#harry greene


this has probably already been talked about, but i’ve been thinking about it a lot — about how in 1.05 when harry starts on tao and charlie, nick tries to defend them. “harry don’t start” + “stop picking on people for no reason”

but then harry says “aw! are you gay for them?”

making nick stop talking/trying to defend them. and then in 1.06 when harry starts again, nick doesn’t do anything. and you can see how badly he wanted too. and how ashamed he feels from not defending charlie


4 weeks (part 3)

part 1|part 2


Tao was so out of it because of what Harry said. He’s not very comfortable around Harry and what more if he goes to his house.

He was thankful that he was never called for a recitation whatsoever until the bell rang. He sat there for a while.

“Hey, twig!” Harry called from the door.

“Oh, bloody hell.” Tao muttered. He didn’t really wanna go.

Harry stomped towards him and slammed his palm on the desk. “Let’s get going!”

“Wait.” Tao was messing with things in his desk to delay the inevitable.

Harry knew Tao was stalling, so he grabbed him by his arm to make him stand up. “Come on!”

Tao fought by trying to stay in place.

“… I’m giving you a choice. Walk with me or I’ll carry you.”

Tao definitely didn’t wanna be touched any longer by Harry let alone get carried. So he just shrugged the rugby player’s hand off his arm and started walking.

As expected Harry’s house, or rather, estate was huge. It was a good drive from the gate to the front door. They were greeted by a line of maids and a butler. Tao couldn’t believe it. He just seen this in movies. Never in his dreams did he think he’d see this for real.

He knows Harry is rich. But he didn’t know thisrich. Old money, definitely. Harry just walked past the maids and the butler. Tao was smiling and nodding a bit as he trailed behind Harry.

Once inside, Tao was greeted by a huge staircase and a chandelier. He followed Harry up the stairs and into the hall straight to his room. His room that is like the size of his house. Tao was kinda pissed at that.

“Here!” Harry showed him to the study desk. He patted the seat and opened his book.

Tao was expecting to tutor Harry but he ended up making the homework himself as Harry played games on his PC. Harry was laughing the first few minutes and then he was pissed off and cursing the game.

“Grr!” Harry removed his headset and was visibly upset. He then stomped towards a door and disappeared inside. Some rambling noise after, Harry reappeared in a white shirt and grey sweatpants. Sweatpants that is still halfway on.

Tao looked over in time to see Harry slip in his leg into the sweatpants and pull it up completely. Before, he couldn’t understand this rave about guys in grey sweats, but looking at Harry now; he gets it. He sees it. He totally sees it.

“Tao, come.” Harry gestured to him to follow him out the door.

Tao cleared his throat, and mind, as he followed Harry to the dining room where dinner is waiting. Various seafood dishes awaits.

Tao sat beside Harry. “I take it seafood is your favorite?”

“Yeah. Shrimps. Lobsters. A few clams.” Harry said, devouring said lobster.

“Me too. But I only get some on special occasions. They’re not cheap.” Tao got his piece of lobster.

They ate in silence most of the time. After dinner, they went back to Harry’s room and Harry asked him to play with him on his console this time. Tao doesn’t know the game so Harry naturally wins. A few more games and Tao was getting better. There is competition now. And Tao was enjoying.

Enjoying with Harry.

‘Okay, this is not what I expected…I must go… I gotta go.’ Tao set down the controller. “Hey, Harry, I wanna go home.”

“Why? It’s still early.”

“I have to.”

“…Fine.” Harry set down his controller too and walked with Tao to the door. Hollering at a maid and ringing the driver.

Tao got in the car and looked back at the door. He was expecting a wave or a goodbye from Harry, but Harry was gone.

Ugh! What am I expecting.

Before they drove off, the maid ran after him and gave him a to go pack.

“What is this?” Tao

“Master Harry asked to wrap this for you. Lobsters.”

“Oh. T-Thank you.”

Tao arrived home shortly after. His mom saw him get out of an expensive car. She asked him a lot of questions. Tao just said he has a rich kid to tutor and was kind enough to send him home with a car. Then he showed her the lobsters, also his mom’s favorite.

“Wow, thank your new student and his parents for me next time, okay?”

And Tao realized, he never saw any family member while he was there. Just Harry. Maids, the butler, and the driver. No mom, no dad, no brothers or sisters.

Then he thought if Harry is still playing that game they played. Tao found himself watching YouTube videos of how to play it better. Then he remembered how Harry looked like when he said he’s going home.

