needby@kbrick // E // 25K // this was such a gorgeous take on love in its many forms, setting boundaries, and non-monogamy. fav tag: Smut with a Side of Angst

Liv has your back: PolyamoryExhibitionism,Jealous Harry

Keep Me Hereby@academicdisasterfic // E // 7K // Harry/Draco/Teddy // gahhhh I’ve re-read this so many times I can’t even tell you. I LOVE this triad, and this version is especially soft and so, so hot. fav tag: as usual these tags have gotten away from me

Ok this list of lists is probably my favorite on this list: Harry/Draco/TeddyCottagecore Vibes,Threesomes


Happy 2 Year Tumblr Anniversary, Liv!!

I’m afraid I can’t really express how much your friendship and your blog mean to me - you’re one of the most lovely, caring and kind people in this fandom and you absolutely SPOIL us with the amount of recs you created along those years - the variety of which is astonishing! I think I already said that at some point, but you seem to have a superpower to sense when one might need a boost and your well timed tags come to the rescue exactly when they’re most needed. You lifted my spirits more than once that way and I’m sure I’m not the only one - thank you so much for being the part of this fandom and for using your reading experience to guide us among the many fics that the super talented people of the Drarry Squad created.

For your blog anniversary I wish for you to always blog in a way that brings you the most joy and that our fandom will continue giving you as much love as you always have for others!

Now, to get to the part announced in the banner of this post: my wee gift for you is to try doing a rec list myself - and without furter ado, here’s a list of my 5+1 favorite rec lists that could be found on @sitp-recs - each of them featuring at least one, sometimes multiple, fics that I discovered thanks to you!

Pets (17 drarry recs)

  • Maybe that’s because it’s so close to how much I love animals irl, but I absolutely LOVE IT when Draco and Harry interact with various pets, creatures and fantastic beasts in fics - and this particular list covers all of those possibilities!

Time Travel (16 drarry recs)

  • One of my all-time-favorite-fic-tropes and thanks to this list I have a quick way of finding my fav time-travel!drarry stories (our tastes overlap here SO MUCH!). Also I endlessly appreciate you sorting your recs by the word count!

werewolf!Harry (10 drarry recs)

  • I know, I know, I so often say that I’m not a fan of a/b/o dynamics AND YET I can’t help it, your werewolf!recs have a certain ability to lure me into reading them anyway AND enjoying the hell out of them! The only reason it’s werewolf!Harry and not Draco is because I’m sentimental and one of the very first drarry fics I have read had werewolf!Harry in it.

1️⃣1st person POV (13 drarry recs)

  • This list is SO important to me because I used to be one of those people who would abandon fic as soon as I realized it’s written in 1st person - and miss out on so many amazing stories! Here was my chance on finding them again and hopefully it encouraged many people like me to give this form of narration a chance.

summer vibes (11 drarry recs)

  • For a person who can only tolerate summer in the smallest doses I have a super soft spot for fics written in this vibe - I guess it’s just so much easier to enjoy hot weather when it’s not me melting in the sun? xD And this list contains so many of my ultimate favs too - our overlapping tastes strike again!

+Author/Artist reclists (so far 14 rec lists)

  • For the +1 I’m gonna cheat a little and link a list of recs instead of fics. I’m one of those readers who when they enjoy a fic A LOT will then go on a wild binge read of other stuff by the same author - and those lists give me similar vibe to that absolute need to appreciate a creator as much as possible. Also, I can’t express how much it means that you also found a way to recs us artist and that my name features on that list as well - I will never forget the flood of emotions I felt when I first read that post… ;_;

(My list links only a very few examples of Liv’s fantastic recs, so make sure to follow to her blog and check out all of them HERE!)

thesleepiesthufflepuff: Happy fanniversary, @sitp-recs! Liv, your contribution to this fandom is ind


Happy fanniversary, @sitp-recs

Liv, your contribution to this fandom is indescribable. Your presence brings so many people, including myself, an immense amount of joy, and we appreciate your effort and dedication so much. I can’t even begin to tell you how many nights I’ve gone to your blog in search of something to read, and I’ve found so many treasures through the incredible rec archive you’ve created. Thank you so much for being here, for being you, and for being a light in the drarry fandom. Here’s a smutty little Pansmione drabble I wrote for you as a token of appreciation (eternal thanks to @lqtraintracks for the brilliant prompt and @crazybutgood for the wonderful beta)

Overture | E, 194 words

Your warm brown eyes meet mine from across the room. I recognise them instantly, knowthem intimately. It’s been ten years since I’ve seen you, but I haven’t forgotten. 

