#lovely fandom


Dralbus | T | 1.7k |Weddings and storms and the bittersweet feeling when your straight friend and sometime crush gets married (but at least his dad’s hot, right?)

Massive thanks to @tackytigerfic for the fab beta <3


This is everything, Scorp had said earlier, still giddy from the ceremony. I love you two, you know that? He had one arm around my shoulders, tugging me into him, and the other around Rose’s waist. Everyone I love, right here in one place. He turned to me, then, pressed a smacking kiss to my cheek, Rose giggling behind him. I hope – Al, he said, ardent as ever, I hope one day you get this lucky. You deserve it. Everything you want.

Everything I want.

If only I knew what that was.


Read Weather Warning on AO3 here


I wrote this, my first foray into cross-gen, for the lovely @sitp-recs, who’s been gracing fandom with her presence for two whole years now. When I was but a wee-un, staying up late into the night to devour longfic after longfic on my phone, months before I even dreamt of writing anything myself (or even had a Tumblr), I used to check out the latest sitp-recs rec to find my newest obsession. I discovered so many of my faves (and now my friends) through Liv, and I just thought it’s worth thinking about the sheer number of people who are probably doing the same as I did, right now. When I finally started writing, I remember thinking to myself that getting a sitp-recs rec would be like the highest fandom accolade. I couldn’t believe it the day it finally happened!

I only got chatting to Liv after joining fandom last year; we had friends in common and everyone was telling me how lovely she was, and of course they were absolutely right. It’s been great to get to know you, Liv, and to have someone else to shout about all my favourite fics with. I hope you’re having a wonderful day and feeling thoroughly loved and spoiled <3

(also, have a banner that I would hate to go unused!)



May 5, 2022

Today we are celebrating the incomparable Liv (and a little birdie mentioned we’re right around her fandom-versary!), also known as @sitp-recs​.

I don’t even know where to start with Liv and how just genuinely lovely she is. She’s not a published writer on AO3 but what she is, is one of those most amazing people - she’s a FIC RECCER

I don’t do a ton of recs myself because DANG they are SO MUCH WORK. I can’t even keep my own works page up to date! Liv gives SO MUCH of her time and joy and support to so many authors, and I’ve been lucky enough to be one of them. Not only does she do rec lists, author recs, and individual recs, SHE MAKES BANNERS FOR HER RECS TOO?? Like what is this magic?

It takes a huge amount of work to create the recs that she contributes to the Harry Potter fandom. She Is so generous, not only with her time and work, but with her words. She’s postive, uplifting, and just generally an incredibly sweet wonderful person. If you’re looking for fics, I highly HIGHLY recommend scrolling through her blog, you will not be disappointed.

@phd-mama you sneaky sneak coordinating this lovely post with all the other treats, I’m this was such a gorgeous surprise, I’m blushing with all those compliments and I’m so pleased that you love the recs so much! They’re indeed hard work but also as you know really fun and rewarding, especially when I get to rec a dear friend like you, or when I find the perfect banner! Joining the Drarry fandom was one of my best decisions and the highlight of my 2020 and I can’t wait to see what comes next. I’m so honoured to share this space with you! And I’m loving your May initiative, getting this boost today left me all emotional, thank you so much


Inspired by this post by demonlady.

Erik woke with a start and scrambled onto his knees as best he could from the bed of hay he’d been lying on, throwing the scratchy blanket off of his shoulders, wrists straining against the ropes that were binding them. The air was cold but his hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat.

“Good morning,” said a rich and honey-sweet voice from behind him. Erik whipped around, and looked up to see an imposing, bearded man in a thick, woollen cardigan and heavy-duty leather gloves, regarding him with interest.

“Where am I?” snarled Erik, tensing his muscles in preparation for a fight.

His captor spent a moment taking off his gloves before crossing his arms, his rolled sleeves revealing a pair of forearms thick with corded muscle, and flicking out his tongue to wet his red lower lip. “You’re saying you don’t remember?”

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