Harry looked sad. Almost as if Harry didn’t want him to leave.

The next day, same thing, Luis picked him up, drove him to the school, he brings the bag to Harry in the showers and walk to his classroom.

“Harry?” Tao was curious, he had to ask.

“What is it?”

“When I was over at your house, I never saw your mom or your dad. Or siblings.”

“Why are you asking?” Harry’s voice was low.

“Just curious.”

“They’re at work. And I’m an only child.”

“Oh… explains why you’re a spoiled brat.”

Harry squinted his eyes yanked his bag from Tao and then disappeared into his classroom.

Lunchtime came and Harry sat with Tao, Charlie, and Nick. Charlie was still getting used to it. Nick was interrogating Harry if he treated Tao good. Harry was getting irritated.

“Nick, I am treating him good.” Harry answered as he set his, and Tao’s, lunch for the day: steak.

“I wouldn’t mind that.” Tao accepted the lunch.

Tao and Harry’s first week went like that. Routinely, every morning, lunch, and after school. Tao slowly got used to Harry’s company. And The next days in, Harry takes the tutoring seriously, not making Tao do his homeworks for him anymore.

“You’re not actually that bad in studies. You’re just… not focused enough with all your games.” Tao said, finishing the day.

“By the way, come with me this Saturday, let’s watch Dr. Strange 2.”

“Wait! Weekends are not included. Monday to Friday only, Harry.” Tao squinted his eyes. “Besides, I don’t watch Marvel movies.”

“WHAT?!? You’re mental! No way! You have to watch it.” Harry grabbed Tao by the arm and dragged him into a room.

A room that turned out to be a home theater. Harry then put on the first Ironman movie and made Tao watch.

“Agh! Harry I am not watching this!” Tao wanted to get outta there.

“Sit down and watch.” Harry pulled him back down to the seat.

A few minutes later, the popcorns and sodas were brought in by the maids. Tao stayed for the food. But he ended up watching the movie for real. He ended up enjoying it.

“It’s not so bad.” Tao said, setting down the empty bucket of popcorn.

“See?!! I told you. Ah! I will catch you up on the movies before the Dr. Strange 2.” Harry said, excitedly.

This is the first time Tao saw Harry like that. Full of excitement. All smiles, no smirk, no grin. He started lining up movies to watch. He played 1 more movie.

“Harry, I have to go home now.”

“One more movie, Tao. Come on! Please. You’ll enjoy this.”

Well, it wasn’t everyday Harry says please…’ Tao shook up the empty popcorn bucket. “Okay, but there’s no more food.”

“I’ll get us a sandwich.”

Harry rang for the maids and asked for a gourmet beef sandwich. And then they start watching the next movie.

The next days, Tao was fully immersed. He was always excited to go home with Harry to continue watching the MCU movies. They always have various gourmet sandwiches and soda as they watch. It was a Friday so they decided to marathon the movies. By the half of the movie, Tao felt Harry lean his head on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Harry asleep.

Tao didn’t know what to do. Harry looked so tired. He had an advance exam and an away game of rugby before this. So Tao just let him sleep on his shoulder as he finish watching the movie.

The movie was done but Harry’s still asleep. Tao was tired too. He had to tutor Harry extra hours the day before. And he had to come along to that rugby game in another school. So he stopped the movies and decided to just sleep too. Leaning his head on Harry’s.

“Hey, Tao. Wake up! Hey!” Harry was shaking him awake, holding up his phone.

Tao was still groggy from sleep. He just groaned and snatched his phone away into his pocket.

“Tao!” Harry was tapping his cheeks. “It’s past midnight now! I haven’t sent you home!”

“Oh… Oh!” Tao took his phone out again. There are dozens of messages, chats and missed calls.

Tao was driven home and when he arrived, Charlie was there, with Nick. Because his mom called all his friends and was worried sick

“Tao!” Charlie hugged him. “What happened to you? We’re so worried. Did Harry do something to you?!?”

“No! I’m fine. He didn’t do anything. Sorry, I just… I fell asleep. We were marathoning mcu movies.”

“What? You watch those now?”

“Okay, I know I looked down on them before but Harry made me watch and it was pretty interesting. We’ve been watching for days, actually.”

“Ohhh…” Charlie sensed that there’s more to it. He could only hope Tao continues telling the story.

“So, uhm… I was thinking, Harry asked me to watch the Dr. Strange 2 next week. Come with us. You and Nick.”