You’re talking to the Minister’s wife, but your gaze flickers to me every few moments, drinking me in. My cheeks warm underneath your stare, and I refill my champagne glass to occupy my hands. I take a sip, sharp bubbles filling my mouth as I remember our heated kisses, twisting two fingers inside you until you came with my name on your tongue. As I study you, red satin dripping off your curved frame, I think about how even now, after a decade of space, I still picture your skillful mouth pressed to my clit when I touch myself, your breathy sigh of relief when I finally sank into you after a year of fruitless office flirting. 

I live in Paris now, and until receiving an invitation for the Battle’s 10th Anniversary Ball and Fundraiser, I haven’t found a reason to return. Although I didn’t come here for you, perhaps you’re my reason to stay.

Swallowing the rest of my champagne, I cross the room.

Post link



@sitp-recs was one of the very first blogs I followed on this funny little site we all call home, and I believe can easily be credited as my gateway drug to… well, whatever the hell this is that I’m doing now.

Liv has been doing this for two years. TWO. YEARS. have you seen the absolutely insaneincredible amount of recs that she’s put out in that time? like, I’m not sure she’s even human tbh. putting together a rec takes time, plus a lot of love and emotional energy. trying to corral your feelings about something and then spit them out in a way that makes other people interested? it’s hard.

Liv, you’re such a gift to this community. I wanted to say thank you - so many of my favorite fics and authors came as a result of one of your recommendations. you’re truly such a gem and we are so lucky to have you. I wanted to gift you recs of some of my favorites so far from 2022 that I hope you’ll enjoy! For those of you who are not Liv, I’ve linked to some relevant lists of hers, if these are fics you enjoy!!

Once More With Feeling by @innerlilith // E // 27K // angsty, heavy fuck or die fic that turns so fucking soft and gorgeous. fav tag: origami as a vehicle for sexting.

recommended Liv lists:Fuck or Die,Hurt/Comfort,Hogwarts Eighth Year

The Only Magic Left Between Usby@lqtraintracks // E // 24K // Icried over this fic, just a bottomless well of emotions. but in the best way. fav tags: Draco Malfoy Has a Small Cock, Harry Loves It

but seriously check out Liv’s lists: Arranged/Forced Marriage,Size Kink,First Time

Pages of Youby@wolfpants // E // 54K // pen pals, mistaken identity, background Wolfstar, gay bookstore, this fic has it all. fav tag: lots of Blondie references

you’re basically guaranteed to find something you like: Non-Magical AU,Enemies to Lovers,Found Family

Vis-à-Vis-à-Visby@vukovich // E // 50K // I think my jaw was having open by the time I finished this fic, just a bunch of gibberish falling out. I had to question why I even try to write when vuk is out here doing this kind of masterpiece, but here we are! fav tag: Inappropriate Use of Legilimency

I love how specific some of Liv’s lists are: Case Fic,Presumed Dead/Disappearance,Drarry Against the World

The Things We Needby@kbrick // E // 25K // this was such a gorgeous take on love in its many forms, setting boundaries, and non-monogamy. fav tag: Smut with a Side of Angst

Liv has your back: PolyamoryExhibitionism,Jealous Harry

Keep Me Hereby@academicdisasterfic // E // 7K // Harry/Draco/Teddy // gahhhh I’ve re-read this so many times I can’t even tell you. I LOVE this triad, and this version is especially soft and so, so hot. fav tag: as usual these tags have gotten away from me

Ok this list of lists is probably my favorite on this list: Harry/Draco/TeddyCottagecore Vibes,Threesomes


Happy blogversary to the wonderful Liv @sitp-recs!!!

