#harry imagine



part 1,part 2,part 3,part 4,part 5,part 6,part 7 (1),part 7 (2),part 8,part 9,part 10,part 11,part 12,part 13,part 14,part 15,part 16,part 17,part 18,part 19,part 20,part 21

Hope everyone is keeping themselves mentally/physically well… here’s the next update in your adventure. Please safely read from home ;) 


The sun moved slowly up my window, illuminating the dancing dust in the air. Even though I knew dust didn’t have feelings, it all still looked very peaceful, suspended there in space. 

I wanted to be suspended, floating, with no obligations or pressures. 

Instead, I watched time slip by, slowly, as the shadows stretched along my floor and I lay still, wrapped in a giant Winnie-the-Pooh sheets burrito. 

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part 1,part 2,part 3,part 4,part 5,part 6,part 7 (1),part 7 (2),part 8,part 9,part 10,part 11,part 12,part 13,part 14,part 15,part 16,part 17,part 18,part 19 ,part 20

HI LOVIES. Please enjoy a Friday update on the Frat Boy universe. This one is a bit of a breather after the TUMULTUOUS ANGST of the last chappie. Shorter than my usual, but it’s all the chapter needed. Tons more y/n and Harry interaction on the way in the next! Have a safe and happy day loves xx


Things I want:

  1. Live a life that helps others
  2. Financial freedom
  3. Experience a great love
  4. Visit the the Pincio Gardens in Italy
  5. To have more dreams and fewer nightmares
  6. Doodle more
  7. Acquire a first edition book, either because an old  friendly man who owns an antique bookshop decides to give it to me in a bonding moment, or because I have accomplished #2 and I am celebrating being a Boss Bitch
  8. To be happy

Please note: not necessarily in that order

It was taped above my desk, waiting for me to bring it in to the next session. I hesitated to write number 6. It was a dream I hardly entertained after committing my scholarly life to pursue medicine. I used to love to doodle. All the time. Since elementary school. I doodled so much my mom dedicated a wall in the house to my illustrations. She hung a sign above it that affectionately said “Y/N’s Doodles.” Seriously, you couldn’t get me to stop. Even if it was gross sappy sketches of my crush Billy who I would NEVER show on the playground at recess.   

My doodling stopped how these things normally do. Because life grew busier than anything else, and the sketchpad and easel my dad had bought for me at a garage sale became ignored, collecting dust in the corner of my room. At some point, it’d become a year since I’d drawn anything, and then it was two, and three, and by this point I’d realized I was the one who’d need to create her own stability in life and medicine was the more logical fit. It wasn’t that I didn’t see the value in drawing anymore, I just had other things take up my time. It became a comfort just knowing I usedto draw. Paul had paved his way, and now I was on my way to do the same. At least with medicine, my soul felt fed. It was almost comfort enough. 


A flying toenail hit my eye. 

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People really don’t think Harry is the most attractive man… That’s okay. Their opinion is wrong.

Harry is a beautiful man, but if we don’t get that album soon I’m going to have to curb stomp his ass