“Well, if Harry is okay with it. Sure!” Charlie held Nick’s hand.

So here they are, waiting on Nick and Tao for their popcorns and drinks. Inside the cinema, Charlie and Nick were holding hands and sharing popcorns. Tao and Harry were fighting over their popcorns. But halfway through, everyone was quiet and so focused on the movie.

After, Harry couldn’t stop talking about how good the movie was and he kept spouting theories after theories and so was Tao. Charlie and Nick just looked at each other, grinning.

They were walking when they pass by an ice cream shop. They decided to buy. As Harry and Tao say their orders, they call out the same flavors.

They both looked at each and smiled.

-+-+-+ ( to be continued ) +-+-+-

thank you. more on my master list here

I also have an AO3 account

Like the gifs used here? See source under them. Reblog, do not repost. Thank you all gif creators here ♥️

4 weeks (part 2)

part 1 here


Tao wasn’t able to sleep much because his service to Harry begins this morning.

Tao faced himself in the mirror and gave himself a pep talk. Then he went down after a few minutes.

Only to be greeted by a fancy car on his front door. With a chauffeur.

“What the-”

“Good morning, Master Harry sent me. Please, let me drive you to school.”

Tao got in the car and was surprised Harry wasn’t really there. The driver, who introduced himself as Luis, said that Harry goes to school earlier for a run. Tao was actually impressed the jerk was dedicated that much to the rugby team.

Then he received a chat from Harry. Making sure Luis picked him up. Then Harry told him to get the bag beside him and bring it to him in the showers of the rugby team.

“Ugh! Seriously?!?” Tao looked at the bag beside him.

Then Tao had an idea.

He went straight to the showers and saw that no one was around. So he just tossed the bag by the door and sent Harry a message.

-Bag is at the door. Bell end.-

-Bring it to me!- Harry replied, super annoyed.

-Get it yourself.-

-Fine. But you have to wait for me. It’s your job, remember? For 4 weeks.-


A few moments later, Tao saw Harry open the room’s door and reach for the bag. In only but a towel around his waist. Tao blinked a couple of times. Because his eyes were drifting to places he shouldn’t be looking at.

“Nice view, innit?” Harry boastfully said.

“Pervert.” Tao just rolled his eyes and turned away. Blushing because he got caught staring.

Harry disappeared again into the shower room and emerged a few minutes later. All dressed and smelling good. Handing over the bag to Tao.

Tao, at first didn’t get it, just standing there for a minute. Harry then hit the bag on his chest.

“You’ll be carrying my bag, twig.”

Tao let out a little oof and caught the bag. Dreading the next 4 weeks of this. Harry would slave the shit out of him.

Tao walked with Harry up to his classroom. He gave back Harry’s backpack and headed to his own classroom, seeing Charlie on the way.

“Tao? You’re with Harry? What’s happening?!?” Charlie was visibly confused and concerned for his friend.

Tao explained the situation and Charlie understood why Tao endures all of it. Tao love his mom so much. He just wish Harry would be good to Tao during those 4 weeks. He then made a mental note to talk to Nick about it. Maybe Nick can punch Harry again and say treat Tao good. Who knows.

Tao just sat on his seat when he received another chat from Harry.

-See you lunch. At our usual spot-

Usual spot???’ Tao was figuring out what usual spot he meant. They never hangout together so they can never have a usual spot.

Lunch time came and Tao headed to his usual table with Isaac by the field. Only Isaac wasn’t there, but Harry.

“You’re late.” Harry crossed his arms.

“… This is our usual spot?”

“Yeah. We alway banter here.”

“What do you want?” Tao asked as he sat across Harry.

“Lunch. You’re gonna serve me lunch.”

“S-Serve? You?”

“Yeah. Just go to the parking lot and get my lunch from Luis. Now.”

Tao couldn’t believe it. But he still did. He passed by Charlie and Nick as he headed for Luis. Tao knew that there would ba a talk between the three.

“Harry, hey. You better not treat Tao badly.” Nick told Harry as he stood beside him.

“I’m not treating him badly.” Harry denied.

“Then, why is he out there? What is he doing?” Charlie asked, voice a little high.

“My lunch. I asked him to get it.”

“Harry.” Nick was upset. “Don’t do that. He’s not a slave.”

“I paid 4 weeks of his service.”

“You’re taking advantage of his situation. I can’t believe you could be worse.” Nick shaking his head in disappoinment.