Liv has brought so many people into the Drarry fandom through her recs, including myself. She is so generous with her time and knowledge, and her fic recs are gorgeous.

Liv, we want you to know just how loved and appreciated you are, and how important you are to so many people. I hope you enjoy this little snippet of soft boys.

Special thanks to @phoebe-deliaand@lqtraintracks for the prompts, and @curlyy-hair-dont-care for the beta.

Prompts: “I hate him, until he smiles”; “Light” by Sleeping At Last

CW: implied secret relationship, implied mental health issues

Out Of The Darkness

I hate him, until he smiles. Before he smiles he is the saviour, he is the poster boy, he is the carrier of the weight of the world. But when he smiles he is Harry, my Harry. 

Out there, for them, he must be strong, stoic. He is the perfect Head Auror, his Order of Merlin, First Class, beautifully polished before each gala, each press conference. I style his hair, straighten his collar, shine his shoes. I cannot go with him, but I am always there, hidden in the shadows where only he can see me. It is not perfect, but it is enough. 

The public that praises him is the same one that spurns me. But they do not know what I know. They do not know that every word he speaks is written by me, his feet in my lap as we curl together by the fire. They do not know his impeccable manners have been drilled into him by me, over beans on toast and gooey brownies, during nights filled with laughter and love. That elegant waltz with which he leads the Minister’s wife is the same one that spins me around our living room as I hold him close, soothing his fears with my heartbeat alone. 

His public persona is perfect, free from any crack or strain. Each day he layers on his mask and steps out into a world that, to him, is as bleak as the one he grew up in. The public sees only the victorious saviour. I am the only one who knows the weight on his shoulders, knows that he will never consider himself done. 

But at the end of the day, he walks back through the door, allowing his mask to melt away. The darkness is left outside, his eyes always blinking as if in wonder at the light, the freedom, that he has walked into. He allows me to fold him into my arms, to bundle him up and protect him from the world, for just a little while. 

My life is full of so many mistakes, so many wrongs that I cannot atone for. But I can do this. I can love him, protect him. I can soften the edges that the day has wrought on his body, on his mind. I can show him a love that no one had ever shown him before, whisper I love you into his skin. You’re worth it.

I hate watching him go every morning, brows furrowed, shoulders tight. But here, in our tiny cottage, I see him smile. And I love him, love him, love him.  

Dralbus | T | 1.7k |Weddings and storms and the bittersweet feeling when your straight friend and sometime crush gets married (but at least his dad’s hot, right?)

Massive thanks to @tackytigerfic for the fab beta <3


This is everything, Scorp had said earlier, still giddy from the ceremony. I love you two, you know that? He had one arm around my shoulders, tugging me into him, and the other around Rose’s waist. Everyone I love, right here in one place. He turned to me, then, pressed a smacking kiss to my cheek, Rose giggling behind him. I hope – Al, he said, ardent as ever, I hope one day you get this lucky. You deserve it. Everything you want.

Everything I want.

If only I knew what that was.


Read Weather Warning on AO3 here


I wrote this, my first foray into cross-gen, for the lovely @sitp-recs, who’s been gracing fandom with her presence for two whole years now. When I was but a wee-un, staying up late into the night to devour longfic after longfic on my phone, months before I even dreamt of writing anything myself (or even had a Tumblr), I used to check out the latest sitp-recs rec to find my newest obsession. I discovered so many of my faves (and now my friends) through Liv, and I just thought it’s worth thinking about the sheer number of people who are probably doing the same as I did, right now. When I finally started writing, I remember thinking to myself that getting a sitp-recs rec would be like the highest fandom accolade. I couldn’t believe it the day it finally happened!

I only got chatting to Liv after joining fandom last year; we had friends in common and everyone was telling me how lovely she was, and of course they were absolutely right. It’s been great to get to know you, Liv, and to have someone else to shout about all my favourite fics with. I hope you’re having a wonderful day and feeling thoroughly loved and spoiled <3

(also, have a banner that I would hate to go unused!)