“You know, if you’re upset about Nick leaving your friend group because of me, direct that towards me. Not my friend. Not Tao.” Charlie

“I am helping him out here! Paid full and easier than him looking for other jobs out there.” Harry justified.

Nick towered over him. “Alright. We respect Tao’s decision. But I swear, Harry, I would punch you again if you did something bad to Tao.”

Charlie and Nick sat with him until Tao arrived. He has an expensive looking bento box in hand. 2 layers of it. He greeted Charlie and Nick. Then set the lunchbox in front of Harry.

Harry smiled and reached for it. Opened it and gave the 2nd layer to Tao.

“That’s yours.” Then he just started eating.

Tao stared at the lunchbox. It was full of seafood. Expensive ones. And undoubtedly fresh ones too.

“M-Mine? I have my own made by mom.” Tao pushed it back to Harry.

“Take it and eat it.” Harry pushed it back to Tao.

Tao looked at the expensive set of seafood lunchbox. There is tuna sashimi in there! He never had one. It is looking very enticing.

“I-I, Harry…” Tao hushed.

“Mnn.” Harry was enjoying his bento box, making Tao drool and stare more at his own bento box. “Come on, Tao. One of the perks of working for me.”

“Did you poison this?” Tao questioned.

“Ah! How dare you. I respect food. I will never do that. Now, quit whining and just eat it.”

Tao looked at Nick and Charlie, the two just shrugged.

“Okay, look. Give me any piece and there and I’ll eat. So you’ll know if it’s tainted or not.”

“Fine by me.” Tao took a piece at random and held it up to Harry’s mouth.

Harry opened his mouth and took the whole piece in. Chewing and swallowing. “There. I’m still alive. Not tainted.”

Charlie’s eyes were huge. And he is holding back a little grin. That looked like… that looked so… something couples would do.

Tao smiled to himsel and pulled the bento box closer to him and started eating.

Tao walked back with Harry after lunch. Tao has a smile on his face. He was so full. He loved that lunch. He was in heaven.

Until Harry spoke. “You’re coming home with me.”

“W-what? WHAT??”

“You’re tutoring me. I need help in Chemistry. You’re in advance Chem, right? See you later then.”

Tao wanted to protest but Harry was inside the classroom now.

Tao walked back to his classroom dreading the end of school. Going home with Harry.

-+-+-+ ( to be continued ) +-+-+-


thank you. more on my master list here

I also have an AO3 account

4 weeks (part 1)

heartstopper | harry x tao

Tao was forced to spend 4 weeks with Harry. Yes, that Harry Greene, the one he hates.

He had no choice but to come with Harry, accompany him to places and do things for him.

Because Harry had bought him.

“You’re mental!” Tao screamed as he tried hard to not punch Harry Greene. Being suspended is the last thing he wanted her mom to hear from school.

His mom just got out of the hospital and they were paying off the debt they accumulated from her hospital bill.

Even though his mom is telling him to not worry, he couldn’t. He sees her working double shifts and is looking for a 2nd job. If she keeps that up, she’d probably end up in a hospital again.

And Tao doesn’t want that. Ever again. So he had been looking for a job. Making copies about being a tutor after school ad and pinning them on the board.

Which Harry just tore off. “I have a job for you.” The rugby player declared.

“No, thank you.”

“You need money, right?”

“Yes, not from you, preferably.”

Harry laughed but mentioned an amount. And that amount is specifically what Tao needed and then some.

“I’ll pay it in full.”

“No. Piss off, Harry.”

Tao was walking away when Harry said: “Fine. I’ll see you in the hospital. For when your mom gets confined again from working too hard.”

How did he know? How did Harry know about his mom? Tao was angry. He whipped back around and grabbed Harry by his collar.

“Are you sure? Giving your mom the news of your suspension wouldn’t be good, yeah?”

Tao closed his eyes shut and his knuckles tight. Taking deep breaths. He has to calm down. “What will I do? What job are you gonna make me do?” Tao gave in. He loves his mom and they need the money.

“4 weeks. You will be mine for 4 weeks.”

That phrasing didn’t settle well for Tao. Mine? What the fuck is he saying?

“4 weeks of what? What will I be doing?”

“Just come. It starts tomorrow.” Harry takes out his phone and asked for Tao’s bank details, sending the payment in one go. “Don’t chicken out. I believe you have honor, yeah?”

Tao was kind of considering not showing up after getting the money but yeah, he has honor and will not definitely chicken out.

-+-+-+ ( part 2 here ) +-+-+-