Sacred Geography (Grindeldore, M, 670)

Rated: M | Pairing:Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindewald

Summary: You’ve lived a life of penance all these years because of him. And with him sitting there, across this stupid Muggle table, staring at you with a mean knowing glint in his eyes, you realise why.

Read on AO3

This is a gift for my darling friend @sitp-recs. Liv, I couldn’t stop thinking about everything we talked on the topic of Grindeldore, so today, the day your tumblr blog hits its 2nd year, I would like to gift you a bit of angsty Jude/Mads hehe. I have no words to say how big a joy you are in my life, meeting you and getting to befriend you and read your magnific recs made my life so much better. The way we can share things easily, the way you feel so close even though there’s an ocean between us. Eu te amo um montão de verdade! You are the gift here, and I’m really happy we get to celebrate your amazing, wonderful recs and fandom activities with fics and recs and love and lists. Só faltou a caipirinha na praia que vai ficar pra próxima. Obrigada amiga. I hope you enjoy this lil one. <3

Massive thanks to @lqtraintracks for being such an amazing prompt generator and to @onbeinganangel for betaing it last minute and being a life saviour!


Omggg@sitp-recs Liv of all Livness, first of her name, Queen of reccing, the doyenne of fic-reccery. Its your two-year tumblr-versary!!!!

What can I say about this kind, enthusiastic member of fandom, who raises people up and brings such joy to creators and readers alike? Only that you’re a lovely person, and awesome in every way. One who writes recs that make grown adults weep in gratitude over a single carefully crafted sentence about their work. And who’s introduced me personally to so many fics I might have missed and converted me to kinks and pairings I might have never sampled. A Drarry fan but also a staunch supporter of rarer pairs, which is why I’ve strayed from my usual wheelhouse to write a little Harry x Sirius for you, Miss Sit-pee.

I hope you like, Liv!

Mischief Managed

(Explicit, 1.7k words, Harry x Sirius, tags: Cross-gen, age gap, wall sex)


Nothing has been said, nothing solemnly sworn, but they both know what’s going to happen. They’ve known from the minute Sirius suggested this weekend away by the beach.

Thanks as always to my wee pal and fellow scone-scoffer @tackytigerfic for the beta.

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Not Nineteen Forever (Drarry, 6k, E)

Summary:A rogue charm hits on a mission and suddenly, Draco is nineteen again. Harry is still thirty-five and doing his best to look after his de-aged Auror partner (and forget about his long unrequited crush) until St. Mungo’s can brew the antidote. Only, Draco insists on wandering around Harry’s flat wearing nothing but Harry’s pants, flirting like his life depends on it and in the end, Harry’s only human after all.

Tags: Age Difference, De-Aged Draco Malfoy, (But not a minor), Auror Partners, Pining, Harry is on Grindr and Draco reads his messages

A/N: This fic is a gift for the wonderful @sitp-recs who has given the fandom so much!! Happy two-year fandom-versary Liv!!!!!! We are all so lucky you’re here, writing incredible recs, helping people find amazing fics, making gorgeous banners and mood boards, and helping to build and sustain the friendly, supportive, no-bullshit culture that makes the Drarry fandom special.

Big thanks to @crazybutgood for the beta!

I was thrilled to receive this wonderful gift by @sorrybutblog last week and immediately fell in love with her young Draco, her daddy older Harry, their sexy and tender dynamics. I wanted to do something special in return and luckily that’s when @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm reblogged about @snarkyships-drarryside’s commissions post! I’ve been a huge fan of this artist since I saw the brilliant and charming artwork for The Liars Department and I had no doubt their style would fit this story like a glove! Thanks so much Snarky, for embarking into this with passion and enthusiasm, and for reflecting the exact tenderness I had in mind when I read this cuddle scene!!! It was amazing to see these panels coming alive and I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to gift a friend with your gorgeous work I hope you enjoy, Iota!!!
